1. King Alfred

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~King Alfred ~

        I was sitting on the window sill looking over the kingdom. I have lived in Northumbria my whole life, and I have been taught to be queen. My father has told me the only role a woman has is to bare children, and be there for their husbands. Oh how I hate that. I want to be beside my husband fighting for my kingdom, or at least coming up with strategies. Today is my last day in Northumbria, because I am being given to the new king of Wessex. I say given, because I wasn't asked or even met this King. I haven't even been to Wessex. My mother comes in telling me it's time to go, and I follow her to the carriage. It's not a very long trip to Wessex, but it's a day's ride. We should be getting there in the early morning. I am alone in my own carriage, and I take this time to read my books I bought in my side bag.

~Time skip~

       I have been in Wessex for 3 days now, and the only person I have met is Queen Judith, my husband's mother. She is a lovely woman, but I was getting anxious as to who my husband is. I am currently in the library, reading one of my books, when the doors open. I look up to see a young man I haven't seen before in robes. His hair is long to his shoulder, his bright green eyes lock with mine as he walks toward me. He takes a seat in front of me on the couch, and I close my book sitting it beside me.

"I would like to firstly apologize for not meeting you when you arrived, and for having you wait 3 days." He says in one breath. "I am King Alfred of Wessex and Mercia."

I couldn't take my eyes off of his as he talked.

"I understand you have duties that are more important..." He stopped me.

"No. You will be my wife, and nothing should excuse my bad behavior. If my father can still have time for my mother then I can find time for you." He says and I could see anger in his eyes.

"Well then I guess you have to make it up to me." I smile. "Maybe tonight? Or breakfast before your busy day starts?" I ask, losing my confidence with each word.
He smiles at me as he stands. "I will have someone fetch you for dinner tonight, and in the morning." With that he left, leaving me with a smile on my face.

      The rest of the day I spent in the library just reading. Actually I couldn't focus on anything, but my husband's eyes. They were bright like the sun was always lighting them. I was walking toward my room when a maid came out of the great hall.

"Oh my lady. The king has sent me to come get you for dinner." She smiles.

"Now?" I look down at my dress. "I guess I look okay." I mumble mostly to myself.

She giggles. "You look wonderful, my lady" I smile in thanks as she opens the door.

I walk in, and I see Alfred and his family all in different spots of the room with mine. My mother and his were sitting at the table talking. Our fathers were talking over a map with his brother. Alfred was sitting by the window by himself. He watched me as I walked toward him, and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. When I get in front of him he hands a cup to me that I thankfully take from him.

"I'm glad you could make it, husband." I smile as I sip the wine.

"As am I, my wife. I am curious about my new Queen." He says with a smile.

I look away to hide my blush that burns my cheeks. I see our fathers walk toward the table, and his brother looks over at us nodding.

"Come it's time for dinner." Alfred whispers in my ear as his hand goes to my lower back guiding me to my chair next to his.

When we are seated and comfortable we dig in, and everyone falls into a conversation.

"So what in the library has caught your eye?" Alfred asks as he takes a bite of bread.

I smile. "I just like a quiet place to read. I spend the most of my day reading." I say eating a grape.

"I used to read books everyday, but now all I read are maps and political mess." He grumbles causing me to giggle.

"It's a lot of work being King" I joke.

He laughs. "Oh yes, but I am happy to have a partner to share some of this paperwork with." He says looking me in the eye.

I smile as I look down at my plate, and continue to eat. We make small talk throughout dinner, and I've learned a lot about him. He was really close to his grandfather, and learned everything from him. He had gone on a religious journey, with his father, and was able to actually feel Jesus's torn from his crown. We kept talking until I realized we were the only ones left in the hall, and I had drank too much wine.

"I think it's time for bed." He says holding his hand out for me.

I take his hand, but I stumble a little making me grab his arm for balance.

"I am happy to finally meet you." I say looking up at him. "I can't wait for our wedding to finally happen." I drunkenly say as I lay my head on his shoulder.

We get to my door, and he pushes it open walking me to my bed. He lays me down, and covers me with a blanket from the couch I was using this morning.

"Goodnight my Queen." He mumbles as he kisses my forehead.

~The next morning~

I woke with a groan. I can't believe the first dinner with my husband I got drunk. I rolled over causing the blanket to fall, and then I remember Alfred putting me to bed. I smile at the thought of him kissing me again. I fold the blanket, and grab a new dress to change into. When I finish changing a maid walks in with a tray of food.

"The King is waiting in the hall when you are decently dressed, my lady." She bows.

I sit at the table nodding. As I'm looking at all the food Alfred walks in shutting the door.

"Good morning Alfred." I smile up at him.

"Good morning, my Queen," He smiles, kissing my forehead as he sits next to me.

"I would like to thank you for last night." I say as we begin to eat. "I hope I didn't embarrass myself too much or upset you with my behavior." I mumble as I drink my tea.

"Oh on the contrary, I found it very amusing." He chuckles. "I can honestly say I'm looking forward to you being drunk again."

"Oh hush" I swat toward him blushing.

We are done eating, but are finishing our tea. I am enjoying our time, and I can imagine the rest of our lives like this. I was brought out of my thoughts when he grabs my hand softly. I smile toward him.

"I have to go take care of some things." He says rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. "But I will be joining you for dinner." He kisses my hand like a promise.

I smile up at him as he stands. "Okay. I'll be in the library, again." I stand putting our plates, and cups on the tray.

He stops my movements. I look up at him curiously, and he puts both his hands on the side of my face.

"I can't wait to marry you tomorrow, and I am angry with myself for waiting until yesterday to meet you." He says looking me in the eyes.

I blush remembering what I told him last night. He smiles as he leans forward, and my heart feels like it's going to fall out of my chest. I grab his sides as he softly kisses me, and move his right hand into my hair. I have never felt anything like this, my body feels like it's on fire from the inside out, and I can't stop myself from pulling him closer.

"Alfred." I sigh against his lips

" (y/n), my queen I will cherish you until my last breath." He whispers as he leans his forehead to mind.

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