1. Hvitserk 18+

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~Hvitserk ~ 18+

        Margrethe. What's so special about her? She has Ubbe, and Sigurd, so why is she always going after Hvitserk? I sigh, grabbing my basket, and I head to the great hall. I'm halfway there when I hear a giggle. I look around, and what I see stops my heart. Hvitserk is carrying a basket while walking with Margrethe, and she is giggling while holding onto his arm. They look like a real couple. I look down, and try to hurry away, but my name is called, making me stop. Hvitserk runs up to me from behind, and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Where have you been?" He asks with his head on my shoulder.
"I had to get some crops." I look down at the basket full of things. 
"Let me help you." He comes around reaching for the basket. 
"It's okay go help Margrethe." I walk away ignoring my name.
        I'm not fighting her anymore if she wants to be the ragnarsson's whore then so be it. I walk into my house slamming my basket down. 

"Stupid ugly whore." I growl as I sit on the chair. 
"You better not be saying that about yourself." I jump looking behind me to see Hvitserk. 
"What are you doing here?" I ask, looking back at the table.
"(Y/n) why did you run from me?" He asks as he sits on the table taking an apple. 
"Because I'm not going to fight with a whore over something that is pointless." I stand up, grabbing things. 
"Who are you fighting? Over what?" I'm walking around the kitchen as he asks this. I stop at the fire. 
"Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter just go be like your brothers." I say put the onions in the pot. 

I hear him sigh, and his footsteps. "If this is about Margrethe, then you know you have nothing to worry about. I've told you. I only want you." He whispers in my ear. "(Y/n) what do I have to do to prove I'm only yours?" He holds me to his chest. "I'd fight against anyone, kill anything, or give you whatever you want." He kisses my neck with every statement. "Freya only put you in my heart (y/n)." 

He turns me around kissing me hard, so I kiss him back, grabbing a hold of his shirt. Once we pull apart, he doesn't move at all, just looks down at me. 
"You Hvitserk. I want you." My lips brush against his as I talk. 

       He picks me up sitting me on the table, and kisses up my neck.

"You have me, my love." He whispers in my ear as his hands run down my side grabbing the bottom of my dress. 

           He slowly lifts my dress, his fingers lightly touching my thigh. He pulls my dress off of me, throwing it, and pulls back to take his clothes off. I smile up at him as I run my hand up his stomach to his chest. 
"You are mine, and I will only be with you." He smirks at me. 

         He lays me down on the table, and he kisses up my legs, putting my thigh on his shoulder. He looks up, into my eyes, as he licks up my center. 

"Hvitserk." I moan out in surprise. 

          He smiles up at me as he keeps going further into me, causing me to grab his hair, and both of us to moan. He pulls back with a kiss on my hip, before standing up. He grabs my hips tightly, as he slowly inches into me. 

"Gods (y/n)." He moans. 
"Hvitserk." I moan running my hands down his back feeling his thrusts. 

        He grabs the back of my neck, pulling me up, and as he rams into me he kisses me hard. My head falls back with a moan, so he kisses along my neck. 
"HVITSERK'' I screamed out to Valhalla.
"Let all of Kattegat know I'm yours and you're mine." He grunts letting go of my hair to hold himself up. 

          I grab the table, arching my back, as he keeps pounding into me so fast I can't keep my screams under control. My body feels like I'm floating, and Valhalla is right in reach.

"Hvitserk" I moan, not holding back my release.
"(Y/n)" He groans, turning me. 

        His hands grab my hips, in a tight grab, as I move my hips against him. He pulls my hair back as rams into me, and pulls me to his chest. With an arm around my stomach, one gripping my hair as we grind against each other. 
"(Y/n)." We moan together as we release.

      He holds me to his chest as we catch our breath, and he cuddles his face in my hair. I'm so relaxed I can't keep my eyes open, or feel my body. 

"(Y/n) I want you to be my wife." Hvitserk says softly.

"I would love to be your wife, but I don't share my husband. " I smile up at him, holding my laugh in his face.

"Why would I want anyone else when I have my own Goddess to warm my bed." He laughs at me, hitting his arm, and turning my face away.

        He then turns me, so he can pick me up. He kisses my forehead before laying us down. 

"I will never leave you, or hurt you. I would kill the great father himself to be with you." He kisses my forehead. 
"Okay Hvitserk I'll be your wife." I kissed him. 
"Good because I already told my mother I'm marrying you." He laughs as I hit his chest. 

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