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Mitch had a baseball bat by his bed, Beau remembered. The singer got it from the KFC Center not so long ago at one of their concerts. He saw the object by the headboard and was quick to grab it, which seemingly made Mitch even more anxious.
"Hey, don't worry, okay? Everything is going to be okay. I'm calling the police right now, they're going to be here in no time," Beau whispered, also kind of saying it to himself. To be honest, he had no idea if they were going to be alright. Mitch was famous, it could be more than a simple break-in. "Let's turn the lights down here," he decided. The flashlight of his phone was just enough for them to see but not so obviously noticeable under the door.

Beau grabbed Mitch's hand and led him to the bed, making him to sit down before he passes out. He wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's waist, keeping him close to his chest while dialing 911. The help was sent immediately.

Beau tried to listen if there was still some noise coming from downstairs but everything was quiet again. The only thing he could hear was his boyfriend crying silently.

Mitch had never been this sure that they were going to die. They were going to be murdered and it was all his fault because he couldn't handle the situation well. This was the result of his poor choices. He wanted to apologize and tell Beau how much he loved and appreciated him but no words came out. He was frozen in one place, shocked, too scared to move but instinctively wanting to escape and run.

Something fell on the floor and shattered. It sounded like a plate or maybe a vase, followed by someone yelling muffled words that neither Mitch, nor Beau could understand. Beau pulled Mitch closer but the reassuring words have stopped. He was sitting straight in complete silence, holding his breath and his muscles tensed.

And then they've heard heavy footsteps coming up on the stairs.

Beau stroked Mitch's back with a hand, then gently twisted the mullet around his fingers.
"Whatever's going to happen... Promise me that you're always going to stay behind my back. Unless you can escape." His voice was only a whisper and Mitch could hear the fear behind his words. Beau leaned away from him and grabbed the baseball bat again. Then he stood up, right in Mitch's way.
"Beau," he whined. He absolutely didn't want his boyfriend to risk his life for him. It was Mitch who should've done something but way earlier. The boy misunderstood Mitch's reaction because he turned around and Mitch only saw a sympathetic smile in the half-light.
"I know," he said quietly. "Just try to breathe, okay? I promise that I'm going to protect you."
Mitch was too terrified to resist with words but also with movements. He knew that Beau would try to stop him and that could draw the unwanted attention on them.

The steps got closer.

Mitch could feel the control slowly but surely sliding through his fingertips and he gasped out for air. Beau looked back again and their glances met. The younger boy was chewing on his lips, clearly in doubts. Then he lowered the baseball bat and took some steps back, crouching at Mitch's legs and took his hands into his own palms.
"Hey, everything's going to be alright. I promise. We'll get through this."

The time passed painfully slow. They were both waiting for the sirens showing the sign of them being saved but nothing came yet. Beau held his hands, drawing small patterns with his thumbs but constantly sending nervous glances towards the bedroom door.

Mitch hated feeling this weak and helpless. At this point maybe he should just give himself up and get a chance for Beau to stay away from the trouble. He knew that even if he survives this night, there will be another. There was no point on playing for time. The thought was horrifying and he choked on his breath, causing Beau to scoot closer to him.
"Baby, please... Try to stay quiet. I'm here, I've got you, okay?"

He had no idea of what Mitch was going through. He didn't really match the letters and Mitch's weird behavior with the break-in because it was no time wondering on it. He didn't know how sure Mitch was that he was going to die. He didn't feel the guilt that was eating Mitch up.

Suddenly, blue and red colors filtered through the shatters with the sirens they've been hoping for. Beau held his hands stronger. His entire expression lightened and he blew out the air he didn't know he was holding.

They've heard the police entering the house. Someone came up on the stairs and knocked on the bedroom door, already knowing the information that they were hiding there. Beau grabbed the baseball bat just in case but he was the one letting the tall, muscular policeman in. Then he took a place right beside Mitch and wrapped his arms around the singer.
"Does he need a doctor?" the policeman asked immediately, studying Mitch's face, looking for visible signs of harm.
Beau shook his head. "No, it's just a panic attack. He's going to be fine."
The man nodded. His colleges were already going through the house, searching for the 'burglar'. "If I got the correct information, there was an attempted break-in not so long ago, right?" he asked. Beau was the one answering again, though he couldn't give much information about who Mitch suspects as a potential someone trying to get into his place.

The police has found no one inside. It was obvious the someone broke the lock and turned off the alarm. All damage they've found inside was a broken vase full of roses.

But Mitch didn't have roses in his house.

He was too terrified to talk. He knew that he should but he couldn't. Maybe the next day because they needed to visit the police station. Or was it too late? Too early? What if he told everything and his stalker knew it before they could catch him? If he was smart enough to deactivate the alarm system without anyone noticing it, he was definitely able to do more. And he already had so much information of them.

Maybe telling the police everything wasn't a good idea. But what about telling Beau? He would tell the police for sure. Scott?

Mitch needed to realize that no one would keep this in a secret from the authorities. They weren't fast enough to be able to get his stalker, Mitch was sure about that.

"Wait!" Beau's arms tensed around him. Mitch looked at his face and immediately could tell that something was in his mind. "The roses! We didn't have roses here. And last time there was someone sending you flowers while I was here- When I thought- Mitchy, I'm so sorry about that. I'm so, so sorry!"
Oh yes. Mitch nearly forgot the incident about Beau thinking that he had a secret lover.

A policeman immediately left for taking fingerprints while the two others stayed in the room with them, trying to get some more information. But Beau didn't have them and Mitch didn't talk. He was still in shock, the two men stated. They didn't interrogate him just yet, it was left for the next day.

So they sat into the car and drove away without any details from Mitch. It was still dark outside. His stalker had disappeared and they were left in the house all alone. Beau turned the lights on everywhere and brought a glass of water for Mitch from the bathroom, not daring to leave him alone for a long time. He seemed to be entirely calm now, he was so sure that the police will catch the burglar.
"You should try and get some sleep, sweetheart," he mumbled, gently playing with Mitch's hair who was now laying on his chest. Mitch stared at him like he was insane. He was not willing to close his eyes for a single moment.
Beau sighed. "Shall we call Scott later?" He knew how close Mitch was to the blonde man. Well, used to be before all this craziness has started. Now he wasn't even sure that he wanted to share any happenings of the night with him at all.
"No," he answered eventually. He didn't explain why and Beau didn't force him to talk. Soon the younger man was already half-asleep and Mitch didn't disturb him. He needed to figure a backup plan for the next day because at the police station people were certainly qualified liar-catchers.

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