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Just wanted to let you know that in no way I am trying to culturally appropriate on norse culture, I do not consider myself to be "a modern viking"; that being said I do enjoy learning about Norse myths, history and customs. I got curious because I started watching the show Vikings (although I know it is historically inaccurate and I am sure it portrays many more discrepancies with what was customarily true), so this is the background story for a cool character I came up with that will bind two fictional worlds together: Vikings and the Wizarding World. This character is Freya Ironside which will be the protagonist for this very long story of hers starting as the daughter of Bjorn Ironside and continuing the in Wizarding World as the god-acting grand sorceress ruling everything as if she was the puppeteer.
Please know I am doing my best to learn more about old Scandinavian culture and customs and how to better incorporate them in this story so if you have tips to share, do not hesitate!
Thank you,

Freya Ironside, Gifted by the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now