Female! Gijinka! Kirlia x Reader

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I wasn't planning this at all but while looking at some Gijinka, I saw this AMAZING art of Kirlia. The art was by Tamtamdi, who has AMAZING Gijinka art.

I do admit, I'm not the biggest fan of Ralts, Kirlia or Gardevoir, I just found the art so amazing I HAD to write this.

Please no hate, this is all for fun. Requests always open!

You were at the moment running through the school halls, trying to get away from your bully, Primeape. Why is he angry? Dunno, you just made eye-contact with him and suddenly he began yelling at you in anger. You notice the doors to the gym so just slam them open then slam them shut. When you turned, saw Kirlia. Everyone knows Kirlia. She always dances in the theater plays, has a beautiful body that would attract both girls and boys. You froze when she stopped her ballet twirl then looked at you. She had emotionless eyes but they were narrowed, obviously a bit confused to why you just stormed in.

'Shit!' You quickly said, realizing you interrupted her. 'Sorry, it's just, there's this dude who wants to beat me and this room was the only one where I could hide aaaand...' You trailed off, realizing you were just ranting. 'Sorry. I will leave.' You nervous smile then turn and open the doors, only to see Primeape angry storm past so quickly shut it. 'On second thought... I'm gonna stay a few more seconds.'

'Do what you want.' Kirlia said. Such a beautiful voice... 'Just stay quiet and don't interrupt me again.'

You quickly nod then walk to the bench. Sat down and watch as she continued her ballet dance. You knew nothing about ballet so this was amazing to you. You watch as she did a jump. Sadly when she landed, she suddenly fell so curse then ran to her side.

'Are you okay?!' Quickly take her hand to help her up. When she was standing again, she spoke.

'I'm fine.'

'... you sure?' You frown, unsure considering she was leaning off the foot she just hurt.

'I am fine.' She said, more strict, obviously wanting you to stop asking it. 'I just never land that landing.'

'Well... I have a friend who also dances. If you want, I can ask her to help you.' You awkward explain, slowly taking phone, already getting ready to give your friend's number if she agrees.

'Who is she?' Kirlia glared. 'I don't need someone to ruin my dancing.'

'Rude...' You mumble while searching a picture of your friend. Smile when you found it. Quickly turn the phone and said, 'Her name is Oricorio. She dances salsa now but I think she used to dance ballet.'

'You think?' Kirlia raised her eyebrow.

'I'm certain.' You correct. 'So... want her number or not?'

'I want your number.' She suddenly said.

'... what?' You ask, unsure if you heard it wrong or not. 'Ow... of course! Of course. But why?' You turn your phone to show your number.

She took her phone out her bag then tapped some stuff before she began typing your number in.

'I don't like texting strangers.'

'Aren't I also one? You don't even know my name.'

'What's your name?' She glanced up into your eyes then back down at her phone. 'I got it.'

Nod and stuff your phone back in your pocket. 'My name is Y/n.'

'Kirlia. Now we aren't strangers anymore.'

'Euhm... okay?' You confused said. 'Just text me if you need Oricorio's help.' Give her a smile. Before you could say anything else, the school bell rang loudly so both look around then she took her bag.

'See you in class.'

'Yep.' She walked off so you quickly yell, 'In class?! We are in the same class?!'

But she already left. So just stare then groan, feeling bad about not knowing such a fact. Quickly chase after her so you can both walk to class together.

So that's how you and Kirlia met. Since you now knew she was in your class, you would always try to sit close to her, tell her good morning when you see her. She tried to ignore you but eventually she couldn't help but open up to you. Eventually she began texting you, not for Oricorio's help, just for fun.

I feel as if this was a bad image so sorry for that but again, this was all written because I was bored and wanted to try writing a Gijinka one-shot.

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