1. King Harald 18+

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1. King Harald 18+

My mother has been in my ear about getting married, because many of the shieldmaidens have gotten married. I just haven't found a man that won't look at me as a baby maker, or act like a child. My mother set me up with a fisherman's son who only drank, and didn't even fish. I know the Gods will give me a husband eventually.

Right now I'm helping Queen Aslaug make a blanket when the horn for visitors is sounded. We share a confusing stare, and I secure my sword to my belt. I follow behind Aslaug, and we come to a stop in front of the docks.

"King Harald has come." She smiles. "Go make preparations for him and his men." She tells a slave that runs back to the hall.

"Why has he come?" I ask.

"Well it seems my husband has a plan for a raid that will need as many people he can get." With that she turns walking back to the hall.

I watch the boats get closer and see two men looking at me. They both have face tattoos, but one has a full beard and the other has half of his head shaved. King Harald and his brother, Halfdan the black, are great warriors, and many tell their stories only to hope to be as gruesome as they are. I come out of my thoughts as the boats dock, and the men start unloading.

"Welcome King Harald" I bow my head. "The queen has started the preparations for your stay. Follow me" I smile up at him.

"And who are you?" He asks.

"I'm (y/n). I'm in charge of protecting the queen." I state as we walk into the great hall.

Ragnar and Aslaug are sitting on thrones watching everyone run around getting things in order. They greet the King and his brother as they come up. They show them their quarters, and I watch from the door.

The night goes on, I catch Harald watching me with side eyes as he speaks with Ragnar, Aslaug has gone to bed, and I have been standing in the corner watching everyone dance and drink. I'm lost in thought of how I can find a husband one day, but I'm knocked out of my thoughts as Harald walks in front of me.

"You have a far look in your eyes." He drinks. "I've seen that look on many people. Mostly from people who wanted to raid far lands, some from women wanting something they can't have." He studies me from my face to my feet.

"Maybe I can't have what everyone has." I drink my ale looking ahead at the crowd.

"I've thought that of myself, but talking to Ragnar. I've learned maybe my bad luck has turned." He smiles at me.

"And what has Ragnar told you that has you so high in spirit?" I smile at him finishing my ale.

"I'll tell you later, but now we get more ale, and you share a dance with me." He grabs my hand pulling me to the table filling our cups.

I laugh as we dance, drink, eat, and talk together the rest of the night. I lean against his arm as I sip my drink, and close my eyes.

"Come along. Let's get you to bed." Harald's gruff voice says in my ear.

I nod standing up grabbing the table for support. I feel a hand go on my back as an arm goes under my knees, and I'm lifted in the air. I lay my head on his shoulder as he carries me.

"What are you doing?" I hear a voice.

"Going to bed brother." He says.

"With her? So you're gonna take Ragnar up on his idea." The voice I assume is Halfdan.

"If, in the morning, she doesn't kill me. Then I'll know I have some sort of a chance." He says as I'm put on something soft.

"Good luck." Halfdan says then a door is shut.

The next thing I know is I'm laying in a warm bed.

~The Next Morning~

I'm woken up by a snore in my ear, and in a room that is not mine. I remember last night causing me to look to my right, and I was laying on Harald's arm with his other laying over my waist. I'm confused on what he meant when he was carrying me. I feel his arm tighten around me.

"Why are you up?" He asked in his deep morning voice.

"I'm remembering what happened last night. I'm sorry you had to carry me. I don't usually drink that much." I say my face burning up as I look at the room.

"I didn't mind." He sits up leaning on his elbow.

''What did Ragnar say?" I ask wanting to get it over with.

He sighs. "He said that it was time I found a wife since the one I wanted only wanted power. No matter what she had to do to get it." He says as he leans forward with his forehead in my hair.

"I have a feeling there is more to this." I say as he stands. His back muscles flex as he pulls his shirt on.

He looks back at me. "He said that you would be the best choice because you are strong, stubborn, and I can see you are gorgeous." He chuckles at me. "Also that your mother would be thrilled to learn of you finally getting a husband."

"That is true, but what would I get from this marriage?" I smirk.

He laughs as he climbs over me making me fall back, and I feel his breath on my ear.

"Anything I can get my hands on will be yours." He whispers in my ear.

I had to bite my lip in order to stop my moaning, but it didn't help when he kissed from my ear to my neck. He throws the fur off of me, and as his hands run up my legs, thighs, and to my hips my hand rests on his muscular shoulders. He stands on his knees as my body opens for him like we have been doing this for years. His hands cause my body to tingle causing me to close my eyes. He pulls my dress above my stomach and kisses it up from my hip to my stomach.

"Harald" I moan, grabbing to the top of his head as he kisses my body.

He unties my dress completely, so he can pull it off my body. He has a deep predator look in his eyes as he crawls over me.

"I would love to have this body the rest of my life." He growls as he pulls his pants down.

I grab his long braid pulling him down to my lips, and he kisses me back with force. I moan against his lips as I feel both his hands grip at my hips. He enters me with one stroke.

"Gods" He growled, throwing his head back.

With a hard grip on my hip he pounds into me, so I grind against him. I rest my hands on his waist as he holds my leg around him. He slowly starts to ram into me.

"HARALD" I scream

"(Y/n)!" He growls as we cūm together.

He pulls me to his chest as he falls on the bed.

"The gods are something aren't they?" He laughs. "To cause us to finally find someone right as we leave for the biggest battle." He sighs as he plays with my hair.

I look up at him. "You mean you don't expect good things from this raid?" I worry not only for him, but for my people.

"Oh I see great things, but many people will not come back with us." He lays his head back down as I lay my head on his chest.

''Well I hope YOU return, or else I'll have to marry some boy." I smarted off.

He grabs my face to look up in his eyes.

"You will marry me when I get back?" He finally asks.

"We'll see...won't we?" I smile. "Besides we have to see how you act."

"Everyone will still know you are MY wife, but I will treat you like the Queen you are, my love." He says as he gets closer. "You will have everything you can ask for." He says as his lips brush against mine.

"Mmm everything?" I softly say.

He growls as he kisses me hard.

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