Beginning of a new era

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On their way back, whenever someone had to address her, they would caller her Queen Freya. But it didn't feel true, not yet. She wanted to unalive Ingrid and the bastard she was carrying, she wanted everyone to know how she had bewitched her father and did everything she did only for power. She was eager to see her face once she saw the ships and men Ingrid thought to be hers, rise against her.

A week later, Freya, Hvitserk

and their men and women sailed into the gulf of Kattegat. They heard horns being blown announcing their return. Freya walked over to Aegir and Hvitserk and whispered, "Make sure that once we're in the harbour every man and woman is armed and has a shield" and they spread the word, shouting to the other boats near them.

As Freya and Hvitserk feared, Ingrid had gathered her own soldiers as well, much less than theirs and older but still, all warriors ready to fight for her. She was waiting for them on the beach and watched as women and relatives rejoiced seeing their men, husbands, sisters, daughters and sons return safe and sound.

Hvitserk and Aegir waited for Freya, they helped her out of the boat and once her feet touched the wooden floor of the harbour, everyone made room for her to walk through.

She marched at the very top, with Hvitserk and Aegir by her sides and stopped a few meters away from Ingrid. She was ready to give birth any moment now; many maids were around her and dividing them all from the crowd was the small group of her soldiers. She didn't see Erik there, he must have been already dead. Ingrid didn't look happy to see them there, especially not without King Harald, they loathed each other but at least she thought he would have been by her side since she was carrying his child.

"You're back" said Ingrid calmly, "We are" said Freya, "And we bring back grave news" she said and then she turned to talk to the people of Kattegat, "King Harald Finehair and Ivar the Boneless have died" she shouted, "Each a day apart" she stated. Ingrid didn't look distressed, on the contrary, she seemed at ease. There were many murmurs around, whispering King Harald and Ivar's names.

"That is most unfortunate" said Ingrid, "My son and I will do King Harald justice, reigning" she continued and particularly one of the maid next to her smirked. "We are thankful you've brought our men and women back" said Ingrid eyeing Freya and Hvitserk.

Freya chuckled, "Yes, about that –'' she began, "The brave warriors and shieldmaidens that have come with us to Wessex have come to a decision" she continued, "They want Freya as their Queen" stated Hvitserk proudly eyeing at her.

Ingrid became suddenly stiff and turned around to her men and they were immediately ready to fight the others but not her, not any single one of them pointed in Freya's direction.

"We're gonna do this the right way, we'll ask the people of Kattegat if they want me or you" said Freya to Ingrid making sure everybody around them could hear. She turned around, ready to question the citizen when one of her maid charged at her as she wasn't looking, stabbed her with a dagger getting her right under her rib cage. Freya grunted, turned around at once as everybody around them remained unable to move for the suspense, even the maid.

Hvitserk and Aegir were ready to seize the woman and fight but she halted them; she felt a stinging pain in her flesh, she grabbed the dagger and pulled it out. Everybody saw the blood flowing from her, she lifted her clothes so that people could see her bare skin and simply tilting her head, the bleeding stopped, the wound healed itself and closed, leaving nothing but perfect skin again. Everybody invoked the gods, even the soldiers gathered by Ingrid, they trembled and lowered their defences.

The maid seemed in complete and utter shock, shaking her head frantically. Freya smirked and walked towards her as she backed away from her. She grasped at the dagger firmly and stabbed the faithful servant in the chest and let her fall down in front of everybody.

Freya Ironside, Gifted by the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now