King of all Norway and Escape

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Freya had been feeling down a lot those past days, she kept thinking of Hali, of Lagertha's words, but she had to keep up a façade to help her father win the election now that the first rulers had begun to arrive and, at the same time, she hated herself for not telling him.

Jarl Thorkell, King Olaf's Jarl, was the first to get there and answer his summons.

"I hope I am not late" said Freya entering the great hall not dressed for battle, with a beautiful red and blue dress, with her long hair let down with only a few small braids to make sure it didn't get over her face; they all turned to her, mesmerized by her. They had just sat down to eat as well, "Not at all, lovely Freya, we're about to start" said King Olaf as maids were bringing them their food and beverages; she set down at her father's right, facing King Harald.

"I would like to propose a toast" said Jarl Thorkell the Tall standing up, "To Bjorn Ironside. This is our first meeting, but over the years I have heard all about your exploits from the wonderers and poets in my great hall. It's a great honour to meet you in person at last and to meet your daughter, Freya Ironside, of whom I have heard plenty as well. Skål" he said and they all toasted with him, "Skål". Freya smiled to him as her father began to speak, "You are too kind, but I too have heard stories of Thorkell the Tall and his brothers, Herring and Earl Sigvald. In a country such as ours, as small as ours, fame spreads easily" he said, "So they say, Bjorn Ironside" said King Harald, "So, the plan is for all of us to appoint you as King?" asked Jarl Thorkell, "Elect him as King, elect. That is our way" corrected him King Olaf, "In which case, King Olaf, I insist that it must be a real election and that everyone else, be he a king or even a simple Jarl like me, can also stand if they wish" said Jarl Thorkell, it seemed just fair.

"In principle, yes but you know how we Norwegians are. You give them a chance to quarrel and to fight and then they will quarrel and fight" said King Olaf, "Still, Jarl Thorkell has a point" intervened King Harald, "Yes, and I agree with him" said Bjorn, "Personally, I would never want to be made King in an uncontested election. I have no desire to wear a hollow crown" he finished, "As you wish, Bjorn Ironside, as you wish" said King Olaf outnumbered even by his intended King.

King Olaf was introducing Bjorn to all the King, Queens and Jarls, he showed him a beautiful but stern woman, "Jarl Hrolf" said King Olaf, they kissed, "Welcome. I hope we have the opportunity to talk" said Bjorn meaningfully, Freya kept in her disappointment towards him and smiled to the Jarl, "I hope so too Bjorn Ironside – really I do" and she walked away, Freya nudged him to urge him to look in front of him, a bald and bearded man was walking their way.

"Ah, King Hakon!" said her father happily, "Bjorn Ironside and this must be your famous daughter, Freya Ironside, Gifted by the Gods" "It's a pleasure to meet you, King Hakon" said Freya shaking his hand as well, "You don't know this but I fought beside you and your father at the gates of Paris" he said to Bjorn, "Ah!" exclaimed Bjorn, "I was a young man then and I still had a right hand" said King Hakon, "What happened to your hand?" asked Bjorn, "A sea battle, against him, Thorkell the Tall. I was boarding his ship, the deck was slippery, I put out my hand to steady myself and someone took the opportunity to remove it. But now it seems we never have to fight again" he told them, Freya scrutinized King Harald walking across the room to meet everybody, "Not against each other, why fight our own countrymen?" asked Bjorn, "That's what we've always done" said King Hakon, "That doesn't make it right or sensible. The fact is we need to unify Norway to withstand possible attacks from our larger neighbours like Sweden or Denmark" said Bjorn, "I agree it does make some sort of sense and to have a figurehead like you, Bjorn Ironside, uh, son of Ragnar, who is known and respected throughout the Viking world, makes even more sense, I have to say. You have my vote, Bjorn Ironside" he said taking his head and putting his forehead onto it, Bjorn nodded and thanked him.

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