2. Floki

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I was walking towards the great hall for the celebration of a great raid. The men just got back from a long year and a half raid in England. As I walked inside people were already drunk, and the thralls were walking around for men. I smiled as I walked to the table grabbing some bread. I looked around at all the people having fun, but I didn't see one smiley man anywhere. I've been looking for him all day since the men docked, but since Ragnar was gone I thought they were together. A slave gives me a cup of mead as I walk to Lagertha.

We've been friends since we were children. That's how I met Floki, it was when Ragnar and Lagertha had just started dating, and Ragnar came around one day with Floki. Floki really ignored me for a while, and just paid attention to craving. It wasn't until I showed him a way to do a ancient carving, I learned from my grandmother, that he actually started to notice me. I was too occupied with my thoughts when Lagertha waved a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. What was that?" I ask

She laughs. "Floki is coming." She points toward the door.

Ragnar and Floki are walking through the crowd, and Lagertha nudges me. Her and Ragnar had always wanted me and Floki to marry, but he was a free spirit. One day I wish he would marry me, but I don't think he ever will.

"Hello ladies" Ragnar greets us as he kisses Lagertha.

"Hello Ragnar." I smile up at him.

I turn to Floki. "Hi Floki"

"(Y/n)" He giggles.

We all start drinking, eating the feast, and Floki lays his head on my lap as we relax.

"So Floki.." Ragnar starts, but stops to drink. "When will you actually marry this beautiful woman? You know I've had a couple men asking about her." Ragnar smirks.

Floki grunts, throwing back his drink as he walks away with an angry scowl. I frown turning to Ragnar.

"Why must you anger him?"

"Because he needs to learn what you deserve. He's just keeping you in his presence, but not in his hands." he snaps.

Ragnar has always been like an older brother, but I can't force someone to marry me. I followed the way Floki went, but I couldn't find him. I walked around hoping to find him, but I gave up. I walked into my house to see a bag on the table. I open the beg to see a gold cup, plates, coins, and a knife. As I put the knife down I see something move to my left. I tightly grip the knife as I turn to see Floki.

"I thought you would like those. I had this in there, but I.." He stammered walking to me. "I know we've been together for a long time, but will you be my wife?" He giggles holding up a ring with a big red stone on a gold band.

"Are you sure, Floki?" I ask. "I mean, I know you don't want to actually marry me."

"I have realized Ragnar and Lagertha have been right all these years. You've been here when I come home, you help with the boats, and I can't help but smile when I think of you." He giggles.

"Yes Floki" I kissed him hard.

~a week after~

Today I finally get married, but I didn't think I'd be this nervous. Lagertha was helping me get ready, and kept telling me how beautiful I looked or how everything is okay. I couldn't stop the smile on my face. I had my white lace dress with sleeves that made me feel like a goddess, and Lagertha had a flower crown made for me. My hair was braided with pieces of flowers in them, and it was time to get married. Lagertha said Floki is losing his mind with worrying I wasn't going to show up. We laughed as we walked through the woods. I saw Ragnar smirking as we walked up, and Lagertha was walking me down the aisle.

"Thank the Gods you showed up." He chuckles. "He's been walking in circles all morning."

Everyone stops talking as we get ready, and I could see Floki looking through the crowd. As we walked toward him I couldn't stop myself from giggling at Floki's expression, he had this awe confused look.

"You look like a Goddess" He gasps at me.

"Thank you my husband." I smile.

We say our vows, the blood rings, and Floki almost had to be pulled off of me when he was told to kiss his bride.

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