Gym Class

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This guy has been hanging around our house ever since he hit me with a stupid rubber ball. Yet, he still hasn't apologized. Idiot, as he is, he probably forgot to. Why do I care when every 5 min. he's making out with my fricken sister! How did she even end up with him in the first place? We were all in the living just sitting awkwardly quiet. I sit on the couch with mom because of my ankle and because I hate sitting on the disgustingness of the beige, well more like chocolate brown carpet. Caley pops in with her signature giddy smile and asks mom, "Do you like him?" Her green eyes fill with hope and excitement, while she stokes his surprisingly muscular arm. He flexes it when he notices me staring but I just roll my eyes and pretend to read a book, I Am Number Four. Way to embarrass yourself Casey. "Oh sweetie he's such a gentleman!" She sits up from the only couch in the room, which makes them sitting, and claps her hands together with excitement. Huh, gentleman up my butt. I don't care if he's kissed me and tries looking at me with those dreamy hazel eyes of his. Speaking of that, Pete has a girlfriend already, duh!
"Hey can I talk to you privately?" I glance in Caley's direction and she nods suspiciously. We stand look at Alexa and Pete while we slide away to my room. Well, not exactly slide. Hehe. "How did you even end up with that glob?" I make an ugly face to show her. She totally ignored my mocking about Pete and laughed heartily. "OMG Casey it was like legit the most romantic thing ever! I am in the same classes with him, but specifically Chemistry class, I was just drifting off, looking at Pete and he winks." She smiled, took my hand and laced it through hers. She has always been a goody two shoes like me until 9th grade. That was the year where she took cigarettes and went to parties late at night to her friends. I shiver from the horrid thought. Anyway, he told me to meet him in the art room after school..." Wait Pete did the exact place to meet me. Did that mean something? I look at her. Her beautiful locks are pulled out of her face into a perfect French braid and nails are painted an innocent lavender. "He pulls me close to him and whispers something so romantic, I felt like my heart was melting and butterflies filled my stomach. I could barely stand, literally!" She howls out with laughter and I shove her to get her back on topic. "He bends down, kisses me and proposed to me if I can be his first ever girlfriend." She pulls a thin strand of hair and sticks it behind her pierced ear while she squeezes my hands. I couldn't talk. I mean, I never liked him. She had a crush on him since Gr.3 and it's been what, 9 years since that dream has finally come true. I smile and pull her in for a meaningful embrace. Not just a sister-sister bonding, but a hug that shows the phrase, I'm happy for you. "I have another thing to announce!" She starts getting excited and I hate that. She slaps my shoulders and shakes the whole bed. "What?" I say curiously while staring out the window. I guess I'll estimate how many acorns are in that chipmunk's mouth to pass time. One. Two. Three. Four-
"Pete is coming to Dad's Halloween party!" She looks like she just got accepted to a the world's best university on Earth! Why? Why does that fricken brat have to come to the only celebration that I call fun? Why is it fun? Apparently Dad is the most popular guy in his neighbourhood who could pull off the best Halloween tricks! Last year, he made a 16 year old cry all the way home and dropped his bag of candies. "More for me then." Dad shrugged and nonchalantly took the bag. He was the best dad ever. Until he smoked weed and went to nightclubs every night. Mom hates that guy more than anything now! They wouldn't stay in the same room without arguing or yelling on stupid stuff. Stephanie can never give us a private moment with him now. Whenever we visit, she'd be sitting on Dad's lap or just lurking around keeping an eye out for anything. The only word I'd like to describe her with is just plain desperate. 17 years old now, Steph still buys us princess makeover kits for Christmas. I wonder if she's been 17 before, I mean it's probably way back since she's like what, 45ish.
"Why is he coming to the only celebration that's so important to me!" I start to whine like a little kid before she starts to get mad. "What so you can invite Alexa to Mom's thanksgiving dinner but I can't invite my first boyfriend to Dad's Halloween party?" She stands up and makes her way to the door.
"Are you seriously going to act like a little kid who's going to walk out on something so stupid?"
"You shouldn't be talking." She makes her way to the door and closes it with force. I felt like a dagger stabbed my chest multiple times. I sit there with my tears coming out one by one. I don't care if I'm crying, I just let them fall. I don't let out a sob or a sniffle. They just flow right out of me as though water is running from a tap. I shouldn't be crying about this. I have homework sitting on my desk which I haven't even touched and are due tomorrow. Better get started. I lift myself up and walk over with my mean crutches stabbing me over to my white bureau. I grab my trendy flower pack and pull out History homework. Yay! Going through my textbook pages I read but couldn't get my mind off the Halloween party. What will I be dressing as? Halloween is right around the corner almost a month away! I let myself forget about everything besides the Renaissance and focus. I don't care if my best friend is sitting and staring at my hot chick sister making out with the popular one. I don't care about my mom probably washing dishes in the kitchen and humming her 80's music. All I care about is Dad and school.

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