Gym Class

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"Yeah mom?" I mutter in a whisper while walking down the school hall on my way to lunch. When I walked outside it was really cold so I hopped in and drove until I found a destination close enough for me to bear at. School. I really needed to focus on studying because I need to get into Harvard no matter what. Luckily I had my clothes in the bottom of my backpack and with all my school books that I needed from yesterday, "Be careful okay? Come home as soon after school?" I should have brought some perfume to at least show the crowd that I had a pretty good reputation for hygiene. "Okay mom I love you." I can't wrap my mind around the fact that I actually had a stepdad probably leaving my house right now or chatting with my only biological parent about how uptight and emotional I can get. That's what I'm usually called by my grandparents and aunts/uncles. Caley's reputation for the family is laid back and flawless. Just care-free. Patting down my hair that's sticking out of my bun making sure it would stay in for the rest of the day I had at school, I marched with confidence into the cafeteria. People were sitting on tables while the supervisers thought it was just okay to ditch their jobs even though they're getting paid for it. "Casey over here!" I hear a person speak. At first I spun around searching for the subject of who called for my name. Please be Alexa. My thoughts immediately were burned and forgotten. It seemed like my mind was mocking me. The person had a masculine voice and I can guess who that could be. Without making eye contact I shuffle away with my bag still hanging onto my back while me being the weak person I was, shifting the heavy load from one shoulder to the other. I don't want to talk to him after what Cales told me of how he dumped her. I don't even like the fucking guy! Adjusting my sweater and jeans that seemed to go up every 5 min, I mentally note myself to not look in his direction. But I can't help it with him with his arms pointlessly waving themselves in the air to show emphasis that he was there calling for me. Flashback to when he kissed me and stared at me with admiration. Then to kissing my sister at breakfast one day when he slept over. Tears force themselves out and are at the waterline waiting to spill out any minute. Wiping them off furiously, I huff and twist my heel to run away because a countless amount of eyes are in my direction giving me the look of terror. Yeah we have a look that people give us once in a while. It looks like the person is going to tear out your intestines and eat them in front of you going down in a slow painful death. The ladies-also known as his fangirls- just glare at me if I'm the prey and they're the predator. Way to make me the centre of attention, Pete. Again. They eye me curiously and then a male one comes forth to speak in a hush whisper behind me, "Hey isn't her sister in the hospital?" I spin my head around to see Jake and his other friends giggle around to create the spread of laughter. Pete eyes them carefully and out of nowhere, his fist collides into Jake's jawline and his best friend is on the floor in a matter of seconds. Gasping from everywhere around me I see the mock horror his friends give him and I bolt into a quick speed down the hallway far from the cafeteria. I totally saw red liquid come out from that stupid nose of his. Tears now beginning to rise I let them fall. "Casey wait!" I think Pete yells before I make a right turn and head for the biology room even though it's empty. People giving me curious looks as if they're saying the words with their eyes like are you crazy? The feeling of thick rough fingers brush my neck and Pete shoves me against the lockers. Shocked as I'm feeling, he gasps for air giving an entire minute to recover before looking at me straight in the eye without hesitation. Using all my strength for him to fuck off, he deals with the gap between us with a passionate and forceful kiss. His hands reach down to my waist as he brings me in closer to him. My hands stay to my side because I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them. Public affection wasn't my thing so me being a total party pooper I push away not trying to be completely rude and only squeak out, "We really need to talk privately." Obeying everything I say, he pushes me quite roughly into the biology room. The air is filled with toxic and the smell of frogs being digested. The click of the door makes me nervous because we are in a classroom with the lights off and I have that feeling that he's going to rape me. My special smell senses are tingling just a bit. "Before I can explain anything, I'm sorry." He kneels down on one knee as if he were proposing. Me acting like a queen because I'm sitting in a chair, I shake my head. "Why did you date her if you liked me?" I question him challengingly and he seemed to accept it. "I know from day one that you despised me which was in the second grade." He gives short little breaths from that incredibly short jog he had to do. Still without interruption he continued, "Gym class has only been the only class I can actually speak with you without being caught, and I thought if I grasped your sister, I can see you more." This whole thing started to click all of a sudden. I'm still tapping my foot on the ground impatiently because he used my sister and totally destroyed her. As if he read my mind, "Excluding history, gym was the only class I see you with a non concentrated face. I'm stupid for using your sister and I'm deeply sorry and beg for forgiveness." He pleads with his adorable little face because he wants me. I'm not the person he should be apologizing to, "You have someone else you need to be apologizing to as well dimwit." I give him a mischievous grin and he does the same but he brings out his phone and texts her on iMessage. "Do you have any idea of how hurt I am by your actions?" Wow. I sound like a fricken teacher! The time is being wasted because I arrived at school 5 min into lunch and hell, we have about 10 min left. It will be probably the end of the day when this conversation is over. "My sister is in the fucking hospital because of you and I bet you didn't even meet her to at least give her the simplest idea of apologizing." For him, I instantly regretted those words and wished I'd taken them back. They just spilled out of my mouth before I could close it. His face looked like I've stung him with a bee and heck he deserved it. Though he shut his eyes for only an instant before opening them again, "I did when you guys were sleeping. I kissed in the forehead goodbye and I put my number in your contacts." Question after question roamed through my wonderful fucked up mind and I pull one out, "Why were you making out with her if you really truly liked me?" His face lightened up and I have no idea why. "I can do tell the jealousy that formed your face Case, it was sort of funny to watch." His hands roam through his beautiful golden hair and my cheeks turned totally hot but before I can protest he wasn't finished, "I tried to make you jealous which I succeeded at and you know kissing Cales wasn't all that appealing you know?" I wanted to smack him in the face. This sort of conversation turned out into a whole fit of giggles and laughter. He touched her ass for heaven's sake and that was trying to make me jealous? I wasn't jealous, I was just angry at her for being the cool twin. I retorted back at him but he slightly shook his head. Anyway, without any more questions to challenge him with I stand up with him and give him a slight little handshake. Pete was sort of amused and surprised at the same time but he kisses me then so gently it felt like he wasn't really doing it. His arms carrying on from where we left off, are brought down to my waist as he brings me closer. The kiss goes in deeper and deeper and my fingers all of a sudden grow tingly and electrifying. After what seemed like eternity I speak, "You know that you've hurt me right?" I cock an eyebrow while he being guilty, shakes his head. His soft facial features are so hard not to look at but I stay in control with a giddy smile plastered on my face.
Not actually stay in control
"I forgive you." I brings my arms up to his neck and give him one solid kiss that will last me the whole day. His hair is so soft that I rummage through it but he doesn't seem to care. I guess I made my move. Maybe he isn't at all bad as I thought he would be. I don't really care about grade 2 anymore. What if he still can come to the Halloween party? When I asked him, he whipped his head around straight on me looking so confused and alarmed. "What do you mean?" Really? Are you really doing this with me? Did Caley not tell--
"Gotcha!" He grins like an idiot while tucking a piece of hair behind my ears. His hand seems to stay there so I decide to do the same. His thumb traces the whole back of my ear and touches my earlobe. Feeling so calm now, I never want to leave this biology room even though I decide against it when school is actually taking place. "Meet you there then?" I ask with hope and start to pull out my schedule for what class I have next. Gym. What a coincidence. Pete gives a slight nod and releases his hand which moves down into his pockets. Awkward moment passing, I give one last smile and head for the door. Twisting the doorknob, I feel someone grab my hand and I turn around. Our foreheads meet and I thought he was going to kiss me but he didn't,
"Let's walk to your locker..."

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