Wessex and a new marriage

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(Hvitserk never finds Thora, they never get together, they don't know each other, there is no Thora).

They were sent to the cellars and kept there for a few days.

"How easy it proves to fool people, hm?" said Ubbe out loud, "LOOK AT US!" he shouted against Lagertha, "I have no fear of death. I will embrace it but it is too early for my children to die" snapped Torvi upset as well, "We sailed right into a trap" said Ubbe, "Bishop Haehmund has betrayed us" said Bjorn eyeing his mother, "I can't believe that" said Lagertha, "How else was he going to get home?" asked Ubbe, "He needed a ship, he needed a crew. We just gave him both" he added defiantly, "Imagine how famous King Alfred will be when he shows the Saxons our heads and the best part about it is we gave it to him on a plate!" snarled Bjorn, "I still cannot believe that he as betrayed us" said Lagertha firmly, "And I cannot believe that the famous Lagertha has proved to be a fool for love" said Bjorn nastily, "Well, you have never been a fool for love, have you Bjorn?" prompted Torvi, Bjorn looked at her questioningly.

"This is where Ragnar was imprisoned and betrayed and now we will all die here too" said Ubbe returning to look outside the cellar.

Three days later they were still in that cellar, with Bjorn kissing sweet Hali on the head to show him everything was good, with Torvi making sure Asa did not cry, while Lagertha, Ubbe and Freya remained unperturbed doing nothing all the time.

Then they heard steps, lots of steps coming their way, the cells were opened and soldiers grabbed Lagertha, Bjorn, Ubbe, Freya and Torvi and brought them outside and then upstairs to meet the King, in his great hall in front of the royal family. Bishop Haehmund was there as well, not deeming any of them of any glance, not even Lagertha.

"I am aware of who you are" began King Alfred, a young man with shoulder length hair, "I am not foolish enough not to recognize your potential for my kingdom, if you were willing to fight with us against the armies of your countrymen" he added, "We may" said Bjorn, "On the condition that you allow us to settle in the part of East Anglia King Ecbert gave to us" continued Bjorn, "I have every intention of honouring my grandfather's pledges but first, you must demonstrate your worth and loyalty to our cause, in battle" said King Alfred, "We have a legal right to that land" said Bjorn, "We accept your offer" said Lagertha not listening to her son.

"I am glad" said King Alfred pensive, "It was Bishop Haehmund who proposed this solution which seemed to me wise" he added, "So, as long as you are our allies and friends, you are free to use the royal villa as you wish. My servants are also your servants, my kitchens and cellars are there for your use. I believe you have two young children with you?" he asked, Torvi nodded, "Let us have a care for them also" "Thank you, Lord King" said Torvi.

King Alfred gestured his men to free them from the chains, "We have fought against you and now we shall fight together, with you. I know my grandfather, King Ecbert, would approve for I know the love he bore King Ragnar" he finished.

They all nodded and left, scrutinised by soldiers and men of his court. Bjorn was not much impressed by his mother, he showed it on his face.

The first week, Freya spent her time with her family, with Hali and Asa, making sure they were alright, finally bathing again and going around the courtyard and the villa.

She had Asa with her that morning, she walked past the former Queen's chambers when she called for her, "Wait –'' said Judith rushing towards her door, "My Lady" said Freya turning around, Judith was on the threshold of her room, smiling at her, "Do come in" she urged her and Freya did. Her room was sumptuous, "It's hard to try and conversate with any of you in public but here –'' she said gesturing around, "Only a few can come in my private chambers" she said. Freya nodded, "Forgive me but my English still isn't much good" said Freya, "You will improve, talking with me" said Judith with a smile showing her to sit down. Freya sat next to her, not letting go of Asa.

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