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I watched her closely as she slept. Her little eyelids fluttered every now and again, and she would move her petite legs. I smiled to myself still in awe that I helped create this small, and beautiful person. I walked over to the couch and reached for my phone that was vibrating. It was Sam. I picked it up and walked out of the living room so my conversation wouldn't disrupt her. "Hey, Sam," I answered as I reached the hallway leading to my bedroom.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" He chirped.

"I just put the baby down for a nap," I ran my hand through my tangled brown hair. I puffed out hot air and leaned up against the white wall.

"Aw man, I don't get to talk to her?" He sounded dissapointed but still had excitement in his voice. I giggled to myself lightly.

"I'm afraid not. Why do you sound excited?"

"What? I can't talk to my favorite girl and not be happy?" He chuckled and I scrunched my nose. "I have really exciting news..."

"Oooh, please do tell."

"I'm coming home early..."

"Aww, I bet your mom will be pretty happy to see you."

"No, I mean I'm coming home early but I'm not going back to Nebraska." He told me and I furrowed my eyebrows completely confused of what he meant.

"What do you mean? Where are you going then?" I tiled my head to the side and tried to think of where he could possibly be going and then it hit me. "Sam...oh my God!" I yelled and then realized that Raina was asleep in the living room. "You're coming here?"

"Yeah," I could feel his smile. "Yeah, I want to see you so bad. Just skyping and talking on the phone isn't cutting it anymore. I want to see you and Raina so bad."

"But what if someone sees you..." I walked into my bedroom and sat down on my bed and falttened out the comforter. "Your fans will freak out if they see you with a girl who has a baby."

"Yeah, but I really like you, you should know that. I don't care what anything thinks anymore to be honest. I just want to see you and the baby," he said softly. I smiled and laid back. "I know this past year has been tough on you, and I know we've only been talking for about five months, but I haven't seen you since she was born. I miss you, and I miss baby Rain."

"I miss you too but-"

"No. No protesting. I'm leaving here tomorrow morning and I'll be there tomorrow afternoon. I'll keep it a secret if you want me to, but honestly I just want everyone to know. Despite what they think." I could feel the sincerity in his voice and I felt the return of butterflies at the pit of my stomach. I missed him greatly, and he has been the easiest person to talk to for the past five months. He was about the only person who supported me when Raina was born. I traced small circles in the soft fabric of my pale pink comforter and closed my eyes. "

"Okay," I said quietly.

"Okay?" He chuckled.

"Yeah," I said quietly again and sat up from my bed. "I want to see you...but I still want to keep it on the downlow for now, okay? It's just that she's still really young and I don't want people to think that I'm forcing you to be her dad or anything."

"Baby I know you're not doing that, and I'm not trying to act like her dad. But I just want to be there for the both of you..." he paused and I looked at the pale grey carpet. "We'll keep quiet, but that's not going to stop me from doing everything I can for the two of you, okay?"

"Okay," I said in a hushed tone.

"I have to go now, though. I'll call you later tonight."

"Okay, I'll talk to you then. Bye, Sam," I stood up from the bed and walked to the doorframe.

"Bye, babe," he said sweetly. I smiled and hung up the phone and heard a slight fuss come from the living room. I hurried over to the pure white bassinet. She was still asleep and I took a deep breath. I lightly leaned up against it and watched her. Her long eyelashes would caress her pale cheeks when she would flutter her eyes. Her pink lips were parted as she cooed in her sleep. I was afraid of how people would react if they knew Sam was coming here especially since I had a baby who was only three months old. She wasn't his, considering we had started talking when I was seven months along. As soon as I found out that I was having her, my boyfriend dumped me and refused to contact me. My boyfriend wasn't the only one who left me, my family did as well. My mom and dad refused to help me in anyway, and they were at the hospital out of force when Raina was born. As soon as I turned eighteen I moved out and into my own apartment with my little girl. Since then I had worked and put myself through college while still raising Raina on my own.

Some nights when I had to write a paper, and I couldn't get her to sleep I would call Sam and he would talk to her softly until she dozed off. He had been such a help in these past five months. We weren't dating, but there were times where I wish we had been. I had feelings for him, and he told me that he did for me as well. I never pushed him into playing the roll of Raina's father, and I never expected him to. He understood but that didn't stop from talking to her, singing her lullabies, or making her smile from the phone.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV and kept it on a soft volume level. I didn't pay much attention to the flashing images on the screen, all I could think about was what it was going to be like to finally see him again after all of this time. I wondered if Raina would even recognize his voice. He had talked to her a lot on the phone, and I'm sure it would mean the world to him if she realized who he was.

I was afraid of people finding out about Sam being here because I didn't want people to feel like I was using him for his fame, and to help take care of my child. I was perfectly capable of raising her on my own, and I surely didn't Sam's money. I was independent and that's how I wanted people to see me. Sam knew how I felt about being underestimated, and he knew that I liked doing things myself. I turned off the TV and looked around my small apartment. It was clean except for the blanket and few toys on the floor. I picked the toys up and carried them to her room and put them away.

I had nothing to do while she was asleep, I had four days off of work, and I never had classes on Friday's. I didn't have any assignments due, and there was never anything good playing on TV. I decided to make up a few bottles of formula so I wouldn't have to do it later, and once that was done I was stuck with nothing to do again. "Maybe I should read something," I said to myself and scanned my bookshelf. I pulled out a novel and put it back and sighed. I had read everything and nothing was too good to read again. I walked over to the coffee table and grabbed my phone and dialed a number. The phone was answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" the voice at the end of the line answered. I had called my friend Melody .

"Hey, Mel. Are you busy?" I asked walking back into the hallway.

"No actually, I'm just sitting here bored as hell."

"Me too, do you want to come over? Rai is alseep and I'm not really sure what to do," I heard her chuckle.

"Yeah, I'll be over in about fifteen minutes," she said.

"Okay, I'll see you then," I hung up the phone and plopped on the couch. My phone buzzed and I looked down and saw that I had a text message from Sam. I rushed to read it. Hey, babe. Great news, might get to leave earlier than expected.

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