Eddie Gluskin x Female! Kidnapped! Reader (Part 1)

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Eddie is my favorite character from Outlast, but I'm already a bad writer and I never written for someone with his personality so this is basically a test to see whether I can write for someone like him or not. Tips on how to write one-shots better are always welcome~

Trust me, there is a reason to why the reader is a female. I personally hate when people make readers female, but it's needed now or else part 2 won't make sense. I'm sorry if Eddie is out of character, I haven't played the game in months.

Y/n was visiting her family member at the worst time ever. One minute it was all peaceful and the next she was running for life from some weirdo who was trying to eat her.

Her legs were burning with each step she took. She hasn't taken a break in hours, she would love to, but she was unable to. Every time she stopped, a new person suddenly appeared, either to kill her or eat her.

Y/n let out pants as she came to a stumbling stop inside a weird room. There were tables lined up, stitching machines on them. Some had fabrics aside them, others had covers over them.

'I'm starving...' Y/n whispered as she sat on the most stable-looking table.

Her eyelids closed, feeling exhaustion, starvation and thirst taking over the fear. As she let out a sigh, rubbing her thighs, a voice came from further in the room.

'Ah, darling-'

'WHAT THE-' Y/n couldn't help but yell, trying to get up but she put her foot wrong causing her to fall onto her side.

She let out groans, clenching her ankle, wondering if everyone on this floor heard her shout and will now come to kill her. She heard taps of shoes so she froze, realizing she is gonna die.

'I'm terribly sorry, dear, I didn't mean to scare you. I should have realized you were lost in your dreamland.'

Y/n slowly looked to meet a tall figure, his eyes staring at her with... love? All Y/n could do was stare at his eyes, shocked by how red they are before she noticed the blisters on his cheek. He wore this weird self-made outfit which he clearly made with one of these stitch machines.

'The floor is cold and dirty, darling.'

The man held his hand out with a soft smile as if he was just meeting someone outside in a peaceful park and not in a murderous asylum. Y/n was unsure what to do, unsure if she got up he might just stab her, or if she kept lying down he might just stomp her to death.

'W... What's your name?' Y/n gathered the courage she had left to ask this question.

'How rude of me.' He chuckled, gesturing his hand closer, probably thinking she didn't notice his hand. 'I'm Eddie Gluskin, your future groom.'

'... my future groom?' She slowly repeated, putting her hand on his hand;
He helped her up with this kind smile before he gave a firm nod.

'Of course. We are destined to be together.'

'I'm sorry but... I-I think you have the wrong person.'

But Y/n got no reply this time, instead Eddie's hand tighten around her hand, forcing her fingers painfully together, so she let out a pained moan, her other hand patting his, quickly saying,

'You're hurting my hand!'

'Oh?' Eddie asked before he looked at her hand, finally loosening his grip. 'I apologize, my darling, I was lost in thoughts. Don't be silly, you're the correct person.'

Y/n let out a shocked scream when Eddie suddenly turned her, his chest against his back. She watched his hands go on her hips.

'Look at you, dear. Such a good body-' His right hand trailed up her body, trailing his fingers across her stomach, between her breasts before stopping at her neck, giving it a little squeeze. 'Such a beautiful face.' His left hand trailed down, to the inside of her thigh, giving it a squeeze. 'Such a nice personality.'

Eddie watched as she was shaking in fear, watching his left hand, trying to ignore the fact his right hand is squeezing her neck a little.

'Don't be scared, dear, I will protect you. The others won't harm you.'

Y/n was very tempted to shout "I'm scared of you!" but she chose to keep quiet and nod, realizing this man is insane and disagreeing with the fact she isn't his bride will get her murdered.

'Please forgive me for what I'm about to do.'

Eddie whispered in her ear making her freeze, panic filling her body. Before she could turn, asking what he means with that, something hard with her head causing darkness to fill her vision.

"Where am I? What happened?"
Y/n asked herself in her mind. As she sat up, she realized she was on a bed. It had tears and stains. Her foot was in a shackle cuff, a chain leading to a pole aside the bed, where a chain was tightly wrapped around it several times.

'Ah, you're awake.'

Y/n couldn't help but jump before she looked to see Eddie sitting on a chair in the center of the white room, a table in front of him with a torn shirt which he was stitching close.

'Do you like our new home?' Eddie smiled, doing his hand to the right side of the room where a small kitchen was and a door. 'I do admit, it isn't the best house, but as long as you're here, I can stand it.'

'...' Y/n just stared, her words failing her. 'Wh-what's that door?'

Was all she could come up with, pointing to the door on the left, close by her bed.

'The bathroom.' Eddie smiled as he continued focusing on the shirt.

"Which means... that door is the exit?!" Y/n's eyes were quick on the door aside the kitchen.

'Dear.' Y/n's eyes snapped back to Eddie, feeling fear and panic beginning to rise in her. 'Are you hungry?'


'Oh, we can't have that.' Eddie smiled as he put down the shirt and got up, walking to the kitchen so Y/n quickly said,

'I-I will cook!'

As she hurried over, the chain suddenly snapped causing her to get tugged so hard she lost balance and fell. Eddie was quickly aside her, worriedly asking,

'Oh my dear! Are you okay?'

'...' All Y/n could do was pant, tears forming, realizing she is fucked because she can't reach the door, the only way she can leave this weirdo.

'Does it hurt that bad?' Eddie frowned at her tears, putting her jaw in his hands, his thumb stroking her cheekbone.

'W-why...' Was all Y/n whispered, tears rolling down as she stared at his chest, trying to figure out how everything went so wrong and why this weirdo has such an obsession with her.

'Why?' Eddie repeated, staring before he took the chain connecting her to the pole. 'I can't have you running away, can I?' He gave her a kind smile, helping her up. 'You have a habit of falling, don't you?' He chuckled, stroking her hair. 'Now, my dear future bride, rest while I make us some dinner.'

Y/n just stared before she turned on shaking legs and walked back to the bed. She crawled on it before laying down on her side, watching Eddie's back as he was putting a pan on the stove.

'E-Eddie... Will you ever let me leave?'

Eddie froze before he clenched the pan handle tightly, crushing the can of food in his other hand before he looked over his shoulder at her, giving her a grin.


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