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"this is empty, you seriously got empty tanks?!" kie scoffed, checking the air in each of the tanks john b had stolen from the cameron's.

"this one is a quarter full, good enough for one of us" bentley said, helping kie with the tanks.

"love it when a plan comes together" pope sighed

"well does anybody know how to dive? anybody?" kie asked, everyone staying silent.

"it's kinda a kook sport" JJ said

"i read about it?" pope shrugged, kie rolling her eyes

"great, pope read about it, so someone's gonna die" kie scoffed

"look, you put the thing in your mouth and breath, how hard could it be?" JJ said

"well if you come up to fast, nitrogen can get into your blood and you get the bends" pope said

"bends? like bend over?" JJ said, bentley stifled a laugh at him making him look at her and smile

"no, the bends kill you JJ" bentley said, laughing more at his stupidity than the joke.

"oh" he muttered

"i- i can dive!?" john b offered.

"yeah, you can dive in cool with that" JJ shrugged.

"are you serious?" kie rolled her eyes than stood up

"okay let me make some calculations" pope said

"Mr pope the nerd over here" bentley said, taking a hit of the juul she stole from JJ.

"shut up- so that boat is about 30 feet down" pope started, bentley zoning out of popes nerdy-ness.

"hey, is that my juul?" JJ asked, looking over the girl who lay on the back of the boat

"this one- oh no, it's not. and besides, you're talking to me now?" she scoffed, taking another hit before turning her head away and lifting her sunglasses.

he sat down and reached over to snatch it from her, making her pull her arm away.

"don't touch me" she said in a serious tone but couldn't help but let out a laugh.

she sat up and shuffled away from him, making him wrap his arms around her from behind, snatching it from her hands, seeing the engraving of 'JJ' on it that she had done for him a couple months ago.

"you're such a liar!" he chuckled, his head resting on her shoulder, leaving a small kiss on her neck before she twisted around

"don't be all lovey dovey now, you've been such an asshole!" she said pouting her lip.

"aww i'm sowwy" he scoffed, taking a hit of his juul and blowing it in her face, the two be only inches apart, which somehow was extremely attractive and hot in bentleys eyes.

she than got up, standing with kie at the top of the boat, listening to the boys calculations once again, JJ looking and admiring her with a confused expression.

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