Part 17: New Recruits

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Jett woke up with Phoenix next to her. His arms wrapped gently around her waist and his soft breathing pared with his head rested on her back made her feel warm and secure. She'd never be able to tell him to his face, but she loved being handled like this. Being like this made her see how much he genuinely cared for her. She loved seeing his soft side. It was like he was a completely different person compared to how he acts to others and in battle. He finally got what he had wanted, no matter how hard it got for him. You persistent idiot.. She smiled to herself. She then felt him starting to move, pulling her closer. Feeling a sweet kiss on her shoulder as she turned her head. Phoenix had then opened his eyes, clearly still a bit tired.

"Well you look terrible." Jett said quietly as she turned over to face him. He chuckled a little. "Yeah, im still a little tired is all." She gave him a quick kiss and then started to get up.

"We should be getting up anyway. We've got work to do, gotta greet the new members of the protocol."

Phoenix groaned and pulled her back to the bed. "We cant stay like this a little longer..?" He looked at her with cute pleading eyes. He was fully enjoying her body being so close to his. She sighed and shook her head, laughing. "You know we'd get in trouble for being late." She sat back down on the bed, letting him pull her closer as he lied his head in her lap. "Yeah, but ol' dog can wait. Everyone knows hes just mad because his age is catchin' up with him." She laughed. "You may be right about that. But that doesnt mean wont be mad with us either." She started to pet him. "True.. But your comfy.." She smiled and started to get up, pulling his hand. "Come on you, we've gotta go." He chuckled and sat up. "Alright alright, im up."

The two walked into the conference room. Killjoy and Brim were already waiting on them. Killjoy looked content and of course happy to see the two walk in together, meanwhile Brim was fairly annoyed. Phoenix definitely saw it coming.

"Took you two long enough." Brim grunted. Jett shrugged and pointed at phoenix. "His fault." Phoenix scoffed. "I say it was your fault. You got my proof right on you." He referred to her wearing one of his shirts again. She blushed and crossed her arms. Killjoy sighed. "I dont care who did what, it only matters that your here now. You two will be first at introducing yourselves since we kinda figured you two would be the most problematic later on." She chuckled. Jett raised an eyebrow. "Problematic how exactly?" She chuckled again. "Because you two will be sparring with them both. Everyone knows how competitive you get. So youll meet them both now, then spar later, unlike everyone else." Jett smirked. "Saving the best for last i guess? I like your style KJ." Phoenix leaned on Jetts shoulder. "Hell yeah im down. Lets show these newbies who's boss." He fist bumped Jett. "Dont kill em both now, were only trying to see whos abilities they can and cant handle." Brim added. Jett shrugged. "No sweat, ill crush em blindfolded." Killjoy folded her arms and went to sit down. "I dont think you should take them too lightly. You can come in now!" She yelled to the back room.

Out walked a girl with ginger colored hair tied across her shoulder into a braid. She had a strong looking build and brown eyes. She looked a bit cheery, though Jett had a feeling she was maybe a little nervous, judging from her stance.

"Heya, nice to meet you guys. Names Skye, id be filling in for you all a new healer. I heard ol Sage needed a break." She chuckled. Jett smiled, she seemed nice.

"It's good meeting you too Skye. You'll fit in just fine im sure." Jett told her while phoenix stood next to her with his arms crossed.

"Dont be fooled by her expression, Shes probably looking forward to trying to best you in our fight later." Jett gently elbowed him in the arm and scoffed. "Phoenix! Im just being nice!-" he laughed a little.

"How annoying. If anyones ass is gonna get kicked it'll be you two."
Said a guy who was now walking out of the back room.

He looked only a tad bit shorter than phoenix, thanks to his high kept hair. He wore a mainly hoodie with some orange accents. His hair was also dyed blue around the middle, he wore spiked gloves and also had a mask that looked a bit similar to Vipers in Jetts eyes. She scoffed at his comment. "Watch your mouth, you might just be walking yourself into a fight with the wrong girl." She said crossing her arms.

Valorant: Jett x Phoenix, Acceptance and ConfessionsWhere stories live. Discover now