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"i still don't recall saying you could come home with me?" bentley said as she parked at her home.

"yes. yes you did. you said i could sleep on the couch" he said, the two getting out of her small blue jeep.

"have fun then, best sleep you'll ever have" she winked.

she unlocked the front door, letting the two in as she closed it behind them, heading to her room. but the lights in the living room turned on before she could make it to her door.

"bentley. it's 1 in the morning. what are you doing getting home this late?" her mom said, sitting in a barstool in the kitchen.

"hey mom" she smiled, with jj by her side

"sneaking out again or sneaking in?" she asked

"ummm neither? i was at john b's last night. i got jax to tell you. and i decided to come home tonight. just a lil late" she said sarcastically

"i know. jax did tell me. what's he doing here?" she said nodding her head towards JJ who awkwardly smiled.

"mrs tate, i can leave if you would like me to?" he offered, bentley screwing her face up at his offer, and hearing him be over polite for once.

"no JJ it's okay. i would just like to be more informed by my daughters actions. it's not you're fault. besides, are you two even dating yet?" she scoffed

"yeah, we are mom." she smiled

"oh really? wow." her mom said

"why do you sound so surprised?" bentley said

"JJ could you give us a minute?" her mom said

"um. yeah. of course" he smiled, headed into bentleys room.

"im happy for you baby. i really am. but come on. i know im chill with the things you do but hell, you're making me so paranoid lately! keep this shit up and im taking your keys and grounding you. i know it's summer, and it's meant to be all fun and shit, but hell leaving for a few days and not letting me know where you are is not okay baby. and on top of that now i've got to worry about if im gonna be a grandma. im not ready for that yet" she said

"mom! woah! i think you need to be saying that to jax not me. im not gonna make you a grandma anytime and you know that" she said pointing to her arm, where she had her birth control implant.

"i know i know. just stop with the sneaking around shit. i'm serious. if i'm not gonna be worried about being a grandma i'm not gonna worry about you being killed instead. okay? got it?"

"i got it mom. i'm so sorry. i love you" she said

"i love you too. now go to bed" she said turning the lights off and headed back upstairs to her bedroom.

bentley walked into her room, hearing her shower running. she walked in, seeing JJs bare ass in the shower.

"make yourself at home why don't ya" she said

"oh fuck!" he yelled, dropping the shampoo as she scared him

"it's okay, you dork. just clean up after yourself and i'll meet you in bed." she said headed out.

𝙚𝙪𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙖 - 𝙅𝙅 𝙢𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠 1Where stories live. Discover now