2. King Harald 18+

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2. ~King Harald ~ 18+

Being the best shieldmaiden in Kattegat was hard enough, but being the only daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok was even more tiring. Specially when I started dating. My mother, Lagertha, says they will stop, but I doubt it. Even if I've been on raids, take down men twice my size, and can beat half of Kattegat in my sleep. My father and brother, Bjorn, has always been there to "help" keep me away from bad guys. I can't stand it.

The extra men my father needs to raid England are coming in today, so I must be there when they dock. I'm sitting in the blacksmith's hut sharpening my sword when a horn is sounded. I look up to see my mother walk out of the Great Hall, and she looks at ne nodding toward the dock. I sigh as I follow her. I hate meeting these awful men all they do is look at me, and then when they learn I'm daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok they become scared.

"You okay?" My mother asks.

"I'm fine, just doing what I'm supposed too." I sigh coming to a stop at the dock.

"I know you think things are bad, just wait, the Gods has your fate settled.'' She smiles down at me.

"I know mother. I'm just tired." I watch as the men jump onto the dock.

Two men walk up to my mother and I, 1. had half his head shaved with a crazied look in his eyes, they both have tattoos on their face, but the other has long brown braid with a scruffy beard.

"King Harald Finehair welcome to Kattegat." My mother smiles at the bearded man.

He smiles bright at my mother. "Lagertha, Shieldmaiden for the Gods. We are so excited to be here." His deep voice bellows out. "This must be (y/n), I've heard stories of how you match your mother, but they never said anything about how your beauty out ways." He steps closer as I smile, covering my mouth.

"King Harald are you trying to make me kill you?" My mother laughs causing King Harald to snap out of his thought.

"Not at all. Just saying how the storytellers didn't do their jobs of portraying the gorgeous shieldmaiden." He smiles at me.

Later that night, we all were having a feast, drinking, dancing, and just having a fun night. I was dancing along with some of the shieldmaidens and workers, and as I was spinning someone grabbed me around the waist. I look behind me to see my father, and he starts spinning me around. I laugh as I land back in front of him.

"Hello to you too father." I laugh grabbing a drink from a slave.

"Your mother wants to speak with you." He smirks as he grabs my drink from my hand.

"Of course she does."

My mother was in her room, so I had to walk through everyone. As I passed the fire pit someone grabs my hand. I turn with my knife to his neck, but I gasp as King Harald laughs.

"I'm so sorry King Harald." I pull my knife back. "People don't usually touch me."

"Well for good reason. I was watching you dance, and I can't wait to see you in battle." He smiles.

"Maybe we can train together sometime, but right now my mother needs me." I smile as I walk away.

My mother wanted to talk about who we were leaving to protect Kattegat, and the sacrifice we were going to have when we leave. Unfortunately most of the feast was over once I stepped out of her room, so I just walk to my cabin just on the tree line by the water. As I'm passing the docks I hear footsteps, and I notice King Harald walking toward me.

"Hello Princess." He smirks

"Hello King Harald." I smile.

"Would you like to walk with me?"

"Or you can walk me home. It's the cabin over there." I point across the river.

He holds his elbow out to me. "Then let's get going."

We laugh, bump into each other, and talk about our lives as we walk toward my cabin. I hold onto his bicep as we step over a log with his hands on my waist. When we get to my gate he smiles down at me as I reluctantly pull my hands away.

"Thank you for walking me here." I look down smiling.

"You are welcome." He tucks my hair behind my ear, and pulling my head up.

We smile at each other as he leans in kissing me hard grabbing me by my waist, and pulling me into his chest as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Mmm. Come inside King Harald." I pull back a little letting my lips barely touch his.

"Please call me Harald Princess." He lets me walk in front of him.

He kisses along my jaw as he walks against me, and once inside he pushes me against the door. He kisses me hard as he tears my dress top open cause my breasts to come out. He kisses down my neck to long the top of my breasts causing me to arch into him, and wrap his braid around my hand pulling him into me more. I moan out as he bites onto my nipple as he palms the other. He stands straight, placinghishans on the door, by my head, and grinds into me making me moan into his mouth. I run my hands from his shoulders down his chest, and to his hard stomach grabbing the bottom of his shirt. He pulls back taking it off, and I push the rest of my dress down. I bite my lip as he grabs my hips, picking me up causing my legs to wrap around his waist. I start unbraiding his hair as he walks to my bed causing him to chuckle at me.

"Hold on Princess." He kisses me forehead as he lays me down on the bed.

I get comfortable as he lights a fire. He smiles at me as he starts to crawl up the bed kissing from my ankle, my knee, and up to my center, and when he licks up my core I grab his hair arching into him. He kisses up my body to my nipple sucking it hard, and I run my legs up his resting them on his hips. I reach down untying his pants, and he kicks them off. He grinds into me causing his long côck to rub up against my opening.

"Mmm Harald." I moan wrapping my arms around him, so my hands are on his back.

He kisses along my neck as he slowly inches his way into me, and when it felt like he was in he slammed in causing me to gasp. My nails dig into his back as he slowly pounds into me, grunting in my ear, and grabbing my thigh. I arch into him moaning, feeling like Valhalla is in reach, and he starts pounding harder.

"HARALD" I moan biting his shoulder.

"(Y/N)!!" He slams hard as he cūms.

My body is buzzing as I come down, catching my breath, burning from his beard rubbing along my body.

"Hmm Princess." He grunts falling next to me panting.

"Hehe yes King Harald." I smile as I roll toward him.

He smirks pulling me to his chest, and kissing me hard making what sounds like a growl. I lay my head on his chest relaxing as he throws the blanket over us.

"I'll see you in the morning Princess." He kisses my forehead.

"Why do you call me Princess?" I whisper play with a loose hair.

"Because obviously you will be My Queen, so right now you're My Princess." He pulls me closer.

"Goodnight Harald." I kiss his chest as I fall asleep.

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