Child! Leon x Abused! Child! Male! Reader (Pokemon)

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Like I always say, this was written for fun so please no hate. Also I wrote this in the middle of the night so I was half the time falling asleep. I literally made this whole one-shot idea in one minute so I'm sorry if it's bad.

Leon was chasing his Charmander through the forest, trying to keep up so he can hold his umbrella above his tail as rain fell down. As Leon ran, he heard quick, loud footsteps before a figure appeared out of nowhere from behind bushes. The two crashed into each other causing the two children to crash on the dirty.

'Hey, that hurt.' Leon frowned, sitting up.
He looked at the boy around his age. The boy was on his knees and hands, tears rolling to the tip of his nose then crashing on the dirt.

'A... Are you okay?'

Leon softly asked, approaching the boy. As he took the boy's shoulder, the boy turned, his hand slapping Leon's arm so Leon was quick to stumble back. Leon would have been annoyed, if it was not for the boy's features. The boy had a bruised cheekbone, his other cheek had a red inprint of a hand, his arms had small, circle-shaped burns. The boy crossed his shaking arms, trying to cover the marks.

'You must be freezing!' Leon quickly said when noticing the boy wore short pyjama pants and a sleeveless shirt in this cold, rainy weather.

Leon pulled off his jacket before holding it out to the boy. The boy just stared with widen eyes as if he is seeing an act of kindness for the first time before he quickly took the coat and began pulling it on. The boy tried to zip the jacket close but his shivering fingers kept missing the zipper, so Leon took the zipper and closed the jacket.

'Is that better?' Leon smiled, watching the boy slowly nod. 'What is your name?'

'Y/n...' The boy said in a whisper, his arms crossed again, his hands clenching the jacket sleeves, his eyes looking at everything but Leon.

'Cool name. I'm Leon! Let's be friends.'

'... friends?' Y/n slowly asked. 'I never had a friend before.'

'Oh, it's simple. Having friends is very fun, I have many.' Leon grinned before frowning at the ground. 'Charmander is gone...'

Y/n pointed so Leon looked to see the flame of Charmander's tail poking out a bush. Leon laughed, thinking it was a very funny sight while Y/n just watched Leon laughing.

'Are you going home?' Leon asked, watching the sky turning darker. 'I should go home or Mum will get worried.'

'I don't want to go home.' Y/n said as he watched a couple walk by.

'Why not?'

'...' Y/n kept quiet, his hand scratching the bruise over his cheekbone.

Leon stared before he smiled. 'Don't worry. You can stay at my place, Mum is very nice, she welcomes all my friends with open arms. She might even make you dinner.'

'Dinner? W-what is for dinner?' Y/n nervously asked, following Leon as Leon walked to his house.

'I think it was spaghetti today.' Leon said, frowning in thought.

'I always wanted to try spaghetti. My parents just give me bread... It gets tasteless after a few months.'

Leon stared at Y/n as the two walk before he smiled and said,

'Then I will ask Mum to make you eggs and bacon in the morning! If we're lucky, we might even get ice cream tonight.'

Y/n and Leon sat in the living room, watching TV, ice cream on their laps. Leon's Mum was very nice, giving him food and even putting ointment and band-aids on Y/n's injuries.

'Do you have a dream, Y/n?'


'I do. I want to become the champion of Galar!' Leon jumped up, striking a pose so Charmander copied his pose the best he could. 'And I will defeat every single person who dares challenge me with my amazing Charizard!'

'I want to see that.' Y/n said, clapping his hands softly so Leon happily posed some more poses before flopping back down on the sofa.

'You can sleep on my bed tonight. I have a big bed, we can fix.'

'Mom says people who want sex only sleep together...' Y/n awkwardly mumbled.

'What is sex?' Leon blinked, confused.

Y/n stared before he stuffed a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth, letting out a muffled "Nothing".

Y/n laid on Leon's bed, suddenly feeling scared. Worry began filling his mind, images of what abuse he will receive when he finally returns home. Y/n might be a child but he was smart enough to know he won't receive a hug when he comes home after running away, but instead get hit for thinking he could run away.

'I-I think I should go home.' Y/n quickly sat up, his hands shaking. 'M... my parents will be angry if I don't come home-'

Suddenly Leon's arms were around Y/n, and Y/n had never expierenced such a warm, comforting feeling before. He didn't know what to do. Whether to cry, smile or hug back, so he did all three.

'Don't worry, Y/n.' Leon smiled, stroking the boy's hair in a soothing way. 'Mum agreed to let you stay, so you can relax now, your parents won't ever hurt you again.'

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