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11 p.m.

Mitch was fast asleep in the guest room. They gave him some pretty strong anxiety meds in the hospital so he was knocked off not so long after they arrived to Scott's place. Beau didn't know if he should be relieved or stressed about it.

The doorbell rang.

He wrinkled his forehead in surprise. He heard Scott and Mark moving and talking in the room next to theirs with Mitch.

Someone rang the bell again, impatiently.

"It's literally in the middle of the night," Beau heard Mark saying.
"I know, I have no idea who this is," Scott answered.

Beau opened the bedroom door and jumped as he nearly walked into the two boys. They stared at each other silently.
"Should we open it?" Scott asked. "It's the three of us now. He's alone, I saw it from the window."
"I don't know, Scott." Mark bit his underlip. Scott reached out and interlaced their fingers.
"He might be in danger. Let's see, okay?"

Beau didn't think it was a good idea but he followed them anyway.

Scott turned the key and slowly pushed down the handle.

He felt his heartbeat rising. There was an uncomfortable knot in his stomach, though he tried to ignore it.
"Stay behind me," he whispered to Mark before slowly pulling the door open.

A tall, broad shouldered man was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed. Scott couldn't quite see his eyes because the hood of his jacket was covering his face in shadow.
"Oh, you opened it. Sorry to bother you this late but I just saw someone trying to break the lock on your car, man. Are you sure you don't want to park it in the garage?"
"Excuse me?" Scott stared at him. He felt the blood boil in his veins. That car was brand new, they bought it together with Mark.
"He saw me coming and ran away. You should probably take a look though. Do you have a security camera?"

All Scott's concerns were gone. There was nothing left but anger. He felt Mark reaching for his wrist but he pulled his hand away and stepped outside. "Let me see."
Beau's and Mark's glace met. There was no way they would let Scott leave without them. Mark quickly closed the door with the spare key and followed Beau who was already staring at the car with a fuming Scott.

God, it looked horrible. He didn't even understand how they missed the sound of someone scratching their car this bad. Scott took photos of the evidence while he was explaining Beau how they will watch the tape tomorrow morning and find whoever did this all.

They didn't even notice that the guy was gone until they were about to head inside roughly fifteen minutes later.


Mitch woke up to someone snickering around the room. He was too tired to open his eyes, yet he put all his effort in it. A figure was standing by the desk with a pen in his hand, scribbling something on a piece of paper. Mitch stirred.
"Oh, you're awake."

That wasn't Beau. Nor Scott or Mark. Mitch froze in one place.

"You only have to wait until the paint dries. Then I'll take you with me, I promise."

Mitch didn't reply. It was fuel to fire.

"You're always so fucking quiet when I'm around. I wonder why." The guy hummed. "I'm losing my patience, you know. You're constantly trying to ruin me and when I text you back, you never reply. This isn't fair. I should probably just slice your damn throat right away. No one ever could touch you anymore. I know you'd let me love you until you move, darling."

Mitch inhaled sharply.

"Make just one little noise and I'll finish this one with your own blood." The guy dropped the pen on the table. Mitch flinched. "Just a few more lines... You like music, too, right? I think you'd appreciate this piece. We just leave a little letter as a goodbye for your friends. I'm glad you didn't tell anyone about us. They know nothing."

He turned around and looked Mitch dead in the eye. That was the time Mitch realized that he should've took those pills. He was so pathetic for believing that there was even the slightest chance of hope.

He knew he had to stay quiet but he couldn't stop the sobs escaping his lips. He wanted to scream, to fight, to kick and bite, just to do anything that could save him but this man was at least six feet tall and muscular.

"I said shut up!" the man growled. He crossed the room within a second and Mitch barely had a chance to scoot away from him. He was trembling and desperately trying to focus on taking a breath after another. However, the man reached out and yanked his arm harshly. He hissed in pain. "You did this to yourself! I've heard them saying that you needed me! Don't act like you don't want me now! Fucking devil, I should've killed you right when I saw you first!"

Mitch tired to escape from his hold, completely panicked. "Don't touch me," he whined but there was no use. He saw the man's eyes, they were blank like he wasn't even in this world.
"Do you remember when I told you not to call 911 yet you called it? I have the police at my heels at it's your fault! You've made a few mistakes here, gorgeous. You're a weak one," the man spat. "You've tried to lure me but you're too miserable to handle it. Told you that I was coming, why are you even surprised?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Mitch forced out a whisper. He's been with Beau for quite a while now, he hasn't tried to flirt with anyone else, that one was for sure.
"Of course you don't. Why would you admit?" The guy laughed coldly. "I was never into men before I met you, darling. The voices kept telling me that you were the one doing this to me. I know you hear them, too. They won't shut up for a minute. If you'd stay silent, you could hear what they're saying."

Mitch's eyes went wide. This couldn't be happening.

"Please, leave me alone," he whimpered. He heard noises coming from the living room. The other three boys were there.
"Shit, how did they come in?! I had the keys." The man jumped up. He pressed a large palm on Mitch's mouth to muffle his voice. He tired to cry for help but he couldn't. His vision started to turn black from the lack of oxygen that pushed him into complete survival mode. He tried to shove the man's hand away, desperately fighting for some air. The next thing he felt was the sharp pain in his torso.

He screamed.

It seemed like the whole world has stopped for a minute. Everyone went silent and motionless. Those blank pair of eyes were staring at him again.
"Do it once again and I'll break your neck," the man hissed. Suddenly, as if he realized what just happened, his look became furious.

Mitch tried to take a panicked breath and he needed to bite on his tongue to prevent whimpering out loud. He has never felt this kind of a pain before. He could barely see from the tears and he tried to move away again but it hurt so much.

"Mitch?" Scott was right behind the door. He tried to open it. "Are you kidding me? Mitch, why did you lock the door?"
"Tell him to leave you alone," the guy said, leaning closer to him. Mitch could feel him breathing. He opened his mouth but no words came out. The man grabbed his shoulder and shook him. "Are you deaf or what?!"

He was going to throw up. Or pass out. Or both. The room was spinning and he tried his best to regain the control over his mind and body but it was dreadful. He wasn't sure if the muffled yelling was coming from him or someone else. Suddenly there was a hand on his throat and his back met something solid. The last thing he saw was a metallic glint in the half light.

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