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 "Scott!" Mitch licked his lips as soon as he said his friend's name. Scott turned around and raised an eyebrow. They were ready to go on stage in fifteen minutes so it wasn't time for long discussions. "Ah, nevermind," Mitch decided which caused Scott stepping closer.
"What's wrong?" he asked. He had a water bottle in his hand, half empty.
"It's stupid."
"I have ten minutes for your stupidity."

Mitch sighed. He was really going to talk about a fan of theirs and it wasn't right. The man was paying extra money to see them and he probably was just tired. Mitch shivered as he remembered his straight expression. "Don't you think- Do you remember that tall guy with green eyes and stubble?"
Scott wrinkled his forehead, thinking. "Yeah, know who you mean. What's up with him?"
"Don't you think he was a bit- creepy?"
"Creepy?" Scott echoed and Mitch already regret saying anything as soon as he heard his tone of voice. "You are talking about someone who has bought VIP ticket to see us, you know?"
"Yeah- Whatever. I told you it was stupid," Mitch mumbled.
"Guys, eight minutes!" someone shouted at the background and it was a perfect excuse for Mitch to leave the conversation.

Soon they all lined up and the show started. They gave all of their energies left for the crowd which was amazing that night. They were loud and energetic, singing along with the band. After the show they were so tired, they only grabbed their stuffs and left.

Mitch had a room on his own as usually. After Scott started dating Mark and he met Beau, they started to have separate places. Then they both moved away and something new has begun. Well, for him it was spent alone most of the time because Beau still had his job in his hometown. It was rather an occasional thing than a normal full-time job but he still needed to be there whenever he was told.

He wiped off his makeup, changed his clothes and pulled the blanket up to his chin while tapping on Beau's name. After a couple of seconds Beau accepted the call. "Hi baby, how was your day?"
"It was cool. The interview went fine and our crowd was beyond amazing." Mitch yawned. "What about you?"
"I had a lazy day, nothing much to do."
They've been talking for a while as always. Soon Mitch felt so sleepy that he decided to say goodbye. They were going to see each other in a two days anyway.


He woke up quite early compared to how tired he felt last night. He packed his suitcase and sat down on the bed to see what he got yesterday evening. A bunch of sweet letters, breathtaking arts, he couldn't help but smile- until he recognized the same handwriting he read before. His throat was tight.

'this game with you has just started and soon I'm going to play a little bit harder'

Okay, this was sick. Even if he thought that the last letter was only worded in a weird way, this one was definitely on purpose. Many people told him that they were going to meet him again or complimented him but this one was just completely insane. He threw the envelope into his suitcase and zipped it. He needed some real company like- right now.

He texted Scott but didn't get a reply. Kirstie was in the city with Ben, she told Mitch yesterday that they were planning to eat breakfast somewhere. Matt and Kevin were probably in their rooms. He texted Matt, too. After it turned out that he was right, he invited himself and joined them. For some reason he felt suspicious glances on himself. Maybe because he was usually the one who separated himself from the group. He acted like he didn't notice.


"I've been missing you like crazy."
"So did I." Mitch was curled up under the blanket, his head on Beau's chest. They've just finished watching a movie.

This time of the year was always quite okay. They've had some free days between performances and interviews. Their album was ready, the Christmas tour hasn't started yet, there was nothing much to do than just keeping themselves up. They had another concert in two days but until that Mitch was free to enjoy Beau's company.

He didn't mention the letters. He figured that Beau world probably react the same way Scott did and say that it wasn't serious. He really wanted to believe it so he decided not to draw attention on them anymore. If this weird stranger was appearing only at concerts, it wasn't a threat anyway.

For their next performance they were staying in Los Angeles. Beau was coming to see them but then he has to leave again, and Pentatonix was planning the following concert in San Francisco.

But for now, it was just them. They were talking for a while before falling asleep late in the evening.

However, around 3 a.m. Mitch woke up, much less relaxed than he was before. He sat up, tying to be as quiet as possible because he didn't want to wake Beau. His plans weren't successful though.
"Are you alright?" his boyfriend asked sleepily. Mitch only saw his silhouette is the dark.
"Yeah," Mitch mumbled but since Beau was already awake, he didn't feel that bad for complaining. "Just a nightmare." He took a deep breath and grabbed the blanket to cover his chest.
"You wanna talk about it?"
Mitch shook his head and when Beau opened his arms for a hug, he was happy to cuddle him. He closed his eyes again, trying to think about something else, anything else than those cold, green eyes on meet and greet.


His free days were nice and calm. He really enjoyed being with Beau, they had the same mindset.

On the day of the Los Angeles concert they hung out with the whole band. They were having a late lunch together, closer to dinner. Mitch completely forgot his concerns these days so entering the room of VIP made him realize that he was there again.

But nothing has happened.

They signed pictures and posters, they made photos with fans, they sang and no one acted weirdly at the slightest. Mitch was wondering if the guy didn't even mean coming to this show, so he decided to take it easy and Pentatonix had a flawless performance that night.

On their way out of the concert hall there was a smaller crowd as usually, screaming for them. Scott stopped for a talk with some of the girls in the first row so they all took some time to entertain people.

Someone grabbed Mitch's wrist at the cordon, and he automatically jerked his head up, meeting a blue pair of eyes. It was almost unnaturally bright, might could fit their Daft Punk music video. Mitch's breath hitched as he tried to pull his hand away but the man's grip was so strong that it was hopeless.
"Hey, could you please let him go?" Scott noticed what was going on because he stepped to Mitch's side. He was even taller than the man holding his wrist and smiled kindly. The guy didn't say a word, just showed an envelope between Mitch's fingers and loosened his grip until Mitch was able to make some distance between them.

His heart was beating out of his chest. Scott seemed not to care anymore, he left Mitch, walking towards their ride with Kirstie.

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