1.2 King Harald 18+

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1.2 King Harald 18+

I was in the town looking at different things people were selling when someone came up behind me, and their arms went around me.

"I'm glad you are feeling better, my queen." Harald says in my ear.

I smile as I lean against his chest

"I've been about to finally eat, so I'm okay." I say turning in his arms.

He looks behind me, and then grabs something off the sales table. He gives the woman coins as he comes behind me. He softly moves my hair out of the way as he hooks the necklace.

"Thank you, but I was only looking." I look down at the gorgeous blue stone with the run for strength carved on it.

"Like I've said before, you are my queen, and you have whatever you wish." He kisses my temple walking us to the great hall.

"I suppose you are right." I smile stopping in front of him. "I am Queen, so I shouldn't have to ask for anything, right?"

I get a deep growl before I'm thrown over his shoulder, and I can't help but laugh.


He throws me on the bed with a deep laugh, and he pulls me closer to him by my ankle.

"I'm just doing what my queen wants." He leans down, kissing me deeply, and I feel his big hands slide up my thighs.

As he crawls over me he takes my dress off, and he starts kissing along my neck. He stands on his knees to untie his pants, kicking them off, but when he is back over me he just runs his hands down my sides slowly. He, in one motion, slides into me, and with a tight grip on my hips he rams into me. I couldn't stop my nails as I grip onto his back, but as he grinds into me my body arches against his. With an arm around my waist he flips us, so I am on top straddling him. As I move my hips he pulls me to his chest, with a hand on the side on my neck, and one around my waist, he starts to pound into me.

"OH GODS!" I moan loud into his neck.

With one last ram he empties with a grunt, and he holds me to him. As he plays with my hair we hear a faint voice calling his name.

"Damn it. Just lay here, and I'll send someone with food." He kisses my temple then my lips.

He stumbles with his clothes as he runs out the door, and after a couple moments a slave comes in with a tray of fruits, meat, and bread. As I put the piece of fruit in my mouth it came back up.

"My lady, if I may ask, how late are you?" She asks to take away everything, but the bread.

I jump, forgetting I'm naked, to my feet, and she rushes to put a dress on me.

"Should we go see a healer?" She asks.

"No need. It makes sense why I couldn't eat, sleep, and why I was sick." I sigh. "I'm so nervous."

She smiles. "The Gods will bless you and your baby." I smile back.

"Thank you. I guess I have to go tell my husband." I giggle.

We walk toward the throne, he has a scowl on his face, but when he sees me he sits up with a smile. I sit on his lap, and as I lean against his chest I grab his beard. He holds me to him, by the waist, but when he sees the grinning slave he looks down at me.

"What did you do?" He asks. "You're being all happy, and if she smiles anymore her face will rip." He says pointing to the slave.

We laugh at his comment. "Well it's more like you did it." I say.

He looks so confused, making us laugh, and that only makes him angry.

"Okay. Tell me woman." He grunts in my ear.

"Well it seems the King is going to be a father." The slaves say as she walks into the crowd.

The crowd stops to a dead silence, and turns to us. Harald looks down at me for a moment, and then my stomach.

"My queen are you with a child?" He asks, taking a piece of my hair in his fingers.

"I am." I nod with a smile.

"SHE IS WITH CHILD!" He yells to everyone.

He sets me down on the throne to run into the cheering crowd, and as they drink with him he has the biggest smile on his face. I sit, with my cup, as I watch him talk about teaching them to hunt, or killing a boy for coming near his princess.

"HAIL THE QUEEN!" Harald yells lifting a cup.

I stand with my lifted cup, and as they cheer Harald comes back to sit on the throne. He kisses me as he pulls me to his lap. The rest of the night we celebrate with everyone.

Nine months later our princess, Hilda, was born. She became the strongest shieldmaiden, and like her father wanted to see the world. Two years later, our prince, Bard, was born with a gift from the gods. He had a white patch of hair that never went away, and he became the smartest in everything. Harald gave them the kingdom once Bard turned 18, and they have it growing more and more each day.

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