When you pass out from working too much (My Time At Portia)

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I found this in my drafts. Not gonna include more characters but figured should still post.


He had this happen before, when he was younger and he was first gonna take the Flying Pigs Guild exam. He was so nervous and stressed and had actually overdone his body with all the exercise he did so he ended up fainting. So he kind of understood what's happening when you suddenly passed out. He was still nervous of course since he's no doctor but he did what he was taught to do; lay the person in the right position, check if they are breathing, and raise their legs. When you came back he was quick to lean close, placing his hand on your cheek and calling your name then asking if you are okay, can hear and see him still. When you said of course, he sighed that's good and you had him worried. He helped you sit up then told you he knew this was gonna happen. As you spoke of all your stress and worries he listened before telling you it sounds like you need a well deserved break. He understood it well when you groaned out you can't and people always need your help with something because that's how he felt; he's scared to take a break as well from work because it seems new things are always helping that need his help. So he held out his pinky, asking if you want to agree to take a break if he also takes one, chuckling you two can spend the break together if you get lonely and/or bored.


She let out a curse, catching you just on time before you hit the floor. She groaned as an unconcious person is way heavier than one would think. Once she had you down safely on the ground she told herself to calm down and remember what Physill told her to do when dealing with injured and/or passed out people. As she was about to begin you suddenly woke up, scaring her then making her mumble you woke up quicker than she expected. She crouched down and asked if you are okay. She put her hand to your forehead, asking if you are sick. When you groaned all of the things you still have to fix and all the people who have asked for your help in the last few days alone she admitted even she would pass out from all that work and stress. She pat your shoulder, assuring you she will handle this so don't worry. So after that she asked Physill to check on you for a few days and asked some of the residence to wait with bombarding you with tasks until you have finished your current ones and rested a bit.


He let out a "hey!", catching you as you began wobbling. He laid you down gently then called your name while gently slapping your cheek. When you finally came back again he gave you a smile and a gentle "hey" then asked if you are feeling fine. He helped you sit up as you mumbled you think so. He asked you why you fainted then asked if you didn't sleep or eat enough. When you admitted you might have been taking on more than you can chew he sighed and said you builders are always doing that and should really learn to take it slow and take a break now and then.


She gasped then took her apron off and waved it over you, calling your name repeatedly then stuffed the apron under your head, telling you to wait. She ran off then returned with a glass of cold water and threw it over you. When you woke up and asked why your face is drenched in water she let out a nervous laugh and said not to worry about that before she took the apron from under your head and wiped your face with it. She asked Physill what to do later at the tavern, only to let out an "ow" when Physill said she should avoid doing those two things. So Sonia sighed that these are not things normal people know but they are important then she got an idea. That week an event where Dr. Xu and Physill show the residents, almost all of who showed up, how to do CPR, what to do if someone passes out, or what to do when someone chokes.


You stood at the commissions board when it happened. The papers he held almost flew out his hand from the way he jumped in surprise at the sudden loud bang. His head was quick to whip your direction then drop the papers and hurry to you, calling your name before looking around for anyone else but sadly the place was empty at the moment. He groaned then softly slapped your cheek, calling your name. When you finally came back he sighed then asked if you are okay. He gently stroked your hair as you mumbled more confused than pain really. He gently pulled your arm up to tell you to tell up then guided you to the sitting area before helping you sit down. He forgot all about work and just sat aside you, talking with you while gently rubbing your arm or holding your hand to comfort you, telling you as a joke but you felt he also means it that he's not allowing you near that board again until you have taken a well deserved break.


She let out a "ow dear" then just sighed, having suspected this would happen days prior. No person could withstand that much work, stress, and overworking without it impacting their body and health. She calmly but hurriedly checked if you are still actually breathing okay then laid you properly before raising your legs and just waiting for you to regain conscious. When you finally came back she calmly told you what happened. When you tried to get up she was quick to push you back down, telling you to wait a bit then told that she knew this was gonna happen so she already got some herbs to help you out so she will bring them later.


She let out a gasp then worriedly called your name. As you didn't reply she groaned then told you to wait before running away. All that time of running to certain locations to be on time for a good story made her very quick. She managed to get Dr Xu before you even regained conciousness. As Dr. Xu was helping you Mei stood back, watching with worry. When Dr. Xu said the cause is most likely stress and overworking Mei was quick to tell you you have to take a break and she knows many good spots for relaxing so she will show them to you tomorrow. And she did; the next day you were stuck following her around as she insisted on showing you all the good spots you can relax at.

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