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Hey everyone, so my grandpa is currently okay. He's at home now, but they did call in hospice and they're not sure how long he has left. I saw him at the hospital, and he was pretty down, and we left after he went to bed. Thank you for all of your kind words and support, I was really upset last night and terrified that it was going to be the end of the road for him. I'm just so thankful for all of the memories I do have with him, those are the memories that will stick with me forever. So again, thank you for praying, and saying sweet words. I'm so thankful for all of you, and now I'll get this sappy note over with and let you read. :)


I heard talking and realized that it was Sam talking to Raina. Quietly I crept out of bed and down the hall and saw that they were sitting on the couch watching a cartoon, and he was telling her about his plans for the day. I smiled and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I sat down beside him and he grinned when he saw me. "How long have you guys been awake?" I asked trying not to yawn.

"About an hour," he said combing his fingers through her short, thin hair. "We're going out today."

"Who is we?" I laughed lightly. "You and Raina?"

"We're having a daddy-daughter day," he smiled causing me to squeal. "What?" He chuckled.

"That's so cute," I said grinning widely. He playfully rolled his eyes and kissed her forehead. About thirty minutes later, Sam jumped in the shower and I took Raina back to room to dress her and prepare her for her day with him. I dressed her in one of the outfits that he had got her, and made sure she was all spick-and-span. "Have fun," I said kissing both of their cheeks.

"Say 'bye mommy'," Sam said picking up Raina's hand and making her wave goodbye to me. I giggled and waved back causing her to laugh. "We'll be back later, baby. Love you," he kissed my lips and soon they were gone. For the first time in awhile I actually had time to myself - no work, Sam and Raina were out, and I had no errands to run. I wasn't quite sure what to do, I wasn't used to not having something to do. I decided on a quick shower, and that I would have a shopping day.

I walked through the different stores, trying on clothes and ended up even buying some of them. I had realized that I desperately needed to update my closet, so that's exactly what I did. I had saved up quite a bit of money, and my new job paid much better than my last. I wanted to treat myself, since I never was able to before. While walking down the sidewalk with shopping bags in hand, I bumped into the Jacks. "Hey, guys!" I smiled.

"Bay, what's up?" Gilinsky asked hugging me. "You need help with that?"

"You guys don't have to-," I smiled but they each took a bag causing me to laugh. "Thank you. Where you guys headed off to?"

"Nowhere special, just venturing around," Johnson told me. "Where's Sam and Raina?"

"They are having a daddy-daughter day today," I smiled. "Who knows what kind of trouble they're getting into."

"We were going to grab some lunch in a little bit if you wanna tag along?" Gilinsky asked.

"I'd love to," I smiled. "I was just going to stop into a couple other stores."

"Cool, we'll join. We're bored off our asses," Johnson said as the two followed me down the sidewalk. We walked into a couple local stores, and all of us ended up with a few clothes. "Damn, that looks good on you," Johnson smiled as I walked out of the dressing room.

"You really think so?" I grinned at the two. They both nodded and I blushed a little bit. "I love it, just not so much the price," I said staring down at the price tag on the dress.

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