Child! Edward Kenway x Child! Reader (Assassin's Creed Black Flag)

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I have been playing Assassine Creed Black Flag for two days and I already love it so much! So I thought Edward deserves a chapter here but then I remember I'm bad at writing and for sure for pirates and such. So sorry if this is bad.

Also someone asked what gender the reader is: the reader is whatever gender you are. This is a really short chapter...

You stood on the docks, waving with your right hand as your left held your plushie. Edward, your best friend, stood aside you, watching your father's ship sailing away with eyes filled with excitement and amazement.

'I wanna be a pirate when I grow up!'

'Why? People get hurt...' You mumbled, following Edward off the docks, when he suddenly ran so you had to also run to keep up. 'Wait, Edward!'

'Your so slow.' Edward groaned before he took your free hand and dragged you along.

Both went on some hill that was a bit further away from the town. Edward always liked climbing on stuff and starting fights with the other children in the town. You would always just stand behind him, worrying for his safety. Edward picked up a stick then swinged it around, acting as if he was fighting a pirate.

'I will  all the other pirates on sea and be known as the best captain around! Hunt for animals-'

'But animals are cute.' You frown, hugging your plushie.

'Fine, I will only kill the scary ones.' Edward rolled his eyes then chuckled. 'What do you wanna be in the future?'

'I wanna stay with you.' You said with a smile. 'So a pirate!'

'A weak, little child like you?' Edward leaned down to your height with a teasing smile as you pout at him. He ruffled your hair so you curiously ask,

'What should I do then?'

'Mmmm.' He looked around, thinking what would fit you, but then he grinned. 'Be my wife/husband!'

'Why?' You asked, confused.

'Well, because you can cook and clean clothes.' Edward shrugged. Then he grinned, taking your hands so your plushie fell. 'And because I love you!'

All you could do was stare, shocked at his sudden announcement but then you also laughed.

'I love you too!' Happily yell before skipping around in the grass, singing. 'I'm gonna be Edward's wife/husband!'

Edward just laughed then took your plushie off the ground before he chased after you. He went in front of you in a pose as he announced,

'I will be the best captain with the best wife/husband in the world at my side!'

Edward flashed you a big grin before putting your plushie on your head. He took your hand and both went back to the town. You just laughed, trying to keep up with his quick pace, holding his hand in a tight grip, excited for the future.

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