New Ability! Curse Or Blessing?

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"Let's Camp here tonight."


Being the captain of a mission was surprisingly much easier to Ahmya. She had expected them to encounter a few rogue shinobi but no. None.

It was....Really peaceful.

Too Peaceful.

"Konohamaru-Sensei?" He formed a few hand signs and blew fire at the wood, while Sarada and Boruto and Mitsuki set up their sleeping bags.

"Don't you think it's weird...That we haven't encountered any bandits, or rogue Shinobi?" He shook his head.

"Do you usually encounter rogue shinobi?" Her eye twitched.

"Yeah. They apparently found out I'm the 6th hokages daughter and because of my added reputation from the chunin exams and all- I'm being targeted..." 

"That's strange. Boruto is Lord seventh's son..."

"Yeah. Shouldn't he be targeted as well?" She shook her head.

"Nevermind...If it's true, Apparently he never killed anyone, Right? And he was the most important part of the fourth shinobi war. My dad was a known assassin, and jounin, It makes sense that people are trying to get revenge on me."

"Where you get this kind of info...Is beyond me.." Konohamaru sweatdropped as she grinned and announced that they should rest.

"Aren't you going to rest Ahmya?" She shook her head.

"It's fine. I'll keep watch."

"You really should get some rest." She rose an eyebrow.

"Nope. Captains orders, Go to sleep." Boruto frowned and mumbled things like 'Tch, Stupid Captain' while Sarada and Mitsuki chuckled.

"At least wake me up for the second shift." She nods and sits on a log, beside the fire Pulling out her tanto.

She found herself wondering if she could truly inherit the legendary name her grandfather once had.

She pulled out another book of hers, One that her father had approved she read.

It was by the third Hokage.

The White Fang Of The Leaf: A True Shinobi.

It explained how his will of fire was one of the strongest out there, and how he was truly wronged.

Ahmya would be lying if she said the old man didn't anger and disappointment her.

He was the hokage, Surely he Knew Of the criticism one of his greatest shinobi was receiving. If she could go back in time, she would- No. She shouldn't change the past.

Though, she was angered at the third hokage. She didn't Blame him.

The man believed in the will of fire and passed it down through the many generations to come. He Passed it down to her sensei, her father, her uncles and aunties, To the hidden leaf village.

She knew he had a lot of harsh decisions he had to make. Like the Uchiha Massacre.

Itachi Uchiha even knew, that if the Uchiha clan succeeded in the coup d'etat they were planning. She might not even be alive right now, and for the sacrifices Uchiha Itachi did.

She was thankful.

To all-


She jolted at the sound of a twig snapping and immediately scattered her chakra around, searching for any enemies.


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