Part 4: Stormy Blackout

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Jett watched outside her window. The sky was dark and the wind howled, roughly pushing the tree branches around that stuck outside her window. She sighed with an unimpressed tone. "Its been raining all day.." Suddenly lightning struck one of the power lines outside, causing her lights to shut off. She looked around and walked to her room door. "Raze? KJ? Sage? My lights cut out.." Sage opened her door first and yawned. "Mine did too.. Its dark outside and in here now." Jett walked down the hall to get to brims room, though she found herself bumping into someone else. She looked up to see the strange face of omens odd blue eyes looking down at her. "Sorry.." He said calmly. She jumped backwards in slight fear but ended up in someone elses arms.

"Woah Woah! Chill out missy. Its just Omen. Dont tell me your scared of this weirdo." She somewhat relaxed, though she couldnt see him she could tell it was Phoenix. Sova walked out of his room rubbing his eye. "Is everyone alright..? I heard the power cut out." Breaches door opened, he came out with a lit candle. "Blast.. And right when i was just finishing the tune up on my arms." Brims door finally opened. "Everyone's fine. Lets all go to the living room we can stay in there until the storm passes. Stay with one other person if you can considering we cant see well." Phoenix smiled as his jacket lit up, giving off a small bit of light. "I got this! Thats a bit better isnt it? Bet you're all glad you've got me yeah?" He said proudly. Jett couldnt lie, in a blackout Phoenix is the perfect guy to be next to. Well.. In his arms for her case. She blushed a bit but thanks to the lighting it wasn't visible. He finally let go and everyone began walking to the living room beside him.

Getting there, Viper, Cypher, and Reyna had finally joined the group as well. "How annoying.. You woke me up." Reyna said tiredly. Viper groaned. "And i have the worst hangover right now.. You guys suck. Im not doing this tonight." She walked back to her room. Killjoy sighed and yelled after her. "Your fault for drinking."
"Oh stick a sock in it killjoy." She closed her room door.

"Well.. Since no one can get any sleep what should we do to pass the time?" Breach asked. "Id rather be tuning my arms but this seems like it could be fun." Raze put her hand up. "We could listen to my music!" Reyna shook her head. "And who wants to do that..?" Raze crossed her arms and scoffed. "Tch.. estúpida.." Sage spoke up next. "What about hide and seek? At least its more fun in the dark." Killjoy smiled. "I like that idea!" Jett scoffed. "I dont. What are we kids?" Raze laughed at her. "Come on amiga! Live a little!" Phoenix smiled. "I like that Sage." Jett rolled her eyes. "Of course you would phoenix you're a literal child." He raised an eyebrow. "And i could make fun of you for being short but i dont now do i?" He stuck his tongue out. Jett growled at him in frustration. "Alright! You'll be partnered with one of the people your sitting between. You can pick from those two." Jett looked to her left and then her right. She had just happened to be sitting between Reyna and Phoenix. Why does god hate me.. She looked over at Raze who was sitting between Reyna and Cypher. She then looked back at Phoenix and punched him in the arm, trying to keep her cool.

"Tough luck bird boy your stuck with me." Reyna shrugged while Raze looked at Jett like she had been betrayed. "C-Cmon you cant lump me in with her!" Cypher was already pared with Killjoy. "Sorry Izzie." He said with a chuckle. "No way! you guys are gonna cheat, you've got cypher on your team!"Raze crossed her arms and pouted like a two year old who just threw a tantrum.Killjoy laughed. "Aw, you really think cyphers that mean?" She looked over at him, he looked clueless for a second but then responded with a quick head nod. Killjoy clapped her hands and smiled. "Good! everyones set. I put you all in groups for a reason. since theres twelve of us, excluding viper, five of us will be seeking while the rest of you hide." you can stay with your buddy or split up but splitting up might just get you found faster. also if something happens you'll be on your own. Im giving you all a minute to hide. starting now!"

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