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Hello everyone! Thank you for clicking on this story!

I would really appreciate it if you guys voted and commented on the chapters! It helps me out a lot.  If you came from TikTok, please recommend this story to others who are also Edmund fanatics :)

I always try to put 110% into this story and sometimes I can't post every 2 days. So, please be patient if I don't post a chapter often. 

I hope you enjoy this story!


Update 02/24-- 

It's been almost three years since I finished this story and I can't believe how far it has come. As a senior in high school, this story is one piece that I will always cherish from freshman year. Being stuck inside my own house during the pandemic brought me to express my writing ideas into this fan fiction, and I can't be more happy that I have something to look back on. I am currently in the process of revising + doing some (heavy) editing-- there are some things I am willing to change for the sake of the plot. 

Comment, vote, and share-- I appreciate any support <3

-reminisciing <3

•Blair Reed/Princess Alexandria•

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•Blair Reed/Princess Alexandria•

•Blair Reed/Princess Alexandria•

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•Edmund Pevensie•

•Edmund Pevensie•

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•Susan Pevensie•

•Peter Pevensie•

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•Peter Pevensie•

•Peter Pevensie•

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•Lucy Pevensie•

•Prince Caspian•-

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•Prince Caspian•

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