1. Ubbe

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When my mother died I was just a couple weeks old, and Ragnar Lothbrok took me in as his own daughter. As I grew up I learned he has lost a daughter, so he used me to fill that hole. Aslaug was good to me in her own way. We were cordial to each other, but after I found out she was the reason behind my mother's death I never looked at her the same.

My mother died saving Ubbe and Hvitserk from drowning in the frozen lake, because Aslaug was too wrapped into having an affair with Harbard. My father was a King until he tried over taking Ragnar. All of the stories I've heard of my father, King Horik, was a fool playing King. Ragnar told me the reason for him meeting my father was because he wouldn't settle land with Jarl Borg, and that led to Rollo's first traitor act, many people died, and Rangar becoming King, the only good thing.

I was found in my mother's house under some furs, according to Ragnar, no bigger than a rabbit, and because I was so small people thought I would die. I am now 22 years old, and I have been helping Aslaug with the boys. Hvitserk, Ubbe, and Sigurd grew up like normal boys, but Ivar grew up with anger. I would train, hunt, fish, and eat with them, but I also helped the women with harvesting, weaving, and cooking for the feasts. My life was good for the most part, but because of who my father is I've never had peace.

"I don't see why you stay in Kattegat. You'll never be welcomed here" Gilnar hissed at me during our feast.

Apparently he lost his father when my father stayed in Paris, and he's always the one to start this little game of his.

"You need to get more ale Gilnar." I ignore his statements.

"Yea. Get me some." He holds his cup out to me. After I'm done pouring his drink I go to hand him the cup, but spit in it as he grabs it.

"Why you little bitch." He growls grabbing his axe. "I'm going to finally rid Kattegat of filth." I flip my axe up blocking his axe.

"ENOUGH'' a loud voice stops us.

We pull back as the crowd parts, and Ubbe comes through. He grabs Gilnar's axe, punching him in the face, and walks to me smirking with those intense blue eyes.

"Must you cause trouble?" He chuckles as I shrug at him.

"You always stick up for her." Gilnar grumbles. Ubbe frowns as he turns, throwing Gilnar's axe to him.

"That's right, and if this continues I will protect her fully." He pushes Gilnar to the ground.

I grab the jug of ale, and walk out the Great Hall over to the docks. It has always been like this, Gilnar gets drunk, starts his ranting, Ubbe comes to protect me, and I keep my mouth shut. I sigh, taking a chug out the jug as I lean my head on the post. I sometimes wonder what my mom would want for me. I turn my head to the footsteps coming down the dock, and Ubbe sits next to me with a grunt.

"Why do you always stick up for me?" I ask looking at the water.

"Someone has to protect you, because that spit of yours is going to get you in trouble." He laughs at his own joke.

"I only did that, because he talked to me like a slave. I can't stand him." I gulp some ale slamming the jug down.

"(Y/n) you can easily kill him, and he knows it. He's jealous of how you can go on raids, and he has to stay here. Besides you have m...uh family and he's alone." He clears his throat.

"You think that Ubbe, but I don't have family. If it wasn't for your father feeling sorry for me I'd be dead right now." I sigh.

He doesn't say anything for a while we just sit there until he wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side.

"Well you have me, now. That is if you want me." He softly says in my ear.

I look up at him, my head still on his shoulder, and he smiles down at me. He kisses me hard, almost knocking me to the dock, but I grab the fur on his shoulders. We kiss hard, fast, and passionate while his hands rub my body. The burning in my chest made me back away gasping.

"Ubbe." I look up at him biting my lip

"Be my wife (y/n)? Let me protect you for life." He says against my lips.

"Are you sure you want me? I mean..." I stutter. "You are a prince. Why would you want me?" I look up at him confused.

"Because you are strong, funny, good hearted, and you love family. Who wouldn't want that as their wife? I would love to go on raids with you, come home to you after a hunt, even though I already do come straight to you with a kill when you stay with the women, and I want only to warm my bed." He whispers the last bit in my ear. "Besides... you forget you are a princess even if your father is dead."

"Ubbe" I moaned, biting my lip hard, but he kept kissing and biting it. "Okay..Ubbe I'll be your wife." I giggle trying to push him back.

He hollers a yes as he attacks me, and we end up on the docks with him on top of me kissing all over my face.

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