1. Floki

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The King's army has been patrolling ever since we saw the Viking ships off the coast, but they didn't stop here just kept going toward Mercia. Father has us packing to go to the family hunting cabin in the mountains. It was just father and I, mother died from fever when I was 16, and he has been over protective since. I can't blame him for his actions though.

Father comes into the house with the last basket to fill, and then we leave the only place I've known as home. We can always come back, but it still is painful to leave. I finish packing the last of our things into the wagon I would be driving as father rides the only horse we have that is pulling a smaller wagon. As we get deeper into the woods I pray we don't run into the Vikings, but they should be more up north by now.

After some time we come up to the cabin, but I hear talking causing me to stop. I turn back to my father to see if he heard it as well, and he nods at me before dismounting his horse. He slowly walks up to me, helping me down, and he grabs a couple bags.

"We are going to quietly walk to the cabin, and get into the hiding spot." He whispers to me as he hands me a basket full of food.

I follow close behind him, and I notice smoke from the windows. I pull father to the bushes causing us to fall. He turns to me with a scowl, but I put my finger to my lips.

"Pagans." I whisper pointing to the cabin.

Father turns to the cabin, and signals me to go behind him. He walks sideways to the west, and I follow his every step. We come to a stop as a giggle is heard behind us.

"Oh God help us." Father prays.

There were three men standing by the trees, one had a beard with bright blue eyes, the other had blonde hair and a beard, and the other was smiling with mischief his black eye paint was running. I guess he was the one that giggled.

"What do we do with them Ragnar?" The blonde asks, causing me to gasp.

I learned norse from King Ecbert when I was a child, because he found me reading books of the vikings. When mother got sick I had to leave the castle.

"He is old and pointless, but she could work for awhile." Ragnar says. "Kill him."

"NO! You can't kill him." I shout in regret.

They all look at me in shock, and the man with black eye paint walks up to me.

"You understand us? How?" He asks.

"King Ecbert taught me when he found me in the library." I said.

Father looks at me with anger in his eyes, and I know he disapproves of my actions right now.

"She is no slave Ragnar." He says running his hand, in the air, and down my face.

"Well Floki you will watch her until we get back. We will speak with the Seer about this." Ragnar says walking away.

The man named Floki ties my hands together, and the blonde guy walks to my father. Floki pulls me fast behind him, and after five steps I hear my father's scream. I pulled from Floki, but he held onto me, pulling me away from my father. I should've known I couldn't save him.

I was kept tied inside Floki's tent while they were raiding Merica, but Floki would bring me food, water, and would untie me when he was in the tent. It's been at least a month since they caught me, and a month of listening to them torture women they took from villages. Floki has taught me a lot about their Gods, and about their everyday life. I wish I could just be Viking, they don't look down on women, they do everything together, and I would love to be a shieldmaiden.

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