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as soon as the large black truck left, JJ ran inside the house to find bentley before the friends could even say a word.

"bentley! baby come on, you gotta wake up" JJ slowly shook her awake, holding her in his arms.

"come on, you're okay, you're gonna be okay, just wake up for me okay" he said, laying her head on his legs as he restlessly day on the floor

by the site of her, he had to check for a pulse to make  sure he hadn't lost her for good, hearing what they did to her without him being able to help broke his heart.

the friends walked through the house quickly, finding JJ on the floor with bentley in his arms

JJ quickly wiped his eyes and sniffles a little before looking up at his friends.

"she's still breathing, she's just out cold" he said, his voice breaking, the friends all sighing of relief.
the four all helped to lift her onto the pull out couch, hopefully and patiently waiting for her to wake up.

around half an hour passed and john b had an idea to go check out the redfield lighthouse, so JJ carried bentley to the twinkie and they headed off

"what the fuck" where the first words to leave her lips, waking up from going over a huge bump in the road

the friends all gasped, turning to look at the confused girl who lay awake, laying up from where she before lay in JJs lap

"woah, take it easy, you're heads pretty busted" JJ softly spoke, offering her to lay back on him which she did so.

"did they find you guys? you know after they dealt with me?" she asked, the friends confused how she didn't have a care in the world that she just had the shit beaten out of her by two older men

"no- uh we hid in the chicken coop" pope said, bentley cracking a smile

"out of all places you hid in the chicken coop?" she said stuffing a laugh

"JJ killed my fucking rooster- snapped its neck" john b said, the small smile dropping from the girls face as she quickly sat up

"you killed the fucking rooster! i loved the rooster!" she said, her head becoming light as she sat up to quickly, attempting to punch JJs arm but to slow and being caught in his fist.

"i had too! it was either the rooster or us who ended up dead" JJ said, the girls face dropping at the thought

"we wouldn't have actually died, but you know what i mean, they're bad guys b" JJ assured, hoping to wipe the shocks expression of her face.

"don't you think i know after what they did?" she somewhat snapped, JJ taken back by her outburst.

"sorry" she muttered, looking out the window seeing they pulled up to the lighthouse

the twinkie pulled up to the lighthouse, everyone getting out and looking up at it.

"alright, here's what's gonna happen. JJ, you're gonna stay back and watch out for bogies, okay?" john b said

"why me?" he asked confused

"because, JJ. there are dependent variables and independent variables. and you're an independent variable okay" pope said before JJ started to cut i him off by shouting at him to shut up.

"JJ only yells at pope to shut up when he knows popes right" bentley scoffed as her and kiara stood back waiting on the boys to decide what was going to happen.

"listen to me for a second, both of you shut up! pope you stay back on look out with JJ, and if we get split up we meet up back at JJs house" john b said

"what about me? i'll go with you guys then" bentley said, walking over to the fence with them, only to be pulled back by JJ

"no! you're staying here with me- i don't want you to get hurt again" JJ said before john b could decide or speak.

everyone turned to look at JJ, noticing his outburst of protection for bentley

"okay then, that's done. come on kie" john b said and the two headed off

"okay, you have to make the rules for me, JJ" she scoffed, climbing on top of the van after grabbing JJs joint and lighter from the seat in the van.

"what do you mean? i'm not making rules i'm just trying to make sure you don't get hurt again?!" JJ said from below.

"mmmh-hmm" she said laying back on the surfboard that was strapped on, lighting the joint and taking a hit.

"are you okay?" he asked

"yeah why wouldn't i be?" she asked as JJ climbed up, sitting behind her and placing her head in his lap as she lay.

"maybe because you just got the shit beat out of you? i don't know?" he sarcastically scoffed, a smile appearing on his lips as he looked at her

"okay it wasn't thatttt bad" she said, passing the joint to him.

"your face says otherwise" he said blowing out the smoke.

"i love that you're being protective, JJ. i think it's cute" she winked as she looked at him

"you guys make me wanna throw up" pope said from the ground.

"you guys hear that?" bentley asked, sitting up

"cops!" pope said spotting them, running to the van as JJ and bentley both jumped down and in to the twinkie.

the three left the lighthouse, bentley going hone a little while after.

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