A New Love

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The Queen was walking with her niece through the town, "When Bjorn will return to Kattegat everything will be better, I know it" said Freya, "Let's hope it's soon, my dear" said Lagertha eager to see her son again.

In less than two weeks in the harbour people could see ships arriving. Bjorn was home.

When her father stood foot on shore, they were all rejoicing. Torvi and his children were the first to welcome him, he took Hali in his arms and hugged him tight, the crowd got bigger and bigger and was ready to welcome back the few men that had survived the voyage.

Freya and Guthrum were standing a little behind, waiting for Hali to calm down from all the excitement. She noticed Halfdan, smiling at her from behind Bjorn's back and looking as worn out as her father, but he still had those eyes that had entranced her many times before.

Bjorn looked solemnly to his older children and said, "Well, aren't you going to greet me?", Guthrum ran to him, "Father!" and Freya, holding her brother's hand, followed him into their father's arms. Being held felt as if she was a child again, as if she still needed protection and he was right there, tall and strong, ready to save her at any given circumstance.

They all walked to the great hall with the crowd of people behind them.

Arrived to the long house, he went to his mother and hugged her,

Freya was standing next to Guthrum while her father and grandmother talked privately for a moment, they had invited the Sami there to help against Ivar and King Harald and Bjorn had noticed them as soon as he entered the hall. He and the Queen went to greet them while Ubbe and Halfdan exchanged their own greetings.

"Halfdan" said Freya warmly walking to him, he fixed his eyes on her and smiled, "Freya – I thought I wouldn't have seen you here in Kattegat. Nor Ubbe" he said pointing at his now far away figure.

Freya chuckled, "Yes, well, it's a long story" she cut short. Since she had been waiting for her father's return, she knew that she would have seen Halfdan again so she had taken out the red gemmed ring he had given her the second time they had met in Kattegat. She couldn't actually tell why she had decided to wear it again, especially in front of him; perhaps she had been longing for someone who wouldn't have left her after Hvitserk, perhaps she did hope Halfdan could still be in love with her.

He saw the ring and his eyes showed her how much her wearing it meant for him, he smiled to her but didn't dare say anything else, "Shall we?" he asked offering her his arm and they walked around the room, Freya asking him about their voyage.

During the feast, she sat down next to Halfdan and Lagertha, "Tell me Halfdan, what was the most amazing thing you saw on your travels?" asked the Queen, "Nothing" he answered mindlessly eating, "Nothing?" asked Lagertha, "They called it the desert. It's just miles and miles of sand. Sand as far as you can see. Nothing but sand" he finished, "And what was the second most amazing thing you saw?" asked Lagertha, "Everything" he answered cheerily. Freya and Guthrum looked at each other excitedly, both wanting to know more, to go there as well.

Then Lagertha leaned in and whispered, "What are you going to do, Halfdan? Are you going to rejoin your brother?", Freya was dreading to know his answer and when he finally said "No", she felt relieved. "Bjorn saved my life" he continued, "And I have sworn allegiance to him and nothing will make me change my mind" he finished and then Lagertha confronted him on what he and his brother had planned before leaving for England.

Bjorn walked to them, "Do you think I am lying, Bjorn?" asked Halfdan, "You and I crawled out from under the same rock, I believe you will fight against your brother" said Bjorn sitting next to his daughter and reassuring his mother.

Freya Ironside, Gifted by the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now