Miles Upshur x Male! Insane! Reader (Outlast) (Part Two)

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This is all for fun so please no hate! I enjoyed writing the first part so here's a second~!

Again, I never wrote for an "insane" or "killer" before so I apologize if the reader is cringy or just boring. It's been a while since I played Outlast so sorry if anyone is out of character.

Y/n spent hours searching Miles. He was furious how his crush dared to run away from him. He searched under desks, in lockers and especially inside of vents.

He stormed into Eddie's workshop. As he entered, he saw Eddie tying a naked man to some wood, a saw between his legs. Y/n's anger vanished into happiness.

'You found a wife?!' He skipped over then leaned over the man's face, eyeing his features. 'How did you meet?'

'He ran away.' Eddie angry stated, his hand stroking the man's inner thigh. 'But it was my fault. I scared him.'

'You should never scare your lover.' Y/n frowned in disapproval of his friend then angry slammed his fist on the table. 'That reminds me!'

'Did something happen, my dear friend?' Eddie asked his friend, tugging Y/n dress. 'It fits you perfectly.'

'Thx for the dress.' Y/n smiled before angry explaining, 'I heard the most beautiful noise ever so I went to find the most handsomest man I ever seen.' Y/n said, smiling at the memory of that beautiful scream then said through gritted teeth, 'But when I confessed, he dared run away after we shared a passionate kiss!'

'... does he have two fingers missing?' Eddie suddenly asked.

'Yes! Did you see him?' Y/n flashed his best friend an excited grin, bouncing a little, really hoping Eddie did.

'He ran around the field, away from Billy.' Eddie informed.

'Thank you, my friend!' Y/n happily hugged Eddie's waist before giving his cheek a kiss, 'Good luck finding a bride~!'

Y/n waved bye as he ran away.

Y/n asked Billy, who tried to attack Y/n so Y/n was running away from him. As he walked past a locker, he could hear something. He stopped in his running then grinned. He put his ear against the cold locker, listening inside. He could hear nervous breathing, the sound of slight moving inside, the sound of something on a camera being clicked. He swinged the door open, meeting eyes with Miles.

'Found you~!'

Y/n took Miles' collar, pulling him out the locker, making him stumble then fall. Y/n was fast to place his foot on his neck, glaring down at him.

'I offer you my love and you just went and-' He pushed his foot more down causing Miles to choke, trying to push his foot off. '-ran away.' Y/n eyed the hall, searching for something. He saw nothing so he sighed. 'I will have to do this the hard way then. I was gonna use a pipe or something to slam your legs broke but-' Y/n smiled down at Miles. '-I guess I will have to use my feets instead.'

'W-wait! What?!' Miles asked, trying to process what's happening.

'I am gonna break your legs so you can't run away again.' Y/n innocently smiled, crouching down aside Miles, who was kicking his extremely exhausted legs in a pathetic manner.

'Get away, psychopath!' Miles tried to run away but Y/n took his leg, pulling his leg in such a fast, strong tug it caused Miles to slam on the floor.

He got up before putting his foot at Miles' knee. Y/n smiled, feeling excited as he slammed his foot down. The sound of something crushing came. Miles let out the loudest and most beautifulest scream Y/n ever heard making him squeal in joy. Miles' upper body was wiggling in pain, tears rolling down, shouting curse words.

'You fucking son of a bitch! You bitch-!' Miles began saying every curse word that he knew. When he felt Y/n take his second leg, he immediately began begging. 'NO, no! I will do anything! Please! Shit! Don't do it! Please, don't, it hurts.'

Y/n just stared at the crying begging Miles. Then he flashed him an innocent smile.

'Nope.' His foot slammed down, breaking Miles' other knee.

Miles began crying and yelling curses again. Y/n just checked his shoes to make sure they are still okay then he smiled down at Miles.

'Trust me, this hurted me as much as it hurted you. Having to hurt my own crush, it truly hur-'

'Stop lying, you son of a bitch!' Miles angry shouted, trying to crawl away with his arms.

Y/n just walked aside the crawling Miles. 'I did. I love you and you ran away. Couples aren't suppose to do that. Eddie taught me that. Eddie and I have been friends since we entered this place, he taught me many thi-'

'We are NOT a couple!' Miles angry shouted, trying to crawl faster.

Y/n just stared at the man, feeling annoyed he got cut off before smiling, following him again.

'Do you wish for a wheelchair?' Y/n asked, watching the crawling Miles struggle to crawl.

'Fuck off!' Miles swinged his hand at Y/n to signal for him to fuck off. 'I don't love you.'

'But we shared a kiss.' Y/n pouted, going on his knees then lifted Miles' chin. 'And even if you don't, I will make you love me.'

He leaned down, kissing Miles. But it was short because Miles slapped him. Y/n just stared then remembered what Eddie said, "Never force yourself on your lover". It was silly advice from a dude who cuts off boys dicks and then kills them when they're not good anymore.

'I apologize.' Y/n said while getting up. 'I will get you a wheelchair. Just wait here~' He winked then skipped away to go find a wheelchair.

Y/n found a wheelchair after searching some halls. He pushed it around, searching Miles. He couldn't go far since he had broken knees. Eventually Y/n found Miles trying to open a door.

'Need help?'

'Shit!' Miles cursed in shock, quickly turning then glared at Y/n. 'Fuck off!'

'I have your wheelchair. Come.' Y/n smiled, trying to take Miles' hand but he slapped it away. 'You fucking little shit. I love you and I'm trying to HELP YOU! But you IGNORE IT ALL!' Y/n angry screamed, roughly taking Miles hair then dragging him to the wheelchair. 'You ungrateful asshole. Every time I hate you, I fall back in love with you!' Y/n angry ranted to himself, dropping Miles' infront of the wheelchair. 'Now get in the fucking wheelchair before I also break your arms.'

Miles' didn't hesitate, he quickly pulled himself in the chair. He knew Y/n wouldn't hesitate to break his arms, he already broke his legs. He tensed up when he felt Y/n kiss his temple.

'Good boy. Now, let's go home.'

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