Part 11: Winters breeze

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It had been a few weeks since the conflict with Reyna had been delt with. The tension between Jett and Reyna had started to simmer down and not long after finally realizing her feelings for Phoenix, she tried subtle yet effective ways of getting closer to him without drawing too much attention to what she was doing. Sage, Sova, Breach, Jett and Phoenix were at the start of a new mission in a new location. Sova was rather familiar with the area, being a resident of russia himself.

"It seems you'll be the one to navigate us today Sova." Sage said with a smile. Sova nodded. "Of course. I know the tundra well, i shall be your eyes."

He looked back at Breach and everyone else. "Is everyone alright? I know this cold isnt what you are used to." Breach looked fine. "Nah im good. Im used to harsh colds. Metal arms dont feel much." He grinned. Phoenix also looked fine. "Obviously i hate the cold, but ive got flames, ill be fine." Meanwhile Jett was shivering, though she wanted to hide it. "Y-Yeah im G-Good.." Phoenix looked at her with a slight smile, and slight pity. "Aw are you cold?" She shook her head. "What no? I c-control the wind for crying out loud. I can handle this-" He looked at her holding her arms close together, obviously cold. "Right and you arent shivering. Here." He smiled and took off his jacket, then placed it around her. She looked up at him, then looked away, blushing a little. "T-Thanks.. But i didnt need it!" She clenched the jacket around her tighter and walked ahead of him so she didnt have to hear his response. He smiled more at her reaction and chuckled. "Whatever you say Jett."

The group walked forward, eventually reaching the map site. Along the long trek Jett had started to enjoy wearing his jacket, holding herself happily to get warmer. I guess he was right, hes basically a walking heater. Sage smiled at her. "You seem to like wearing it. Maybe you could ask him to use it more often? Yknow since it is getting colder back at home? May not seem like it but christmas isnt that far away." Jett giggled. "Yeah, i wont lie its better than freezing to death. It seems really weird how much everything has changed since we first met. Not just me and Phoenix but all of us." Sages smile got brighter, hugging jett. "Well we all cant wait for more journeys with you." Jett smiled back.

Sova raised his hand as they got over the hill, revealing the plant site. The spike had already been planted, and the clones of them could be seen guarding it in various locations. "Lets make this our first stealth mission. Since the snow can silence your steps decently take out as many guards as you can while they arent looking. But of course after a while they will catch on to you. Other words, Phoenix and Jett you two should distract on either side of the site. Draw as much attention away from the spike. Sage and Breach come with me to keep anyone who pushes on site at bay." Everyone nodded and started walking to their positions.

Jett looked happier now that she wasn't freezing. Phoenix pat her on the head. "Enjoying yourself?" He asked. She nodded. "Honestly yeah. I feel a lot better." She smiled. He smiled back as she hugged herself. "You can keep it longer. If you want that is." She looked at him with slight concern. "Dont you need it to control your fire better?" She started to take it off. He shook his head and she stopped. "Well yeah, but were surrounded by ice. My flames would be fine here. Honestly its more ideal for me to practice without it yeah?" She shrugged. "I guess.. Are you sure?" He nodded. "Yeah for sure! It looks good on you anyway." He smirked. She rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "Cool it pretty boy." She scoffed sarcastically.

"We should split up anyway. Those three are waiting on us to get the drop on them." Phoenix suggested. "Yep. See you on the other side." The two ran off in opposite directions. Jett was over near the front of B site, coming from kitchen. She peaked out of one of the doors, seeing an enemy killjoy guarding in one corner of the site. Guess ill take my anger out on her fake. She was then able to drop down from the window behind the Killjoy. The enemy hearing her bit luckily she was able to take her out, only drawing the attention of those closest to her. Assuming Phoenix was doing his job, she spoke on her mic to Sova and the rest. "Hey, its all clear, get the defuse while i keep em busy." Sova replied almost instantly. "Already on it. Make sure they're out of earshot."

Valorant: Jett x Phoenix, Acceptance and ConfessionsWhere stories live. Discover now