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New chapter of Delicate is up! Go check it out :)


"Baby! Wake up!" I heard Sam yell. I let out a groan and turned on my side trying to block him out. I hated being disturbed when I was in the midst of a good dream. "Wake up," he whined again trying to pull me up. I kept my body limp and fell back onto the mattress making him groan out of frustration. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but I am fully capable of picking you up."

"What?" I whined.

"It's Christmas, now wake the fuck up," he yelled and jumped on the bed.

"Sammy! Language!" Lori yelled across the hall causing me to laugh a little. I opened my eyes and saw that he was hovering over me with a bright grin on his lips. I sighed and sat up nearly bumping heads with him. "Come on, everyone. We're going to open up presents!" I let out a yawn and Sam walked over to Raina's crib and picked her up.

"Merry Christmas, baby girl," Sam smiled and kissed her forehead. I grinned and got out of bed and threw my arms to stretch them and crack my back. "That's gross," he scrunched his nose at me and I stuck out my tongue. I followed Sam down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was sitting around the beautifully decorated tree. I sat down next to Sam, and he held Raina in his arms. I played with her finger and kissed her cheeks. Lori sorted out the gifts and handed them to us. I had a couple from Sam's family, a few from Sam, and one that was from Sam and Raina. Raina had quite a few from me, a nice little pile from Sam's parents, and of course Sam had to get her a large pile. 

"Alright, open them!" Lori shouted grabbing her camera. Sam and I tag teamed Raina's gifts since she was too small to open them herself, and kept our gifts until hers were finished. I had bought her a bunch of girly outfits, new toys, and new furniture that she would need for her room. Sam had bought her new outfits, and a gorgeous new crib.

"Sam," I said with wide eyes. "This is gorgeous," I looked at the picture on the box of the cherry wood crib that looked a million times better than the one that she had. He smiled and kissed her cheek. Sam and I moved onto our gifts, and the entire time Lori was snapping multiple pictures while Emily held Raina. When I reached for the gift that said it was from Sam and Raina everyone in the room had bright grins all over their faces. "I take it you all know what this is?" I smiled.

"Just open it!" Sam pressured it. I bit on my bottom lip and unwrapped the metallic silver wrapping paper and inside was a small blue box with silver ribbon. I smiled and unwrapped the ribbon and took the lid off of the box. Inside rested a beautiful rose gold heart locket. I felt my heart swell, and I was grinning so wide that my cheeks were beginning to hurt. I picked it up and saw on the back that it had the letters BPW on the back. "I know that your last name doesn't start with a W, but mine does," he smirked. 

"What are you hinting at?" I laughed.

"That one day your last name will start with a W," he said causing me to blush. "Here, open it," he gestured towards the locket. I nodded and opened it and inside found that one side was a shade of blue velvet, but on the other side was my favorite picture of Sam and Raina. "I had one of my friends size that picture down so it would fit. Now we're with you even when we're not really there."

"I love it, thank you so much," I said feeling my eyes swell with tears. All my life I had never received such a meaningful gift, and it touched my heart. Sam put the necklace on me, and gave me a quick peck on the lips, and I heard the sound of Lori's camera go off. I laughed, and once all of the gifts were finished we all walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table since Sam's sisters and mother got up early and prepared breakfast. It actually felt like I was apart of their family - we were all laughing, and having a wonderful time. It was all so foreign to me, but I liked it, and it was what I had always hoped for growing up. There I was at the age of nineteen having my very first family Christmas.

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