Part 19: Inferior

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It was maybe two to three o clock in the morning. Jett had woken up early for some reason, not even she knew why. Phoenix was still asleep, as expected. He looked as if he wasnt sleeping well himself though. Jett sighed, remembering he told her about the nightmares hes had. She got up and walked to the kitchen. To her surprise she saw the outline of a familiar tall figure.

"Yoru? Is that you?" The shape then moved at the mention of his name, then stepped out into the moonlight, revealing his face. He had on his mask, though he started to take it off when he approached Jett. She wouldn't lie to herself, he seemed pretty ominous at this time of day. But she was curious, so she didnt speak on it.

"Oh, didnt think anyone would be joining me." He gave a smile. His pointed fangs had a glow from the moonlight. She felt a bit small compared to him. Like he ruled in darkness and she was invading on his territory.

"O-Oh no, i wasnt trying to bother you at all. I just couldnt stay asleep. Why are you up? Cant sleep either?" She asked with a soft smirk. Yoru shrugged. "No, i just like the quiet and solitude of the night."

"I can leave if you want."

Yoru shook his head. "No, its fine. If you want to stay i wont mind." He walked closer to her and she sat on the counter with a cup of water. She noticed he begun to put his mask back on.

"What's with the mask? Or do you like cutting air flow?" She chuckled. Yoru raised an eyebrow at her comment but chuckled himself nonetheless. "Its just a small reminder of my past. Something to tell myself every day."

She was even more curious. Yoru seemed so different, he had a terrifying presence, and his tone was cold and quiet. Though his eyes were telling a different story. He seemed so complex, yet maybe he was just hiding something.

"If you dont mind me asking, what happened? We've got all morning." She said with a smile. Yoru then got next to her and shrugged.

"Well if your up for it.. I got hit with Radianite when i was young. My body couldnt handle it at first, but i eventually got used to it the older i got. Thats when my powers begun to show. My eyes would change, become a blue flame. My teeth grew into fangs, and before i knew it, i could tear the fabric of reality with a finger. I was the only one at the time in my home town who was radiant. They were afraid of me. They said i was a demon. My own parents didnt know what to do with me, so instead of waiting for them to shut me out i left on my own. I traveled a few dimensions, then ended up here. I saw the state this world was in at the time. The rifts that had been popping up everywhere was chaotic. A part of me felt like it was my own fault, since i was using my power so frequently. So upon that set of guilt i decided this would be where i stay. I lived on this earth a couple of years, and i can say i dont hate to call it my home. But what i want is to not be looked at as some monster. Someone who can be capable of saving the world, at least little by little." He closed his eyes.

Jett looked at him with pity. She understood him a bit more now. Hes really no different from me and Phoenix. Except we grew up here. We've all basically been looked down on by our people. The only ones we really trust are the friends we make now. Yoru may have the cockiest attitude ive ever seen but, we can relate. Hes just determined to prove himself like everyone else.

He kept his eyes closed. Jett reached over to him and touched the mask on his face. He slightly jumped back, not really expecting it. She took the mask off his face and he opened his eyes, looking at her with confusion. She only smiled at him.

"You arent a demon. You arent a monster. Your only human like the rest of us. I know how you feel, trust me. Every radiant here might have gone through something similar. But we've all got your back." He closed his eyes again. Then he walked over to her and began caging her to the back wall of the counter. She still had his mask in her hand and she looked a bit nervous, flustered even. He then opened his eyes and they were a fiery blue like they would be when he began to rift walk. He looked down at her, face holding no expression. He stooped down a little so she could now get a clear view of his extended fangs. He then looked dead into her eyes.

"Arent you afraid of me..?"

He asked her, breathing roughly. There was an odd silence for a little bit. She could feel a strong vibe coming off of him, she felt inferior for once. She then looked at him and smiled more, not wanting to sound fake.

"Im not afraid of you. Dumbass.."

There was that silence again. He blinked, looking taken back by her response. M-Maybe i shouldnt have called him that..
She then heard a quiet chuckle from him. Looking back to him she noticed his eyes were back to normal. "The way you talk pisses me off.." He then smirked. "In a good way." He moved a strand of hair from her face. She flinched a little as he did so, then he had finally noticed her hair had been down the entire time.

"Did you know your hair was lose..?" He asked again quietly.

"O-Oh yeah, i-i do that sometimes-"
She stumbled over her words and gave a nervous chuckle.

"It looks beautiful." He smiled. She looked away and chuckled more nervously as she blushed a little. A part of her felt like he could tell. He then let his hands down from the wall.

"Well, im sure you should be pretty exhausted now."

"What about you?" She asked.

"Ill head off in a few minutes. I promise." He gave her an assuring smile, which naturally made her smile. "W-Well thats good. You need rest too."

He then got closer to her and kissed her on the cheek. She was so caught off guard by the kiss that she hadnt even noticed the mask was gone from her hand. She was a heated mess, this made him smile.

"My bad. I didnt mean to make you all nervous."

He then started to walk away and turned half way around the corner.

"You should probably head back. G'night Jett."

He then disappeared into the shadow of the hallway. She gave a sigh of relief. She felt like she needed it after talking with him. Theres no way im actually afraid of him.. But, then why am i shaking so much? Hes so menacing even when hes trying to be sweet.. She found herself blush a little more, then she shook her head and got down from the counter. No, no..! I cant do that..! It was just a cheek peck, it shouldn't mean anything.. She sighed as she walked back into Phoenixes room. She saw that he was still sleeping, and she felt a bit of guilt. Thats all its going to be.. She thought to herself as she climbed back into bed. She held phoenixes hand, then smiled once she noticed him intertwining his fingers between hers. I love you. Always.

Valorant: Jett x Phoenix, Acceptance and ConfessionsWhere stories live. Discover now