1. Halfdan 18+

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~Halfdan 18+

Helga and I watch as King Harald's boats come to dock. I rub Helga's hand as she grabs my arm in fright.

"It will be alright Helga. The Gods are watching over us." I smile at her.

When King Harald and his brother Halfdan come to Kattegat it means we will be leaving soon. I was one of the healers in Kattegat, so it means I leave with them every raid.

Once they start to greet, and unload their things into the great hall I walk up to my favorite spot, in the woods, by a river. I was relaxing under a tree waiting for the feast to start, but my peace was interrupted by someone standing over me. I look up to see Halfdan smirking at me.

"What can I do for you, Halfdan?" I ask as I close my eyes.

"You know why I'm here." He mumbles.

"Yes the rain should bring great fortune." I smile.

He doesn't reply, he just scuffs as he walks away. I watch after him in confusion. He usually says something to me, mostly one word responses.

I've known Harald and Halfdan since King Ragnar came to be king. I was only 20 at the time, and I was still in training. I never really understood him. All he's done is stare at me when I'm walking around, or when I'm healing people on raids. He did save me when we were in England and our camp was attacked. He found me hiding behind a tree, and he fought the men as he got me to safety. When we got back, he left, and I haven't seen or heard from him since.

I hear cheering in the distance, so that must mean the feast has started. As I walk into the great hall, it seems most people are already drunk.

"(Y/n)!" I turn toward the voice, and Helga is sitting with floki with a big smile as she waves me over.

I smile as I walk up, and she hands me a cup of mead. Floki starts giggling laying his head on her lap causing Helga and I to look at him.

"It seems someone has caught Halfdan's eye." He giggles making Helga nudge him with a smirk.

They get up walking away, but I know I'm not alone. I turn around to see Halfdan standing there. I smile up at him, and stand up handing him my cup. I walk outside down the path toward my hut, but I know he's still there from the burning feeling on my back. I start to pick up my speed, and so does his. I giggle as I start running when I see my hut up ahead, and I hear him grunt as he runs after. When I get up to my door I'm grabbed from behind causing me to squeal.

"First you act as if I am not here, and now you run from me." he growls in my ear.

"You ran first." I push my door open and separate us.

"I had to follow my brother." He sighs.

I nod, throwing another log in the fire as I sit down, and I mash some herbs together for the ointment I needed for the raid. I jump at the door slamming, and I sigh in defeat when I notice he is gone.

~later that night~

As I am untying my braids I can't help but think of Halfdan. Was I just being stubborn or does he even want me? I'm brought out of my thoughts with my door slamming to the wall, and I jump into a corner with my hunting knife. I hear footsteps coming toward my room, but I relax when Halfdan comes through the curtain.

"Halfdan." I gasp holding my chest. "You scared..." I stop as he stomps towards me, and traps me to the wall. "Halfdan what's wrong?" I ask when I notice his heavy breathing.

I grab balling his shirt in my hands as he grabs the back of my head pulling my hair as he growls. He tightly holds me to his body, and he starts attacking my neck with his lips, kissing, biting, and licking. My body vibrates at his touch, and I can't help the loud moan that leaves my throat. I pull the tie that holds up his weapons making them fall, and he pulls at the ties on my dress.

"Halfdan!'' I breathed out.

He throws me on the bed, so he can take his shirt and pants off causing me to gasp at his naked body. I haven't seen a man this big before, and I mean everything. His muscles down to his cøck. He crawls on top of me, bringing my dress up with his fingertips, and I lay back running my hands over his shoulders. With his fingertips lightly touching my body he pulls my dress off completely, and he pulls me closer as he throws my dress behind him. I gasp as he slams into me without warning. His eyes roll a little as he grunts.

"You are mine." He growls in my ear as he grinds into me.

He starts to pound into me, and the air is knocked out of me. I didn't realize I was screaming until he grabbed my face and kissed me passionately, and when he pulls back he looks into my eyes.

"HALFDAN" I moan as stars take over my vision.

He grunts loud as he emptied himself inside of me. He slowly pulls out causing me to whine, and roll over catching my breath.

"Gods" is all he says, but I hear him catching his breath.

He comes up behind me wrapping his arm over my waist pulling me to him, and his nose into my neck. I smile as I close my eyes, laying my head back on his shoulder.

"You want to tell me what made you so angry?" I ask.

"Rollo was going to stake his claim on you." He grunts pulling me closer.

"So you staked yours first?" I turn in his arms. He nods looking in his eyes.

He grabs my face in his hand and kisses me hard. The rest of the night we didn't sleep at all. When morning came I couldn't move, but I had to start packing. I roll over to see Halfdan gone, but his knife is still on the floor. I stretch before I start getting dressed and start packing for the raid. I grab Halfdan's knife as I head out to the Great Hall. As I walk in they are sitting at the table eating. Halfdan watches me as I walk up to the table.

"Why not ask her for ourselves?" Ragnar yells.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Well it seems Rollo is still trying to take claim on MY woman." Halfdan smirks as he pulls me to his side.

I giggle as I untie his knife from my side, and hand it to him.

"It seems you left this." I smile as he borrows his face in my neck with a growl.

When we pull apart he sits me on his lap as I begin to pick at some of the fruit. He steals some from my hand when I go to eat it causing me to hit his chest.

"So (Y/n). You have picked who you will marry?" Aslaug asks.

"Marry?" I am confused.

"Well be honest who you pick will be your husband." She shrugs with a smirk as she sips from her cup . We've always had a joking friendship.

"Hmm?" I look back to Halfdan with my eyebrows raised.

"If you are my wife then we should go so I can take care of you." He says in my ear as he bites it.

I rub my hand down to rub it against his hard cøck, and throws my over his shoulder as he walks out the Great Hall back to my hut.

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