Negotiating with the old bear

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Six weeks had gone by after having spoken to Alfred, they were waiting for the sea conditions to be better to sail to Frankia, it was never ideal to attempt the sea in the winter and they had to take a boat because it would have drained Freya of all her energy taking four other people with her otherwise.

Her and Torvi had been sewing every day for the past weeks, they spent time together, they chatted and they looked after Ragnar while Ubbe and Hvitserk kept themselves occupied with Aegir or preparing the furs.

Hvitserk and Ubbe were sitting around the fire sipping mead calmly when Aegir walked in and whispered something to the King's ear, "One of the traders sent to the Silk Road is here to see Queen Freya" he said. Hvitserk nodded, "Send him in, let him warm up and tell the slaves to bring him something to eat and drink" he told him, Aegir nodded and went out again.

"What is it brother?" asked Ubbe, "A trader sent to the Silk Road to see Freya" he told him standing up, "Welcome him in, I'll go call her" he added to his brother. He walked to the other room and found his wife and Torvi sewing near the fire.

"Freya –'' he said and the two women turned around, "There is a trader from the Silk Road to see you" he informed, "Oh – he travelled in this weather? I am coming" she said at once.

They all walked to the main room and he saw one of the man who had been chosen to lead the expedition in his place when he had been too drunk and ill to do so himself. It wasn't exactly nice seeing him there, it brought up painful memories.

"Freya, this is Thorod Gunnison, he was one of the men I had sent to make trade deals along the Silk Road when you and Bjorn had gone to help King Harald" said Ubbe, Torvi seemed to remember him as well, she smiled to the man.

Freya welcomed him, "Thorod Gunnison, we are happy to have you here, your group has helped to make Kattegat prosper trade-wise" she told him. He bowed a little and said, "Queen Freya, it is an honour to meet you properly but I do not come here alone" and the doors opened again and Aegir walked in with a short woman.

"Katya?" said Hvitserk recognising her, Freya was in disbelief, she really was Fredys' copy, apart from the dark hair.

The woman seemed relieved to see him and tired because of the journey, she had a child with her.

"Queen Freya" began Aegir, "These two arrived together" he explained.

The young woman took her cape off and warmed herself in front of the fire.

Ubbe and Torvi did not understand, "This is Princess Katya, my Lady" said Thorod, "She has begged me and the other traders to take her here. She says that child is hers and Ivar the Boneless'" he explained almost painfully.

Hearing that was difficult to say the least. Ubbe snorted and Freya knew her mother was worrying already, having a Rus Princess there wasn't ideal.

"Aegir, can I ask you to bring Thorod to the maids? Tell them to give him a place to sleep and food for as long as he intends to stay here in Kattegat" said Freya, "Yes, my Lady" said Aegir, "Queen Freya" said Thorod bowing again. Him and Aegir went out and the doors of the long house were closed once again and there only was her family and Katya there.

The woman seemed quite at ease for someone who had just fled her home and was now in an enemy land.

Hvitserk walked to her and they greeted each other, "What are you doing here?" he asked her worriedly, "This is where my son should grow up, Ivar's son" she said firmly so that everyone could hear, Ubbe, Torvi and her were sceptical.

She cleared her voice and Hvitserk stepped back. Katya spoke, "Queen Freya, I believe you know who I am" said the woman, "I do. I am not sure that you know who you are though ... you are a Christian, Princess Katya, and this is far away from your home" said Freya calmly, "On the contrary, this is my home now, this is my son's home. Magnus should grow up where his father has" stated Katya. Freya, Ubbe and Torvi all snorted, "Is Magnus the only Viking name Christians know?" asked Ubbe ironically, Katya seemed hurt by the comment.

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