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"bentley, come on baby why aren't you getting ready?" she heard her dad speak as she sat at the kitchen counter aline with her thoughts.

"JJ got arrested dad" she said, tapping the counter over and over with her long acrylics.

"what the hell? why?!" he said, standing next to her

"those damn kooks, topper and rafe beat the shit out of pope. topper hit me twice, ironically. i told mom they jumped us, it's happened three times now but she's still making me go with rafe. so we got payback and sunk toppers boat and JJs gone down for it" she explained.

"hold up. topper hit you? when? has rafe touched you?" he asked now sitting with his daughter.

"twice. rafe slapped me a couple days ago after he jumped pope and i when we were delivering groceries." she said weakly.

"hell no. you aren't going anywhere near that bastard. i'm going to the goddamn cops about this" he said

"why didn't you tell me, baby?" he asked

"i tried telling mom, but she said i was only making things up so i could hang out with the pogues and how their bad for me to be around" she said

"i'm going to talk to your mother. then i'm calling ward and telling him you aren't going with rafe. the date thing is barely a big deal, i'm getting a restraining order on that bastard" he growled, hugging bentley tightly.

"thankyou, dad. i love you" she smiled weakly

"i love you too my babygirl. now go get ready while i sort this out. your dress and everything is in your bedroom" he smiled pulling away and walking down the hall

she walked across the living room to her bedroom, the afternoon sun shining over the beach and into her bedroom. shining on one thing  in particular. someone sitting in the couch under the window.

"JJ! what the hell!" she almost screamed
he couldn't face her, his head was faced out the window, and her eyes were furrowed when he didn't bother to look or speak to her.

"baby! holy shit, are you oka-" she cut herself off as she got closer to him and he turned, noticing all the bruises and cuts.

"oh my god" she said, feeling her heart drop.

"holy shit" she said as he stood taller than her, the only thing she could do was pull him into a hug.

"i love your dress. you're gonna look so beautiful tonight" he lightly spoke, muffled into her shoulder.

"baby- don't worry about that. what the gel happened, talk to me" she pulled away, softly holding the sides of his face as she normally would, pulling away as he flinched at her touch, her heart wincing.

"sorry, i'm sorry" she softly said, pulling away.

"no, bub, please don't do that" he said

"what? i didn't mean to hurt you" she spoke

"don't do that. don't treat me like i'm weak and fragile. please. i'm fine just treat me normally. how you normally would" he said, watching a tear fall from her eye.

"he did this to you, didn't he" she said and he only nodded

"i almost shot him. i was gonna shoot him, bentley" he said, her eyes shot open wide


"i couldn't do it. i wouldn't be able to deal with the pain. i wouldn't be able to live with the guilt. the guilt of you being scared of me" he said, saying the opposite of what she was ever expecting.

the tears now dropped from his eyes, as she could only hold him, her hands softly on his neck.

"i couldn't do it baby. i love you, bentley" he spat out, she pulled away from him entirely, making his heart stop.

"what? what did you just say?" she said in shock

"sorry. i'm sorry. i uh. i don't know i'm just talking shit because i'm all freaked out." he said

"no- no JJ. don't. it's okay." she pulled him into a hug, softly attaching their lips and pulling away, placing their foreheads together.

"i love you too, JJ" she softly spoke, seeing a smile appear on his lips.

"holy shit. this feels like it's not real. this shit isn't real. are you serious?" he smiled like crazy.

"no. i really mean it. i've been thinking about it all day, i just never expected you to say it so randomly" she now smiled

"now can you get in that dress? i wanna see how beautiful you look before i leave" he smiled, hugging her tightly and swaying them side to side

"if you would let me go" she laughed

"stay there, i'm going in the bathroom." she smiled, grabbing the dress that hung against her closet doors.

"are you not comfortable changing infront of me baby? i just said i love you and besides. i've seen you naked plenty of times before" he winked making her laugh

"shut up, seriously you idiot. of course not. i want it to be a surprise"

she chnaged, zipping up the dress herself surprisingly easy. she let her hair down but obviously hadn't done anything to it yet and wasn't wearing makeup.

she opened the door, seeing him stand in shock.

"holy shit. you're so beautiful and you're mine. this is alllll mine. woah" he gasped, taking in her whole appearance as he stood shocked.

"shutup, you haven't even asked me to be yours yet, idiot" she hinted

"oh hell. babygirl, you wanna be my girlfriend?" he asked

"hell yeah" she laughed

"sweet then it's settled. all mine" he wrapped his arms around her and dropped her on the bed, placing silly yet romantic kisses all over her face and collarbones.

"get off me, baby. i gotta get ready" she smiled

"i'll see you tonight then, yeah?" he smiled

"sounds like a plan" she smiled as he got up and headed to the window where he came in.

"i gotta go see john b. i'll see you tonight. i loooove you" he said, pacing back to give her one last kiss

"i love you too" she smiled. she couldn't get used to the feeling of saying it.

"bye bye baby! you look beautiful as always!" he said as he dipped down outside the window.


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