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"How do you have the rinnegan?" She sits on a boulder beside the sannin, As they watch the two train.

"I was born with it." He hums.

"I knew someone else with the rinnegan." She stiffens.


"Yes. He was a student of mine, though."


"Why do you seem to be avoiding me, Ahmya?" Her body tenses as he looks at her in confusion and suspicion.

"It's nothing, sorry...You just kind of remind me of someone..."

"Is this someone painful to remember?" You have no idea. 

"I Wasn't directly connected to him but...His death was kind of related to me..."

"Ah...I see. So you blame yourself for his death?" She lowers her right eye lid, confirming his statements. Her left eyelid was covered by a cloth, and the Young Naruto had said she looked similar to his sensei. She simply laughed it off and responded by saying she might dye her hair silver, just to match with the man.

"Was it directly your fault?" 

"Ye-" She blinks as her response is suddenly cut off. 

'It wasn't your fault Ahmi. You weren't even born back then. It wasn't your eyes that killed him, It was the man who possessed the same Dojutsu as you.'

"I feel like it is..." Her fathers words had quickly changed her opinion, slightly making the guilt lighter.

"Was this person kind?" 


"I highly doubt he would enjoy seeing you in pain like this." Ironic. Your the man I' speaking about.

"I know I wouldn't" Her eye widens.

"Y-You wouldn't?"
"Of course not. As Shinobi we must kill, I feel no grudge against those who are only doing their job."

"S-So, Your saying...If I killed you, You wouldn't blame me?"

"Would you feel guilty?"


"Than no. No, I wouldn't." Tears wet her blindfold and fall from her only visible eye.

"T-Thank you...You have no Idea how much that helps me...Thank you!"  He smiles at her as she smiles back and wipes her tears. Jiraiya suddenly gains a large mischievous grin.

"Hey kid. Think you can help me with my new novel?"


"Yeah, I dont know if I'll Publish it though. You can have the first copy when I'm done if you help out."

"Can I get two copies? My dads a fan too."

"You going to help with my research?"

"Can I peep on the guys?"

"Haha! Of course you can!"

"Deal, Old man."

"Deal- Old man?!"

"Nope. I meant Jiraiya-Sama..." They shake hands and inform the two Blonde haired boys that they would be leaving to do some 'Research'.

"See ya!"

"No way! Is Ahmya a perv too!?"

"I-I had no Idea!" Boruto looks at the scene in horror.

'OH man, I cant wait to see how old man Kakashi will react to this once I tell him. Ah...I'm a great best friend.' He snickers evilly, leaving Naruto to back away.

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