Deuce x Reader (Monster High)

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Deuce is my favorite guy from Monster High. I made this for fun so please no hate! Reader is whatever gender you are. You can choose whatever Ghoul/Manster you want to be, I won't say your species of whatever monster you are.

I discovered few minutes ago that Deuce can cook amazingly so I thought of this imagine.

I have a Monster High x Reader Scenario book so please check that out!

You were sitting on the stands in gym class. The boys all playing Casketball. The girls practicing cheerleading. Clawdeen ran over then asked,

'You sure you will be okay?'

You just nod. Why did she ask? Because you broke your hand few days ago and they are all overreacting. Draculaura even cried, acting as if you're dying.

'Think you can keep my bag safe?' Nod then take her bag. 'And my earrings.' She took her earrings off so open palm so she layed them on your good hand palm. 'And my ring and braclets.' She took them off then also layed them on your palm. 'And my sketchbook.'

'C-Clawdeen?' You nervously said. 'I can't carry anymore.'

'Ow, right. I better go.' She hurriedly ran off to Frankie.

You just put her jewerly in the tiny pocket of the bag then put her bag on your lap. When you looked up, notice Deuce staring. Gave him a confused face so he quickly turned. His cheeks were red. Is he blushing?

After the Casketball game, notice Clawd teasing Deuce about something. Clawd nod to you so you immediatly got curious. Deuce nervously glanced then seemed to agree with whatever Clawd said. Ow, shit! He's coming your way. You quickly sit up, nervous to why Deuce would come to you. When he was near, he gave an awkward smile then said,

'Euhm... how is your hand?'

'It's healing rather quick. I barely have to move it.' You chuckle then nod to the girls. 'Their all so overprotective right now.'

'Well, I can understand that.' Deuce said. 'Mind if I, erm, sit?'

'Sure!' Quickly shuffle a bit so he can sit down on the bench. 'Why are you so nervous?'

'Well... we don't talk a lot. So this is a bit awkward.' Deuce said.

'You are in the same classroom, right? Wanna be friends?' Give him a smile.

'Of course!' He quickly said then awkward coughed. 'I mean, that be cool.'

Chuckle at how he is still trying to act all cool.

So after that awkward encounter, both would hang out a lot. Both grew closer. And of course, you got a crush on him. You always had. Who wouldn't? He is one of the handsomest boys in the school. Today, you were a bit sad and weren't feeling like going to class. You couldn't even write anything down since your hand is still in a cast. Were dragging your own feet, walking as slow as Slo Mo would.

'Something wrong?' Curse and flinch before quickly turning.

'Deuce.' You smile as the Gorgon. He just gave a playful wink then asked,


'Just don't want to go to class. And I'm sooo hungry!' You groan at the end, slouching even more if possible.

'Well... we can always skip. And I know where the kitchen is.' He smirked. Just stare at him before grinning.

'Let's do it!'

Both grin like idiots at each other. He excitedly took your good hand then both ran through the halls, hoping no teacher will magically appear and give you two detenion. He lead you through the halls. Soon he appeared at some door then pulled out various of keys.

'Woow, are those all the keys to each door of the school?' You laugh in amaze, staring as he unlocked the door.

'Not EVERY door but almost.' He shrugged. 'Come on. We have to hurry before the bell rings which is-' He pulled out his Icoffin then smirked. 'Is still a half hour.'

'You are so amazing.' Chuckle while patting his back then hurry inside the kitchen. Open the big fridge. Various of food was in it. 'Woow, they have all this and they feed us crap?'

'Yeah. Unfair, right?' Deuce cringed at the thought of the cafeteria food, taking some items.

'Huh? You know how to cook? I can cook us something.' You nervously said.

'Well... I never told anyone, not even Clawd but I'm an amazing chef.' He smiled, looking a bit embarrassed at this. Just stare then laugh. 'I know, silly, right? The Casketball captain able to cook.'

Just snicker then hug him from behind so he looked in shock. Just do chin on his shoulder and smile.

'It's not weird.'

'My cousine always teases me about it.' Deuce mumbled, placing down the items.

'I think it makes you boyfriend material.' You chuckle, pulling out a pot and a pan from the cabin.

'B-boyfriend material?' Deuce quickly turned to you but you were more focused on turning on the stove.

'Well, yeah. Able to cook, is hot, plays sports, is nice. I can keep going but then we would be here for five more hours.' You jokingly said at the end, steping aside so Deuce can begin his cooking.

He was shaking a bit so were confused but then laugh when seeing his face was red.

'Thx.' Was all he mumbled, dropping some meat in the pan. 'You are also awesome.'

'Thank you.' Smile at him then sit on the kitchen counter, watching him cooking. 'You really are good at cooking.'

'You haven't even tasted it.' He laughed.

Just roll eyes then wait for him to finish. Kicked your legs like a child waiting for something so Deuce chuckled at it.

You both went to the fountain since it's funner there to eat then in the messy kitchen. You were stuffing your mouth, almost choking but didn't care, it was so delicious!

'Woow, slow down, Y/n.' Deuce laughed. 'You will choke again.'

'But it's so good! You have to good for me everyday!' You laugh, finally calming down from stuffing your mouth.

'I will do it-' Look in shock when he said it but he wore a nervous smile. 'If you become my girlfriend/boyfriend.' Just stare in shock then laugh. 'Euhm... is that a no?' He awkward asked.

'No, it's a yes. It's just, I didn't expect you to ask me like that.' You nervous chuckle at the end.

'So we are a thing now?' Deuce said. Could tell he was trying to hold back his excited grin so chuckle.

'Yes.' Nod then yelp when he hugged you.

'Nothing can ruin my week now.' He said, happy doing his arm around your waist and holding you, grinning like a dork.

Just laugh then lean against his side, eating his delicious food. Of course all his friends teased him for weeks about this. He kept his promise. He would cook something for you everyday. If not lunch, then he would bake you some cookies, which he told you to not tell his friends that he can bake cookies. Both were so happy together.

I'm not good at ending stories but I hope you had fun reading this thing I wrote for fun.

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