1. Ivar 18+

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Ivar 18+

Today I was helping my father make some knives, and shine some swords. We have been busy lately since The sons of Ragnar have decided to get vengeance on the Kings who killed Ragnar. There were so many people who had wanted to fight for our late king, even though he left, but he still was a good viking.

"EITI!" I hear someone yell as I drop a sword into the water.

"Hello Ivar. What can I do for you?" My father asks.

"I need my swords sharpened, but I can do it just need your sharpener." Ivar holds a bag up full of swords, knives, and other things.

I turn back to my work of heating iron and sharpening, and when I'm putting a sword in water Ivar comes into the room.

"Hello (y/n)." He smiles.

"Hi Ivar. You can use this side, it's hotter, so you can work faster." I go around to my side of the fire pit.

"Want me gone already?" He looks up at me as he lays some of his daggers in the fire.

"Oh hush." I laugh.

Ivar and I have been friends since I could walk, and every time he comes to work on his swords we talk, joke, and when he comes back from England he tells me of what he saw. When he was away I worried so much, and I dreamt of such bad things. When Ivar returned, and told me I finally understood my dreams. We worked in comfortable silence until the sun started to fall, and when I saw the pink in the sky I had to step out.

"I'll be right out the door. I just need some air." I tell Ivar as I wipe my hands off.

He nods to me, but continues to sharpen his ax. I lean against the post of the shop, and look at the sky. I usually come out at this time to look at the colors in the sky, and the heat of the shop finally gets to me. The sky kept changing from color to color. The clouds changed shape.

"Like the sky?" Someone asks making me to jump.

I turn my head to see Rune smiling down at me. He is your normal viking man tall, big, and mean. He always acts like he can have me when I tell him constantly I don't, but that doesn't stop him.

"Yes I do." I say in a neutral voice as I look back up.

"You know the best view on the hill is by my cabin." He states as if I'd run to it.

"Actually the best view is up the hill overlooking Kattegat." I snap.

I see him moving his head as he sighs, but it snaps straight into the shop. I turn my head to see Ivar catching his ax looking at Rune with his eyes blue as the lake. I hold in my giggle as I walk back into the shop.

"Jealousy is terrible for a viking to have Ivar." I giggle as I hang my apron up.

"He doesn't listen to you, so maybe he needs to hear me." He grunts as he puts the covers on his swords.

He grabs his crutch, his bag of weapons, and we walk out the shop. I usually leave with him when he comes into the shop, because we go to the best spot to look at the sky.

"Let me put this in my room, and we can walk up there." He smiles at me.

I nod as I sit on the step of the great hall, and smile at his jealousy. He comes out, and we walk up the hill to the tree we always seemed to find each other when something happened to us. I came up here when my mother died, and he did as well. When we get to the tree he takes his braces off, and leans against the tree letting me lay my back against him. I rub his legs where his braces sit, because I know he always has pain when he wears them too long.

"Why don't you want Rune?" He randomly asks.

"Because he's a pig. He takes girls even when they don't want it. I've even come across him just throwing a girl to the ground after being down using her, and she drowned herself because she became pregnant by him." I shake my head.

"That girl with the scar on her lip you used to always be with." I nod leaning my head back.

"Besides I need a man who can protect me. He almost dies every raid." I laugh. "I want my man to only want me, and be happy with me. I don't want to be happy, and find out my husband wasn't with me."

I look up at him as he sits quiet looking over Kattegat. I wish Ivar would have me as his, but I know he wouldn't look at me like that. He never has made a move on me. Granted I could never be with anyone, because they were either scared of Ivar or he threatened them away. He looks down to me as I'm looking at him.

"Ivar why don't you have a woman? You'll be king soon." I look into his eyes.

"Because the woman I want wouldn't want a cripple with anger." He sighs.

"Well she'll be stupid to not want you." I turn my body around kneeling next to his legs. "Ivar you are more loving than you think, and when she realizes you show your love through...well anger gestures." I giggle as he rolls his eyes. "Besides I believe once you actually have her to yourself you'll calm down a little bit." I smile at him.

"Then I guess she is the one, because she's the only one I can talk to anyway." He looks down.

I laugh. "Ivar you only talk to me, and your brothers. Who is..." I hold my breath. "Ivar?" I look at him surprised.

He only nods with his eyes looking into my soul. I can't help the wide smile that forms, and I couldn't stop myself from jumping on his lap. He grabs my hips as I kiss him hard, and I hold his shoulders. We moan together as he kisses me back deeply. He leans us over on the ground, and lays on top of me. He pulls back to look me in the eyes, and runs his finger over my cheek softly.

"I've only wanted you as my woman, and you're the only one other than my family who understands me. Even my brothers don't think of my pains." He kisses my cheek softly. "You know how to calm me down when I almost kill someone.'' He kisses my jaw. "I dream of you every night, and when I wake up I get so angry when you're not there next to me." He kisses my neck.

"Ivar I've dreamt of you more than I have the sky. I've never wanted any man other than you." I lean my head back with a soft moan as he keeps kissing my neck.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he looks up at me as he lifts my dress up, and my skin burns as his hand goes up my thigh to my hip. I enjoy his fingers grip on me as I kiss him hard, and my hands run down his back to the bottom of his shirt. He pulls back to take his shirt off, and he starts kissing my neck down to my collarbone.

"Ivar." I moan.

He pulls my dress up completely as I run my hands down his sides to his pants, and when he nods to me to continue he unties my top holding my breast in place. He kisses up and down my chest as I feel him poke at my entrance. He pauses to look up at me, and when I nod he enters me completely in one trust. He kisses me to stop my scream, and he kisses my face as he starts to slowly move into me. I grab his shoulders as he grinds hard into me, and my back arches when I throw my head back.

"IVAR!" I scream out with my nails digging in his skin.

"Gods (y/n). You are mine." He grunts in my ear.

I arch into him as I wrap my arms around his neck. "The Gods made me for you Ivar." I whisper in his ear.

He growls in my neck as he starts to pound into me, and he holds my hips as he moves my body against his. My eyes roll back as I moan out to the Gods, and I release hard for him. He pounds into me a little more before he grunts biting my neck as he releases into me. We catch our breath as he pulls out of me pulling back, and he holds my face in his hands.

"You're mine, and if anyone tries to take you from me I will kill them." He kisses me.

I smile against his lips as I kiss him back. He fixes his pants as he leans against the tree, and he pulls me to his lap. I lean against his chest as I fix my dress, and he plays with my hair. We sit like this until the moon is completely in the sky, and we head to his house. His brothers smile at him as we walk to his room for the night, but before we go to bed he has a slave bring us food. As we lay in bed we feed each other, and talk about his future raid to England. That night I fell more in love with Ivar the boneless, and no one will come between us.

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