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"This. Bed. Is. So. Comfortable," I said looking over at Sammy who was laying on the bed as well. He was on the other side, but due to the size it felt like he was on the other side of the room. 

"I told you," he grinned. "I really like the size. Now I can just roll away from you when you're moaning in your sleep while dreaming about me," he smirked.

"Me? Please, you were the one moaning in the car," I laughed. He rolled over to me and hovered over top of me. "I can't believe you convinced me into getting that cotton candy machine, candy breath," I said poking his nose. He chuckled and kissed my lips, leaving the sweet and sugary taste of cotton candy lingering on my lips. I heard Raina fussing from her new bedroom and Sam just grinned.

"I got her," he said rolling to the other side of the bed. "This will never not be fun."

I playfully rolled my eyes and shook my head from his amazement from the size of the bed. I pulled out my laptop and immediately began to call my dad, waiting for him to pick up the request to video chat. Once he did, I was greeted by Jagger's smiling face. "Jag!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Bay, my beautiful big sister, what's up?" He grinned. "Wait, where the hell are you?"

"California," I grinned.

"What?" He shouted causing me to wince. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Dad didn't tell you? You guys are literally coming over tomorrow," I laughed lightly. 

"Sounds good, you guys get the place set up?" He asked as his mom walked behind him. She stopped midway and ducked down and waved to me.

"Hey, Su," I smiled. "And yeah for the most part, Sam talked me into getting a cotton candy machine."

"Oh hell yeah, we better be having that tomorrow," Jag laughed.

"We can't wait to see you tomorrow, Bay," Suzette said waving. I talked to them for awhile until Sam had announced that the food had arrived. I said goodbye, and walked into the kitchen where Sam was trying to figure out what was his and what was mine.

"I rapped a lullaby to her, and it knocked her out instantly," he said referring to Raina who's bedroom light was shut off. 

"You rapped a lullaby to her?" I said trying not to laugh. He nodded and smiled proudly - of course he would. "Ooh, that's mine," I said grabbing the white container filled with steamed vegetables. I grabbed one of the forks from our new set of flatware that we had bought, and twisted off the cap to a bottle of water. I hopped up onto the counter and Sam took a bit of his food letting out an orgasmic sounding moan. I raised my eyebrows and scrunched my nose at the sound. It was amazing how one simple bite of food made the boy feel so wonderful.

"So what's the plans for tonight, baby?" He asked walking over to me. I shrugged and took a bite of my food and washed it down with a sip of water.

"I'll probably just unfinish packing a few things, take a shower, get stressed out and overwhelmed with all of the other things that need to be arranged, cry a little and pass out on the couch at about two in the morning," I looked at him with a serious expression.

"Are you serious?" He scoffed. I nodded and took a sip of my water. "You're a piece of work. I was thinking more along the lines of," he paused and ran his fingers up my leg. "...breaking our new bed in." I smirked and shrugged again purposely frustrating him. "Come on, baby girl is sleeping, it's just you and me," he was getting closer to my ear and I wanted to tease him a bit more.

I shoved a piece of food in my mouth and looked at him, "I'll think about it," causing his nose to scrunch in disgust at the site of my chewed food. "Hey, why don't you whip up some cotton candy? Might convince me a bit more."

"That's my girl," he smiled. I hopped off the counter and he turned around. "Hey you getting in the shower?"

"Not yet, just going to go put some stuff away."

"Alright, good," he smiled. "Hey I saw this icee maker, we should get that too."

"We're not turning our house into a fucking miniature carnival," I laughed. "Just be a good boy, make your cotton candy and then bring it to me - your favorite person on planet Earth." I sauntered off to our bedroom and started to put our shoes away in the closet. The closet was big enough for us to have our seperate sides, but of course his clothes took over a little bit of my closet space. I sighed at the ridiculous amount of clothes the boy had and tossed the box into the stack of other empty boxes. Our room was pretty much unpacked, majority of the house was. There wasn't too much to unpack, but it felt like there was more. I sneaked into Raina's room long enough to check up on her, and I heard Sam walk down the hallway. He was probably coming back to the bedroom and was wondering where I went. I crept out of her door, careful not to wake her and snuck up behind Sam causing him to nearly drop the cotton candy on the floor. "No don't drop it," I yelled as he caught it last minute. He gave me a dirty look, and I smiled innocently.

"I'm so tempted to just stick this into your hair right now," he smiled deviously.

"I will kill you," I said seriously causing his playful expression to turn into a horrified one. I took a bit of the candy for myself and smiled from the overly sweet taste. It was enough to flatter the sweet tooth I was posessing. "I'm getting in the shower," I said walking past him and our gigantic bed.

"I'm joining in on this," he said running in behind me. He stripped off my clothing for me, and I had to admit that it was kind of enjoyable watching him get overly excited. I started up the water, and the water fell from the shower head and trickled down my body. "What do you say we make things a little more heated?" He smirked and turned up the temperature on the volume causing the steam to rise off of the hot water. He pressed me up to the wall and kissed down my neck, and I winced from being splashed by the scorching water. He kissed my neck, and worked his way down my torso. "We've never done it in a shower before," he moaned against my skin. I looked down at him and gave him a look as if to say go ahead. He looked so irresistable with the water dripping down his face, and his wet hair lying in different directions. 

I bit down on my lip and he nibbled on my inner thighs already sending me into a frenzy. He kissed up until he reached the place I desired him, and I felt small kisses be planted on me. I leaned my head back, and his groans vibrated throughout my body. My back was arching, my knees becoming weak, and I could feel him smiling against me as I reached my peak. The water was still running, but I had adjusted to the temperature and it was rather soothing. He stood up, and as he began to slowly lift me up I heard a loud cry over the sound of the running water. 

"No," he whined. "We were so close to the hottest shower sex ever."

"Sorry, babe. Mommy duty calls," I kissed his cheek and stepped out of the shower leaving him flustered. He had pleased me, so I knew I had the upper hand.


Aw, poor Sam. He almost had the "hottest shower sex ever." Also who wouldn't want to eat cotton candy with Sammy and then shower with him? Am I right ladies?

Second chapter to American Dream is up. Go give it a look! :)

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