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the five were driving through the cut, still telling pope what they were about to do wasn't as bad as it seemed.

"pope! we're not stealing the drone! we're borrowing it" john b said.

"and then safely returning it. if this fuck knuckle doesn't fuck it up" bentley nudged JJ with her foot as she looked through her backpack and pulled out a little plastic baggy and a pouch.

"oooh gimme gimme" JJ said as he saw it, knowing exactly what it was.

"um, hell no! i roll a better joint than you do and we all know it." she winked

"that's true! do they have special classes in new york or what? i think imma send JJ there once we get this money" kie laughed

"says the one who doesn't know how to roll a joint at all?!" JJ scoffed as he began rolling one while bentley wasn't looking.

"why learn when i've got bentley to do it for me"

"and who did it for you before bentley?" jj's scoffed

"pope" kie joked, making pope raise his brows in confusion

"no- uh uh, don't get me involved." he argued.

bentley finished grinding the weed, seeing JJ rolling one already.

"i think you might need this. the entire point" she rolled her eyes.

as he started to jam the weed into the joint, she watched him, slowly zoning out while pope started rambling on about some nerdy shit she thought.

"why you so weird, pope?" jj said, still focused on the joint.

as bentley sat on the bench, she watched as pope took offence to what JJ said, making her kick him in the leg. again.

"why are you so mean to pope? leave my bestie alone" bentley pouted, as pope high-fived her.

"oh so you're picking favourites now, hmm?" kie scoffed.

"yeah, what the fuck? i thought i was you bestie" JJ whined

"you can be my bestie when your joint doesn't look like it's falling to pieces. give it here" she scoffed.

"shut up, we all now you're both more than besties. fuck besties"john b fake gagged.

"shut up"bentley smacked the back of his head, finishing up the joint.

"there you go"she handed it to jj who placed it between his lips, flicking up his lighter, about to take a puff until pope slipped it away from JJs lips with his fingers.

"if you wanted some pope, you could've just asked? and besides it hd to be lit before you can smoke it, buddy" bentley said with a smile

"keep the signal clear" he spoke , throwing it to the floor.

"dude you just wrecked it!" JJ whined

"no he didn't. because i rolled it, it didn't fall apart and it's perfect. idiot" she said picking it up and teasing JJ by waving it in his face before putting it back in the baggy as a spare since they came to a stop outside of the salvage yard.

𝙚𝙪𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙖 - 𝙅𝙅 𝙢𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠 1Where stories live. Discover now