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"Happy birthday!" I yelled obnoxiously into the phone's speaker. It was Sam's birthday, and since I couldn't sing to him loudly in person it was only reasonable I did it over the phone. "Raina can you say happy birthday?" She squealed causing me to laugh and earned a light chuckle from Sam. "Happy birthday, babe."

"Thank you, my lovely ladies," he said. "It's really early in the morning, Bay," his groggy voice filled my apartment. In my defense I had to call him early since I had work. "Are you getting ready for work?"

"Yeah, we're just waiting on the babysitter, but I wanted to make sure to call you when I was with Raina," I smiled down at her while she played with my index finger. I heard a knock at the door and knew immediately that it was Cassie. "Hey, Cassie is here, I'll call you later, or you call me. I don't really know what you're doing for your birthday, but yeah, happy birthday, I love you!"

"Thank you, and I'll call you later. I love you too, and I love you baby-girl," he said referrencing to Raina. She heard his voice and her eyes immediately traveled to the phone. I said goodbye and answered the door. The black haired girl was standing behind the door and smiled when she saw me.

"She's up and fully moving today, but she's in a good mood," I told her smiling.

"I love when she's active, she's on of the best ones I watch," Cassie said as she walked into the apartment. "Have a nice day, Ms. Huff."

"Thank you, you too, Cassie," I waved goodbye and kissed Raina on the forehead. "We'll skype Sam later, and maybe even grandpa. I love you," I gave her one last kiss and rushed out the door while trying to put on my jacket. The ride to work I stayed silent, the only noise was the sound from the running engine, and the faint yawns I would release every now and then. Christmas was only two weeks away, and in less than a week and a half I was going to be out of there. "Someone took my parking spot," I grumbled to myself as I pulled into the crowded lot. The department store I worked at was having a sale, and many people were there to take advantage of it.

"Baylor, there you are thank God," Maggie said as I walked to the back room to clock in. "It's a mad house out there! Chuck has already had to break up two fights over childrens shoes!"

"Wait, Chuck the old security officer or Chuck the new guy?" I asked looking at her.

"Chuck the security guard," she said causing me to nod. "Can you open the aisle next to mine? That way we can tag team this whole mess together," she looked so stressed and I nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. "You're a miracle worker, Baylor. But heads up, it's crazy out there."

"And just think, the closer it gets to the holiday's the worse it's going to get," I frowned. We walked out of the break room together to face the main shopping area. There were people everywhere stuffing things into their cart, rummaging through clothing racks, and taking part in the sales. "Whoa," I said stepping back. "It's like a blood fest out here."

"I know," Maggie shook her head and sighed. "Come on, the sooner we get through with all of this the sooner the normal prices come back," she said causing me to laugh aloud a little. "I still can't believe you're leaving. We're going to miss you so much here," she frowned as we walked over to the registers. I gave her a sympathetic look and was approached at the register by a middle aged woman who look displeased. Something about her seemed familiar but I couldn't put a name to her.

"Hi, did you find everything you were looking for today?" I asked her nicely.

"I know who you are," she said not answering my question. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm sorry?"

"You're the girl who got my Alexander put in jail," she said shooting a glare. "Then you get a restraining order so now he can't see his own daughter. I never liked you, you always seemed to be out for trouble." Debbie - Alex's mother. I had only met her twice before, but it was only for brief moments.

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