2. Bjorn 18+

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2. Bjorn 18+

"Please come back in one piece. I swear if you don't I'll kill you when I get to Valhalla." I snip at Bjorn as I tie his vest on.
"Don't worry (y/n) I'll be back." He pulls me to his chest. "You know I can't stay away from you long." He smirks at my giggle.
"May the Gods be with you Bjorn Ironside." I cuddle my face into his chest as I hug him.

It's been a month since Bjorn left, and I'm getting worried. I've been having dreams, mostly nightmares, of a bear following me through the woods, but then there's a scream causing me to jump awake. Last night's dream was different. I actually saw Bjorn in my dream this time, but it was him when we were kids he was running to me. I knew I had to ask the seer what he saw, and as I'm toward his hut I'm praying to the Gods he is okay.

As I'm about to walk around the little hill someone grabs me covering my mouth, dragging me back, and I'm thrown at the big rocks, hitting my head, knocking me out. When I wake up I'm tied to a post, in a cold room with straw, on the ground, and there's a little window giving some light. From the colors in the sky it is either sunrise or sunset, but that's the least of my worries. How am I going to get out of here? How long have I been knocked out? What will happen? So many questions, and by the sound of footsteps walking toward the door I'm sure I'll get my answers. The door opens revealing Erlendur and some man, I must be in Hedeby.

"Finally you are awake. You've been out for 3 days." Erlendur says with a smirk.

I glare at him watching as he walks around the room, and the other man just stands at the door.

"Oh right you haven't met yet. This is Kalf..." I jerk toward Kalf only hurting my hands.

" I'm sure you have heard of him. We aren't going to hurt you, just need you here long enough." He scoffs as if thinking of his plan.

They leave once they notice I'm not saying anything. I know I won't have to worry about Kalf long, because Lagertha will kill him once she learns of his treason. I still can't stop thinking if Bjorn is okay, or if he will find me, if he will look at all. I lean my head back against the pole. I'm tied to closing my eyes, and getting some rest.

For the next 11 days, 2 weeks all together, I hardly eat, only drinking water, the only noise I make is when they hit me for not talking, and of course the constant ear torture from Erlendur about how he is going to end the Ragnar family. The longer I'm here the longer I doubt my release, and how long Bjorn will be alive.

This morning I woke up differently, I woke to screaming, swords clashing together, and a lot of feet stomping. After a while I hear someone running toward the shake I've been in, and my heart can't stop pounding as I think of how I will die. I'm looking down at my lap as the door flies open with a boom, and I can't move.

"(Y/n)" a deep but soft voice says.

My head snaps up to see Bjorn standing there with a shocked expression, blood covering his body, and him standing on the door.

"Bjorn" I gasp. "Thank the Gods you're alive."

"Me? Look at you." He runs to me. "You look like you fought in Paris. I can't believe I left you unprotected." He says as he cuts my hands free.

Once my hands are free he holds my to his side as I start to fall forward. I start moving my hands, trying to get feeling back, looking up at him. He just picks me up as he stands, I put my hands on his neck, and he carries me out. As he's walking I see what the battle has caused, and I lean my head on his chest finally able to relax.

The next time I come to I'm laying in a bed with my wrists wrapped. As I go to get up Bjorn comes in with a bucket, and when he notices me awake he drops the bucket.

"You're awake." He runs to me holding me to his chest. "I'm never leaving you again. You'll even go on raids."

I giggle. "Bjorn I'm fine now. Calm down." I play with his braided hair.

"(Y/n) marry me. When I came back, and they told me you were gone I lost my mind. You have been there my whole life." He runs his nose in my hair.

"Bjorn." I whisper. "Yes...YES!" I jump on him hugging him hard as I straddle his lap.

He chuckles as he holds my hip with his left hand as his right moves my hair back behind my ear. He slams his lips to mine as I grab his shoulders, and he pulls me into him. I moan against his mouth as I feel him start to untie my dress, and he pulls my dress down his hands down my shoulders to my arms. He lays me down as he kisses down my body, pulling the dress the rest of the way off, and he throws it behind him. I lean my head back, biting my lip, as I feel his fingers run up my legs softly. He pulls back pulling his clothes off before he slides back above me. I run my legs up to his hips as he kisses me hard, and lines up to my center. I gasp against his lips as he pushes all the way into me.

"Bjorn." I moan

After a moment he starts pounding into me causing me to scratch down his back, and me moaning loud. I can't believe how good this feels. He grinds into me, making my back arch, and he holds my hips into place. He grunts, watching me enjoy the pleasure he is causing me, and he starts pounding into me. I grab his arms, my nails digging in, moaning loud with my head falling back. I feel his hand run up my body, in between my breasts, and he grabs my throat. My eyes roll back as I cūm hard, my body shaking, and my eyes see black spots.

"(Y/N)!!." Grunting as his head falls back.

I catch my breath as he falls next me.

"Gods" I gasp.

He pulls me to him as he pants, and when I lay my head down on his chest I feel his heart pounding. I smile as I fall asleep with his fingers brushing against my arm.

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