2. Hvitserk 18+

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~Hvitserk ~ 18+

I was on my way to Kattegat, and why would you ask. It is because my father decided to join the son of Ragnar, Ivar the boneless, to pretty much take over England. The sons of Ragnar have split up, Bjorn went to the Mediterranean, Ivar, Ubbe, and Hvitserk are in Kattegat, and Sigurd died by the hands of Ivar. My uncle Halfdan decided to join Bjorn on his travels, and it hurt father terribly. I couldn't blame him on wanting to travel, because my dream is to travel the seas even though I am a princess. Father always says I can't be left unguarded, because I am important to the kingdom. I'm pretty sure he would die if he knew I have been learning, in secret with the shieldmaidens who watched over me, how to fight. My best weapons are my bow, and my sword.

I hear a horn in the distance, and I jump up to see Kattegat come into view. It was a big town, had a big trading route, and had the best warriors. I have learned everything from stories to actual truth about Kattegat, and King Ragnar has built such a great legacy. It's a shame his sons are destroying it.

As we dock I can see my father's big smile from here, and with him are three men watching everyone unload. I smile as I run to my father.

"Father!'' I jump on him causing us to fall.

He laughs as he holds me to him. "(Y/n) you made it.'' He says in his gruff voice I missed so much.

A man next to father helps me up, so he can get up. We laugh as we turn to the other men. One has crutches, another has a beard, and the one that helped me up had braids.

"This is my daughter, (y/n). She will be going on the raid with us." My father announces to these men.

"Oh really? So princess what will you do on the raid, cook?" The one with the crutches says.

"Hmm you must be Ivar the boneless. I've heard you were very smart in strategy, but no one said you were this rude." Ivar scoffs as I put my hand on my hips. "Actually I'm here to heal, and raid. My father has yet to understand even though I am a princess I can raid, but I'm sure I could take down a measly English man." I laugh as we walk through Kattegat.

The other men laugh along with me, but Ivar just glares at me. We walked into the great hall, and it was filled with people. The men with father walk off, and they sit on the thrones.

"They are the sons of Ragnar. Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Ivar. I knew those maidens were teaching you more than your lessons, and now I think you are ready." Father smiles at me.

"Wait? You knew?" I turned to him in shock.

"Now I do." He laughs. "Daughter I only wanted to protect you from battle, but it runs in your blood." He wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Now go eat, drink and have fun we leave in a couple days."

After my father walks away, I just walk around watching everyone party carefree. Some are dancing, some eating at the table, some drinking, and some having fun in the corner. I sit next to one of the sons of Ragnar, Hvitserk I believe.

"Are you having fun, princess?'' He asks, taking a bite of bread.

"Yes. People in Kattegat sure know how to have fun." I laugh nodding my head to the couple in the far corner.

He chuckles when he sees them. "Well not everyone has control of themselves." He says sipping his drink.

"That is very true." I smile eating a grape.

"So tell me princess what do you want to find in this raid?"

"Well I want adventure, and hopefully a new hair piece. The one father got last time broke when I was training." He nods as he listens to me. "What about you?"

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