Preparing for the Mediterranean

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"Where are the boys?" asked Bjorn a little too surly as he walked over to the Queen through the hall once they were alone. Aslaug turned to him, looking radiant as usual and keeping her amused face on, "They went to the cabin to hunt" she said with a little smile. He nodded and left in a hurry, he stopped to his house to get properly dressed. He put his shoes on turned over to Guthrum who was playing with Hali, "Where is your sister?" he asked, Guthrum looked at him and answered, "She left this morning with your brothers", Bjorn sighed and nodded. Of course she did. He stood up ruffled his sons' hair and put on something heavy to go up in the mountains. Torvi entered in that moment, with Asa in her arms, their children always made her radiant, "Where are you going?" she asked curiously as she put Asa onto their bed. He walked to her, kissed her on the forehead and sat her down; he told her everything, how upset he was and how he had to go and refer what he had heard to his brothers. Torvi walked closer to him, with a weak smile, "I'm sorry" she said genuinely, she fondled his face and Bjorn took her hand warmly, he kissed her again, this time on the lips and nodded.

"Did you know Freya was with them?" he asked her before walking to the door, she frowned, "They came to ask for her this morning but I thought they were simply going to the river" said Torvi worriedly, "I'm taking her back" he stated calmly, "We'll be back late tonight" he finished and went outside. He walked over to the paddock to get his horse ready. Bjorn rode through the woods and along the river to get to the hunting cabin.

Freya was helping Sigurd skinning some of the game they had killed. Ivar was sound asleep, he didn't even hear his brothers making noise. Hvitserk and Ubbe were training and playing fight with their swords but they ended up fighting bare hands. "Watch out you two" warned them Freya eyeing them sideways, they didn't listen to her of course, they rarely did.

The two ended up laying down catching their breaths, "Bring us something to drink" said Hvitserk with a smirk on his face, finally breathing in. Freya turned her head to him, she hoped she had heard him wrong, "What?" she asked painfully, "Something to drink" he repeated almost annoyed she didn't catch it the first time. With a fake smile, Freya stood up and went inside to grab the jug of cider, took it out and held it above him, "Here, my lord" she said sardonically and she put her foot on his chest to keep him still and poured some of the content of the jug over his face. Hvitserk got drenched, he thrashed and half sat up, some droplets even got onto Ubbe; his brothers laughed. She snorted and put down the jug on the table, "Next time you bring a slave up with you. Not me" and she sat down, hurt by how he had addressed her, she knew she wasn't the best yet at shooting but she never thought they would have brought her with them just to serve them.

Hvitserk took his time washing his face and hair; little later he kneeled in front of her, "I remembered you kinder" he said and with a smirk, he gave her a little bump on the cheek while she gave him a deadly stare.

Hvitserk was playing the idiot around her to make her forgive him, "Come on –'' he began being all lovely, "I got drenched. Seems to me like a fair punishment" he said all charmingly; the fair punishment would have been seeing him serving her for the rest of the day, she thought.

She shoved him off and stood up, "Oh, come on!" he continued with a smirk, Ubbe stopped her as she was coming his way, "You want to put him on fire, do it, just don't burn down everything" he said so that his brother could hear, Freya chuckled and so did he, he always put a smile on her face.

"I don't think it's fair for you two to be in cahoots against me" said Hvitserk behind her, she turned around and stared right at him with piercing eyes, he sighed, "I am sorry" he said sincerely, "Oh, come on you two! Just get over it – hug it out. He has been an idiot, you drenched him, done" said Sigurd over the whole situation already.

Freya glanced at Ubbe and he nodded with the smallest smirk, so she walked over to Hvitserk, "I'm sorry" he repeated, she sighed and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her, his neck still smelled like ale.

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