Family has to stick together

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Family has to stick together

It had been almost a month, in which rumours about her being Queen started to spread all around Norway, Denmark and to the rest of Scandinavia, to Rus and to the Mediterranean.

Freya and Hvitserk were still in bed, cuddled up together as she drew circles with her fingers on his chest and played with his now long hair. He seemed lost in his thoughts, he stared at the ceiling while playing slightly with her hair.

"What is it, my love?" she asked curiously, he sighed as she put her hand on his chest and waited for him to answer her, "It's Ubbe" he said, keeping his eyes fixed on the ceiling, "What about him?" she enquired, "I wonder where he is, if he has found this new land ..." "I'm sure he has" she said positively, "How can you tell?" he asked, "Neither him nor Torvi have used the necklaces I've given them yet, only Asa ..." she said and she got moody all of a sudden. He looked down at her, squeezed her and gave her a kiss on the head.

"I just wish I could tell him how sorry I am for everything that happened – I know he thinks I have betrayed him, more than just once" he let out sorrowful, "Don't even say that" she shushed him, "Everything that happened was fate – and he knows it" she said and with that she crawled up onto him and looked at him in the eyes, "Ubbe loves you, never doubt that" and she kissed him. He returned the kiss and they ended up having sex.


Kattegat was now playing host to a few other Jarls and messengers from Norway who wanted to get to know their new Queen and a fellow ruler. Jarl Thorkell the Tall and Jarl Hrolf had been the first to arrive. Although Freya did not have a very good first impression when she met them at the election more than a year back, she had been grateful to know that they were by her father's side against the Rus in the end.

She was sporting a long blue and red linen gown, with a belt tied around her waist, carrying her axe and daggers. Hvitserk glanced at her and smirked, "What?" she asked, "We're having a welcome feast, not preparing for battle" he said amused, she chuckled and said, "If I have learned anything in my years of living close to a monarch is that you never go anywhere without a weapon" she said firmly. She stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before handing him his sword and axe as well, he put them in his folders and started kissing her, putting his hand through her hair and grabbing her waist. She stopped him, "We cannot be late, we're the hosts" she said charmingly and she walked outside as he followed a little let down.

The hall was now full of people, mostly the ones that had come with Jarl Thorkell and Jarl Hrolf and the three messengers. As Freya and Hvitserk entered, everybody ceased to talk and waited for the Queen and King to sit down and once they did all the guests found themselves a spot around one of the many tables as well.

Aegir walked before them all, "Queen Freya, King Hvitserk" he said looking at the two of them, "Jarl Thorkell the Tall and Jarl Hrolf have arrived here this afternoon together with three other messengers from Aggersborg, Dublin and Kungahälla" finished Aegir and the five people stood up.

The two Jarls walked before Freya and Hvitserk and although a bit disappointed in seeing him sitting on the throne of Kattegat, they bowed before both of them.

"Queen Freya, when we first heard that you weren't to succeed your father after his death, we were saddened but of course the Norns were already aware of your destiny" said Jarl Thorkell, "We are glad to have you as Queen and we offer you our allegiance" said Jarl Hrolf and the two of them kneeled in front of her showing her their arm rings. Freya stood up and walked down the steps that divided them and taking their hands she had them stand up, "Thank you" and she smiled to them both, "You've been faithful to my father in a time of great danger and I will never forget that. You, your family and your men will always be welcome here" she told them with a big smile, their men exulted and shouted, "Skål" and drank to their sake.

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