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Look at all the updates you're getting these days!! ❤️ I hope you're enjoying the story so far 😘


Mitch didn't even notice when he fell asleep. Well, he must've fallen asleep because his eyes were closed and he heard someone telling him to wake up constantly. But why? Was he late from sound check?
"Mitch, fuck, please open your eyes! Please..."
It was Scott. He sounded so nervous. Crap, he was going to kill Mitch if he missed the sound check.
"Where is my goddamn phone?! Fuck, Mitch, please wake up!"

Mitch really tried to open his eyes but it was hard. His head hurt for some reason. Anyway, somehow he managed to stir a little bit, to help his body being less numb and then opening his eyes was much easier. "Scott?" he mumbled.
"Oh, thank God you're alive! How many pills did you take?!"
"Wha- what?"
"Xanax! How many pills did you take?!" Scott frantically ran his fingers though his hair. As Mitch could see, he was close to have a heart attack.
"Scott, chill out... One I guess? What's wrong? Are we late?"
"Mitchell Grassi!" Scott raised his voice but then for Mitch's surprise, he burst out in tears. "You didn't answer my call, you didn't open the door- Then I had this feeling- I opened your door and saw you here with a- With an opened box of Xanax in your hand, passed out and I thought- Please, Mitch, never ever do that! Are you sure that you only took one?"
"Positive," Mitch nodded, trying to sit up but he immediately stopped, wincing. He had a horrible headache. Now he started to remember things. Not eating his croissant but drinking the coffee...

Fuck. It was Irish coffee. Coffee with alcohol. And soon after he got the call from Beau and- Anyway, he didn't even think about the coffee, he just took his medicine. Xanax is forbidden to take with any amount alcohol.

So was it all real? Did Beau hate him now? Heartbreak hurts so bad... Mitch literally gasped as the memories of the call came back. He pulled the blanket closer to his chest.
"Please, don't tell Beau!" Mitch looked up at Scott, who still sniffled, wiping his face with the sleeve of his hoodie. Mitch felt like shit for making him cry.
"Tell what?"
"That I took Xanax because of him."
"You- What? Because of him? What did he do?" Scott seemed like he was literally ready to punch.
"Doesn't matter, he doesn't wanna see me anymore."
"What do you mean? He's literally in the city looking for you."
"Is he?!" Mitch couldn't name the feeling he felt. He was relieved but terrified at the same time. He didn't want to look into Beau's eyes and see him being hurt. And he didn't want to experience again how Beau is not believing him.

Mitch wanted to get up but the alcohol and Xanax on his empty stomach made him dizzy. Scott caught him so he wouldn't fell off of the bed.
"Are you sure that you only took one?" he asked again.
"I promise, Scott!" Damn, he really tried to sound less annoyed as he did. He didn't want anything else but a bit of relief from being in so much pain, it was his stupidity that he did it at the wrong time. Meaning the coffee, obviously.

He forced himself into a sitting position but his body still wasn't into the idea. He only got into the bathroom to wash his face and drink some water but some minutes later he was leaning above the toilet, trying to calm his already empty stomach. Scott must've followed him because now he was kneeling right beside him. Of course nothing came up.
"Are you finished?" Scott asked quietly, gingerly stroking his waist.
"I didn't eat breakfast," Mitch answered. His head was literally killing him. He closed his eyes for a moment. Scott softly pulled him down for a hug from behind but didn't let him go.
"Scott?" Mitch mumbled.
"What do I have to do so you'll believe me?"
"I already believe you," Scott answered.
"No, you don't." A silent tear rolled down on Mitch's cheeks. He was so tired of trying to prove.


"He's definitely not here. The security needs to let everyone in, if they didn't see him, he was never here," Kirstin stated the obvious. "I'm sorry, Beau. I have no idea."
"I'm calling Scott again," the boy decided, and Kirstie nodded. She waited there as Beau lifted the phone to his ear. It took a forever time until Scott finally picked up. She watched Beau's expression as he listened, and when he dropped the call, she didn't even need to ask what kind of news he got.
"Scott has found him but he's not alright. I need to go."

While walking outside, Beau called an Uber. He met Kevin at the main entrance who seemingly know nothing about Mitch yet. The short road back felt like hours. The elevator was on the top floor so he ran up on the stairs instead and literally almost broke the door as he rushed inside.

He found them on the bathroom floor. Scott was hugging Mitch, who was crying and he looked so vulnerable that Beau immediately forgot about his own pain.
"He needs to eat something," Scott said. "He's really weak."
Beau clenched his teeth. Even if Mitch was cheating on him, he loved him enough to help. It didn't feel right to let him down. "I'm going to take care of it," he nodded eventually. Scott sent him a sad smile and gave his place for Beau on the floor. When he heard the door shut, he sighed.
"I didn't cheat on you, I swear," Mitch mumbled into his sweater.
"Let's talk about this later," Beau proposed. It really wasn't the right time to talk about their love life. He moved so he can help Mitch up. "We should go to your bed."

When they were both on their feet, Mitch winced and buried his face back into Beau's shoulder. "My head hurts so bad."
"I know," Beau sighed and stroked his back as a sign to go. He noticed the croissant on the nightstand so he immediately gave it to Mitch. "Have you been drinking or what?" he asked.
"Not really. Just forgot that my coffee had Whiskey in it when I took a pill," he admitted. "Beau, I'm so sorry! I didn't cheat on you. I promise I didn't."

Mitch's eyes were so honest. Beau had no idea what to say so he just listened.

"I can show you everything so that you'll understand. I promise I wasn't cheating."
"But was somebody in you room?" Beau asked, pressing his lips together.
"Yes but not like that! I didn't invite him and-"
But Beau didn't let Mitch finish. "Let's say that I believe you, you didn't cheat but I don't wanna know any details, okay? I don't wanna hear about anything that can be questionable. Let's just forget everything, alright? Whatever happened, it's gone, it doesn't matter now."

And he really meant that. He's been talking with Scott through the phone and he said that the thing with the guy in Mitch's room was solved alright. He didn't want to have stupid afterthoughts so it was better to let things go. He still had so many questions about the flowers and the letter, about his number but he tried to close them into a little box in the bottom of his mind and not let them control his feelings. He really loved Mitch. He really wanted to believe him.

As Mitch was looking at him with big, brown eyes filled with sadness, Beau couldn't help but leaning forward and giving him a small, soft kiss on the lips. "You're really special to me, you know?"
Mitch bit his under lip but nodded. Beau couldn't read his facial expression anymore. It was almost like he put on a mask, trying to hide what he was feeling. Was it a bad idea to ask him not to talk about that guy? But Beau was so scared that any further information had the chance to cause an argument. Still, there was this horrible feeling sitting on his chest, not letting him go. Whatever Mitch was about to say, it was important for him. And if it was important for Mitch, it should matter for Beau, too.
"You know what," he decided. "I do wanna know about the guy if you feel that I need to. Just not right now. Can we discuss after we got home?"
Mitch nodded.
"You'll have a concert tonight, babe. Are you feeling up to it?"
"I can't ditch it," Mitch shrugged. "I just need to take a nap. Can I have a painkiller?"
"I don't think you should take another medicine after this morning. Try to drink some water and get some sleep instead. Hey, are you sure you're alright? You're so pale."
"I'm fine," Mitch mumbled.

Beau wrinkled his forehead as he watched his boyfriend pulling the blanket to his chin. Now he felt that he should do something differently, for sure. He wanted to keep Mitch. He just didn't know how. And he didn't understand what was wrong with Mitch either.

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